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After confirmation by Punk and Brachel, there were at least 1000 or so Storm Eagles in the cave that had indeed been disappeared. The huge cave did not leave any traces. Only the dryness of the dung indicates that Storm Eagles have lost traces in this cave. It’s been a month.

“Master Level Divination spell-Improved Information Collection”.

Punk, who could not detect any clues, immediately used the Divination spell to track the trail. It stands to reason that most of the missing Storm Eagles are only magical creatures that barely reach the Novice Level. The Divination spell of Punk should be able to find their destination very accurately. ,but…………

“How about it, is there a result”.

Seeing Punk holding a color-changing light band without saying a word, Brachel also became uneasy. He could also feel the unusualness of this series of things. As soon as the mission of Gioni Zodas was released, Hoss Mountains and Gray Rain Kingdom flew Storm Eagle Montbe Windbeak, which is closely connected with the Air Trade Association, is crazy about unfathomable mystery. Now its 1000 clansman has disappeared without a trace. Even Brachel, no matter how nervous, is now smelling something different.

But Punk ignored Brachel, who was standing by and doing nothing. The 7 colored light bands created by the Divination Spell in his hand were automatically moved by the wind without wind in the cave. The other end of the light band was constantly sweeping on the cave walls, a little hazy. Light and shadow began to revolve around Punk, and this scene continued for more than ten minutes.

“This is a bit tricky. I’m afraid the task of this time is not as simple as we think.”

After dispersing the energy glory produced by the Divination spell, Punk opened his eyes with a gloomy face.

“What’s going on, did you find any clues?”

Brachel asked eagerly.

Punk didn’t answer immediately, he turned and walked out of the cave, and then carefully observed the entire outside of the hollowed mountain, and finally said to Brachel seriously:

“The biggest and most difficult problem is here-my Destination spell has almost no effect, and those Storm Eagle’s whereabouts cannot be explored.”

“Divination spell has failed? Those Storm Eagles are just Novice Level.”

“Of course I know that Storm Eagle itself is capable of shielding the Destination spell, and Montbe Windbeak is also dead. In the face of Master Level’s Destination spell, this group of Windbeak Clan’s Storm Eagle should have been completely transparent, but now it seems ………… The secret mastermind behind these things may not be be trifled with “!

The blue magic power in Punk’s pupils is spinning rapidly, and the Green Staff’s jade green luster is getting colder in the cold wind of the mountains.

Brachel, who no longer expects to find any clues from the cave, and the caves out of the tightly frowns, when the Punk Divination spell failed, the two Master Level Spellcasters realized that the people who made this group of Storm Eagle missing were definitely the same Master level powerhouse, and the other party has sufficient ability to shield the Destination spell, enough to make Punk, a Wizard that is better at Destination spell, helpless.

“Well, it seems that the clues have been interrupted, so we finally run for nothing”?

Brachel is somewhat helpless shrugged.

“No, we can still get some information from Montbe Windbeak and its ethnic groups.”

Punk carefully took out the identity card in the storage ring to confirm the above mission information:

“Gioni Zodas posted a mission at Truth’s Thinking, then went crazy at Montbe Windbeak, the disappearance of Storm Eagle Tribe, and then we took over the mission ……… So suddenly, there were so many first-class waits for 3 months major event, if it is said that it has nothing to do with the Owakin Acidmaw of Dragon Roar Kingdom, I am the first to believe it. “

“But this is not right”?

Brachel asked Punk strangely:

“The Dragon Roar Kingdom of Owakin Acidmaw is fighting the Maple Leaf Kingdom where Gioni Zodas is located. The thing that the Paladin family would accidentally call for foreign aid was revealed? And, if Owakin understood Gioni Zodas asked Truth’s Thinking for help, it Not to provoke Montbe Windbeak, believe me, the wise Montbe has 2 skills.

The most important thing is that Owakin is just an ordinary Black Dragon, letting it shield the Destination spell and mad Montbe Windbeak ………… It has this “technology”?

Brachel said that clear and logical, if not because of his intelligence collection ability has been cleared in Punk’s psychological credibility, this fat old man will certainly take “I did not receive intelligence” as the last piece of evidence.

In fact, Brachel is more worried about this mission than Punk. On the one hand, it is because of his proposal to receive the Dragon Slaying mission. On the other hand … Brachel still owes a large amount of foreign debt to the trade point. On the demand of the trade point, hehe haha The fat old man is definitely more anxious than Punk.

But Punk doesn’t like to deceive himself. Without the slightest hesitation, he exposes Brachel’s self-consolation:

“Let’s not say whether Zodas Family is really as just and rugged as everyone in the rumors, just say Black Dragon Owakin Acidmaw. How do you know it really has no Class Level? No arcane magic ability? Just because Zodas Family has a good reputation?”

“No way, how can I say that Zodas Family is also impossible to lie on the intelligence, the soul of clansman who was a guy who lied to Truth’s Thinking was still roasted in the crystal ball.”

In fact, Brachel still does n’t think that Owakin Acidmaw really has arcane magic ability, because Dragon with the Wizard profession is too rare … and too powerful, he seems to be more inclined to believe that shielding the Divination spell and driving Montbe Windbeak crazy Some magic equipment of Owakin.

Regarding Brachel’s rebuttal, Punk also has difficulty in judging whether his conclusion is correct or not. After all, there are still too few clues. Just a mad Montbe Windbeak and a group of missing Storm Eagle can’t explain anything.

However, out of prudence, Punk still kept a secret eye-Owakin’s hidden means and the credibility of the Zodas Family put a question mark on Punk’s psychology.

“Forget it, it is estimated that Montbe may have eaten the wrong thing. It is not Wizard. He likes to eat blindly. If he is crazy, he will eat all his clansman. It is not necessarily that. Let ’s go to Maple Leaf Kingdom. , I heard that the rice wine roast duck is particularly delicious. “

While Punk was still pondering, Brachel was already not in trouble with these problems. This optimistic guy has always changed his emotions very fast. Now he is still standing on the nest of his old friend Montbe, this guy has already begun to look forward to Maple Leaf Kingdom Roast duck.

But with Punk, Brachel’s food and wine is destined to be far away.

Without looking at Brachel, Punk turned and walked to the other side of the hill.

“Hey, it’s the wrong way. The direction is Dragon Roar Kingdom. Maple Leaf Kingdom is here!”

“Yes, it is to go to Dragon Roar Kingdom. Instead of going to Maple Leaf Kingdom to listen to the fooling of Zodas Family without knowing the truth, it is better to go directly to Dragon Roar Kingdom to see if the situation is good.”

Punk’s voice was replied in the cold wind.

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