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Do you need to take a few steps to make a little accident?

1st Step, first place the Alchemy laboratory bench by the wall of the laboratory.

2nd Step, put the prepared semifinished product Alchemy Potion on the laboratory bench.

Third Step …………

Punk estimated the thickness of the Magic Tower wall, and then took out a handful of gray and black powder from the storage ring.

This gray-black powder is Burning Rock’s powder, with a purity of more than 80%, and in order to be “wonderful” enough for the next experiment, Punk specially grinded it into this kind of powder that is even finer than flour.

Punk’s plan was to disguise an explosion caused by an experimental mistake, use this explosion to directly blast his own Magic Tower exterior wall, and then put that cage Iron-Toothed Black Crow out to pretend that they escaped from the explosion hole Looks like.

When the time comes these intuitively sensitive Iron-Toothed Black Crow will surely escape to the position of the 5 exits of the branch defense array. At that time, it is estimated that the recruited Apprentice will also just arrive at the exit, and finally Punk can use the “grab back experiment” In the name of “Outdoor Escape Creatures”, I carefully screened those Apprentice who are one of the head out of fear.

The error of the experiment is very normal. Even the experiment of the Master Level Wizard will inevitably have an error. On the other hand, the explosion caused by the error is also very normal. Although the power of the explosion directly blasting through the outer wall of the Magic Tower is a little larger, but considering this It is the consequence of a Master Level potion’s mistakes, so it is not very surprising. Punk believes that several other Master Level powerhouses will only glance at a glance and no longer paid attention to.

And this explosion strictly speaking is indeed an “error”, even if this error was intentionally caused by someone, but Punk has Heitzita’s Magic box to shield the Divination to itself, so even Master Kirkwellen personally used the Divination spell to probe and show that The result is that it will only point directly to the “error” of the experiment itself, completely avoiding Punk, the experimenter’s own factors.

As for the last point …

Punk thinks it is possible to take advantage of this time to test how Brachel’s “personal relationship” is managed. The origin of these released Iron-Toothed Black Crows is not clean. Punk is convinced that Brachel must be able to handle these Black Crows. The question of origin, but he is curious how Brachel will deal with it.

Although this time’s action does not seem to be a major event, Punk has prepared so many cover-ups for this to look a little bit to make a fuss about nothing, but Punk doesn’t think he is too cautious at all.

At this time, the weather outside the Magic Tower window was very hazy, and the light rain was no longer known as when it turned into a pouring downpour. Punk stood in front of the window looking towards the distance ……… There is the north, also the Magic Tower of Master Kirkwellen Direction.

Although the gap between the strength and weakness of the Master Level powerhouse is not too exaggerated but it is never small, but in the perception of Punk, among the other 6 Master Level powerhouses of Truth’s Thinking division, only Kirkwellen makes him feel Extremely Dangerous. An old man who is silent as if it does not exist, Punk’s evaluation is only 4 words-deep and unmeasurable!

So for Punk, no matter how cautious it is to engage in small actions under the eyelids of this terrifying Kirkwellen, this action is also a trial of Kirkwellen, if the old man specializing in Divination Destination spell does not find Punk behavior “Uncoordinated”, then Punk’s “host plan” can continue to be implemented, but if this time Kirkwellen notices and so on … then the “host plan” must be stopped immediately!

Rule Fragment is too important and too precious. This is an important opportunity and help for Legend’s road. Punk can’t tolerate any carelessness, and can’t tolerate any “mistakes”!

——Dividing line——

The empty laboratory table was spotless, and the potion placed in the middle of the laboratory table has slowly cooled down. Only a few orange bubbles in the blue and blue potion are still floating up and down, and the brilliant color of the array is in the thick glass of the potion bottle. Colored lines are refracted on the wall.

The preparation is ready!

Punk released another Destination spell between his hands. After carefully sensing the information of the Destination spell, he began to carefully prepare the spell in his hands:

“It’s almost time, 3 batches of Apprentice have reached the branch, and the remaining 5 batches of Apprentice are already not far, it’s time to start” performance “.”

Punk carefully checked all the plan contents, and then slowly walked to the test bench after finding no visible weak spots.

A small handful of powder dropped from Punk’s fingertips, and all the finely crushed powder was slid into the potion’s test tube accurately.

At the moment of contact between the gray black powder and the blue potion, the whole bottle of potion began to boil, a large amount of orange bubbles each and everyone formed in the potion, and the potion like the boiling water began to slowly turn into orange red ——red — —Bright red!

Finally, when the last powder in Punk’s hand was also put into the reagent, the potion had become an incandescent color with high temperature.

“Burning Rock powder has extremely strong Element activation properties, and Phira Crystal has extremely strong Element volatility. The Phira Crystal filled with fire Element and the blue water with the seal Enchantment are properly mixed in a 3: 4 ratio. Can be made into a “Fila Element Blasting potion” with a very strong explosion effect, just use a little magic power to catalyze a little ……… “

Punk shook the potion, which seemed to be more and more unstable, and said to himself:

“If you don’t use a small amount of mild magic power as the detonation medium, what effect will it have if you use a large amount of Burning Rock’s powder with a strong catalytic effect to catalyze? Very well, I declare to the outside world that I want to study this subject. After all, I Really curious “?

Punk gently put down the incandescent white reagent whose temperature was up to 1000 degrees. He could feel that the seal Enchantment he was blessing was about to be torn apart by the shock of Element. Within the next 3 seconds, there was a terrifying explosion It will sweep this small laboratory, and its explosive power is conservatively estimated to reach a master level spell level enhanced by the “Magic Power Compression” Super Magic Skill, which is enough to explode this not-so-strong Magic. The outer wall of the Tower,

“Speaking of which Burning Rock price is 5 trade points, Phira Crystal is also worth XNUMX trade points, for this plan I can be a lot of money.”

Punk reluctantly put down the reagent that had turned into a fiery blue to hook the head, and at the same time, he also released the spell in his hand-Anywhere Door!

This Master Level spell Punk can already be instantaneous, and now he is naturally familiar with it. Although he is very curious about this element ’s tidal response when the potion explodes, Punk still does not want to experiment with such a big explosion. Layer of protection Magic, so he decisively stepped into the Anywhere Door.

“So, let’s explode, smash that wall, and then tear open a starting hole, and then … there are many things to do”!

Punk expressionless took the exit from the Anywhere Door, and then immediately closed the 7-color door. He already had a cage of Iron-Toothed Black Crow in his arms, and next … there was only waiting for the deafening bang Too.

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