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“Haha, I’m finally arriving at Maple Leaf Kingdom, Buddy Saian. What specifications do you say Gioni Zodas will use to receive our” well-intentioned people “from two distant places? I think it is not enough to meet the King specifications. It ’s only a few weeks since King came to meet him personally. “

You do n’t need to guess to know that this is Brachel, who has no sense of crisis. He is looking forward to his enjoyable (decaying) life.

After finishing the interrogation of Wyan tiger’s head, snake’s tail, Brachel and Punk finished the half-goat eating non-salty and light, and went on the road non-stop, although Brachel always thought that there was no need to worry, even if the positions of 2 people have been leaked , Owakin will not really have the guts to come over and fight.

But out of prudence, Punk chose to rush to Maple Leaf Kingdom and Gioni Zodas as soon as possible. After all, the strength of the Owakin Acidmaw is indeed beyond the specifications. Punk feels that Brachel can still look forward to the welcome of Maple Leaf Kingdom. The ceremony was just because he did n’t see the Black Dragon ’s powerful battle strength. If he and Owakin had a fight with Owakin in the Mind space of Wyan, he could not run better than himself. It’s fast—of course, it’s escape to Gray Rain Kingdom.

Along the way, Punk in a bad mood didn’t talk much, only Brachel was talking to her next to the obscene King must send some princesses to accept or accept, but fortunately, maybe I felt Punk nervous Means, Brachel is not clamoring to go on a scenic tour.

Without all kinds of bad delays, the speed of the two Master Level powerhouses was fast enough. They flew over two mountains in succession, and the two Wizards finally arrived at Maple Leaf Kingdom in the evening.

But Brachel’s good mood also stopped after arriving at Maple Leaf Kingdom.

After entering the first town of Maple Leaf Kingdom, seeing the scene before him, both Punk and Brachel began to feel surprised.

Shown in front of the two foreign Wizards is a “spectacular” scene. Of course, this “spectacular” is a very tragic kind of “spectacular”.

I saw that in such a small town, all the buildings showed a sense of vicissitudes in disrepair, and it was obvious that no one had to repair the houses damaged by the war, all on the verge. The dilapidated building is simply reinforced with wooden planks. The grass in the farmland is mixed with sparse wheat and grows unattended. There are even dried corpses on the streets that are eaten by hungry wild dogs.

The town is not a deserted town, because both Punk and Brachel can perceive that there are many ordinary people with low life force curled up in the corners of many “dangerous houses” in the town. Although the number of these people is not too large, there are also several thousand, but these Most of the people are weak, old and sick, and there are few young adults in the whole town.

“This … this is Maple Leaf Kingdom? This is how many years, how has Maple Leaf Kingdom reduced to this look?”

Unlike Serene in Punk, Brachel felt very surprised to see a town that was relatively fertile turned into a lifeless refugee camp.

Unlike Punk, who has just arrived, as a Master Level Wizard who has been active in the Hoss Mountains and Red Sand Ocean for a long time, Brachel has seen the prosperous moment of Maple Leaf Kingdom, speaking of which, in five-six hundred years Former Brachel also had a deal with the founding emperor of Maple Leaf Kingdom (a Formal Level Warrior). At that time, the Maple Leaf Kingdom that Brachel saw had a styled building, a hardworking and honest poor, and a large area of ​​Crooked Wheat. Quality farmland.

However, after losing a lot of money, Brachel concentrated his remaining investment in Gray Rain Kingdom. He did n’t pay much attention to the situation in the Hoss Mountains area. During this period, this fat old man only knew that Maple Leaf Kingdom was occupied by a Black Dragon. After half of the land, and now coming to this once prosperous country again, Brachel was naturally surprised to see the originally prosperous town turned into a tattered refugee camp.

But Punk didn’t understand Brachel’s surprise. He only felt that the old man was sentimental again. The troublesome Punk took the lead directly from the entrance of the town:

“What’s so surprising, it’s normal for the two countries to be hungry after the war, how can you even make this to make a fuss about nothing? It’s just some trivial things!”

“No no no, the war between Dragon Roar Kingdom and Maple Leaf Kingdom is more carried out at the powerhouse level. It should be reasonable that the impact on ordinary person should not be so great … But you are right, these things are right It does n’t matter to us … small things … “

Intellectually, Brachel, who has no feelings for Punk, agrees, but this fat old man is not the same as a “Netheril Inheritance” like Punk. Although he says nothing to do with himself, he is behind Punk. Brachel is still unable to bear and casts a sympathetic eye on several thin children curled up in the corner.

“It’s really troublesome. I didn’t see before that this fat old man was actually a fool with some Good Alignment bias.”

Seeing Brachel ’s “stupid” sympathy, recalling Brachel ’s kind-hearted sympathy and care for a child, it ’s not difficult for Punk to know that Brachel ’s Wizard and his self-interest are paramount, and Spellcaster, who regards emotional morality as dust, has The essential difference.

“Forget it, it doesn’t matter if you like young children, as long as you don’t interfere with me.”

For Brachel’s contradictory personality, although Punk feels that this Old Guy is a bitch and has a sense of violation of the arch, for Punk, his teammate’s “hobby” does not matter if it does not interfere with his own interests.

However, walking all the way on the dusty town land, recalling Brachel’s description of the grand scene of the Maple Leaf Kingdom Peak period, Punk really felt a little curious-Brachel was right, the extremely convergent battle of high-end powerhouse is not right Ordinary person’s World has caused such great damage, and even if the war between Maple Leaf Kingdom and Dragon Roar Kingdom tends to become fierce, the disaster of the war should also come to both sides at the same time. It does n’t make sense for the civilians of Dragon Roar Kingdom to pause The poor people who eat meat and Maple Leaf Kingdom can’t even eat brown bread.

But in fact, even if there are only two mountains apart, the gap between Maple Leaf Kingdom and Dragon Roar Kingdom is still unreasonably large. Compared with the cropped farmland in Dragon Roar Kingdom, the soil fertility of Maple Leaf Kingdom is only high Not low, but they let the weeds rag out in their fields.

“This is too far from Dragon Roar Kingdom. It seems that there is something wrong with Maple Leaf Kingdom.”

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon, and he touches his clean chin. Punk has a playful look towards the corner of the poor, sitting in a group of old, sick and sick.

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