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Apprentice of Truth’s Thinking has no right to choose. At least from the Tutor who has been out looking for talents until they actually joined Truth’s Thinking, Apprentice’s choice has been very limited. For example, now they are about to enter the station of Truth’s Thinking branch. It will soon become Apprentice under a certain Formal Level Tutor. A good Tutor will be their biggest help on the road of Class Holder, and a bad Tutor may make the most talented Apprentice die early.

But even if this is directly related to the future path and even the life of the family, all Apprentice can only passively accept it.

Apprentice chooses Tutors, the treatment of talent outstanding and talent ordinary is completely different, the selection of talent outstanding as Apprentice is Master Level powerhouses, and the choice of talent general as Apprentice is ordinary Formal Level Wizard.

However, if Apprentice of a certain excellent talent is not favored by any Master Level powerhouse, then he will face the same treatment as ordinary Apprentice.

Becoming a good Tutor Apprentice is even more difficult. Those who really want to accept Apprentice rather than intend to perfunctory Tutor generally will not choose completely based on the information submitted by Truth’s Thinking. Most of them will interview many Apprentice in person, and then Choose your favorite recipe.

However, there are too few Tutors that truly recruit Apprentice. Most Apprentice faces nothing more than “perfunctory Tutor”, “perverted Tutor” and “no Tutor” these three options that’s all.

Yes, in some cases, Apprentice will not be selected by any Tutor. Apprentice without Tutor will generally be miserable. The “startup funds” of apprentices who have no money are basically borrowed from Tutor. , Tutor ’s knowledge is an essential learning step for most talented and ordinary Apprentice. It is not a good thing to be thrown on the periphery of the branch without any start-up funds. Of course, those who like to do experiments Or Tutor who has a perverted hobby will be miserable.

Tutor generally follows the “demand first” rule when choosing Apprentice, that is to say, the Wizard specializing in Alchemy can prefer Apprentice with excellent magic power control ability. Tutors who like to experiment with Dissection also choose Apprentice.

But most of the time, in Tutor’s opinion, Apprentice is completely useless and clean. It is a burden of trouble, so apart from the old man who stares at the beautiful Apprentice like Brachel will carefully choose Apprentice, other Wizards are just casual. Pick 2 “meanings” and you’re done.

As a Master Level powerhouse, Punk of course also has the right to “make meaning” to go through the game, but for him, he has to do more than just recruit Apprentice, he also has to take a serious attitude for his future Pay more attention to a certain Apprentice and draft it.

So Punk began to seriously organize an interview for Apprentice in a very as it should be by rights manner.

He first chose more than ten outstanding Apprentices including Anya, and then took a special day to arrange these Apprentice interviews. Even the location of this interview was directly selected in his Magic Tower.

I have to say that Punk ’s behavior is too serious in the eyes of many perfunctory Wizards. It really looks like he is seriously choosing Apprentice and intends to inherit knowledge. At least it is completely different from Brachel ’s old pervert attitude. .

As a result, Punk unexpectedly got a reputation for serious style. There are even a lot of Ordinary Tutors who think Truth’s Thinking finally wants to strengthen Apprentice’s training and reduce the perfunctory of Apprentice. Of course, Punk doesn’t know or care about these effects. of.

The preparatory work is actually very simple for Punk. It is nothing more than to inform Master Kirkwellen, who is still silent, and then ignore Bragri ’s complaint after Punk intercepted the beautiful Apprentice, and finally stay in the patched Magic in person. It’s over in the Tower Lab.

The scheduled interview time for Apprentice is at 7:2 in the morning, which is also when Apprentice come to Truth’s Thinking XNUMXnd day.

According to Punk, who is concentrating on meditation, the sun “Mira” and “Chicasa” outside the window have slowly risen.

After finishing his daily meditation, Punk put the languishing Iron-Toothed Black Crow in the cage aside, then came to a stone chair just Summoning and did it:

“Very good, so that the” care “for Apprentice will become a matter of course in the future, and there is nothing wrong with thinking about it, so next … Anyya … depends on whether you can give me a surprise.”

The glory of the morning light shone through Punk ’s back through the Magic window. From the front, Punk ’s body was completely obscured by the shadows. Only the scarlet lines were still flowing scarlet energy, and only the blue pupil was still turning. Cold cold glow!

——–Dividing line——

“I was born in Wizard’s family since I was a child. I have more knowledge than you have learned in your life. This time, Sir Saian’s Apprentice must have me. I advise you to get out as soon as possible because you are a surname. No waste, understand? “

A teenager in a gorgeous robe came to Anya’s ear with disgust and said arrogantly. His words were both unpleasant and unrelenting. It was hard to imagine that just now, the teenager who spoke such words was walking into the Magic Tower Shi once said goodbye to friends with a humble expression.

Now outside the laboratory door of Punk Magic Tower, Apprentices who climbed the 1000 steps are now and everyone are in the doorway of the laboratory. Although there are no servants in the Magic Tower to guard outside, there is still no one. Apprentice is dare to speak loudly, everyone either looks at their competitors with a provocative eye, or just introduces themselves in a quietly whispering language.

But whether it’s glaring at each other or secretly making a threatening gesture, there are no people who like to ridicule Apprentice, who is from a poor family, like the teenager next to Anya.

Generally speaking, Talent’s excellent Apprentice is walking with a strong self-esteem, in this case anger can not be avoided.

But Anya didn’t even care about the teenager with contempt.

She knew that the other party was disturbing her emotions, because the next interviewer was already their turn.

Anya prefers to believe that this young man ’s humble side is the real look. She actually understands the competition of these Apprentices who hope to become Master Level powerhouse disciple by fair means or foul. After all, this Tutor seems to be very serious. Type, becoming his Apprentice is almost the same as ascending to the skies with a single leap.

In fact, if this Tutor’s name is not Punk Saian, Anya will certainly mention 100% of the heart of victory, but now …

Those cold blue eyes flashed away in Anya’s mind. Involuntarily, Anya felt that her body was cold again.

Intuition tells the girl repeatedly that she has absolute qualifications for the interview, absolutely, definitely not a good thing!

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