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The intelligence investigation “deep into the grassroots” is over. In order to avoid more troubles or to avoid Brachel’s inactivity, Punk decisively left the increasingly deserted town in the middle of the night. After leaving a lot of food, I pointed out that the “safe route” provided by a Destination spell is Punk’s treatment method, and Brachel has no better proposal anyway.

After finally solving the trouble caused by unfathomable mystery, Brachel, who was still thinking about the little girl, flew to the Punk on the field and began to carefully organize the information about Maple Leaf Kingdom.

In a brief summary, the status of Maple Leaf Kingdom is still very clear:

Gioni Zodas, the Kingdom Guardian Powerhouse, is dedicated to wage war against Dragon Roar Kingdom. Even if the laborers hurt their money and never won, they would not give up.

For the poor and nobility of the Maple Leaf Kingdom, the Master Level Paladin Great General Gioni army decided to go to war, even if they were not satisfied, who would dare to say a word? In the case of impossible protests, the Imperial Family can only further increase taxes, and the military can only force the young and middle-aged labor force to join the army more frequently. Nobility will take advantage of this war to increase the exploitation of the poor. The people from above and below had to pay for Gioni Zodas’s dedication.

In the end, all the oppression and exploitation are of course carried on the ordinary poor. In this way, more than 100 years have passed, and a large number of laborers have stood on the battlefield. The overwhelming poor have begun to appear large-scale “negative versions without violence and non-cooperation” In addition, nobility has no meaning of convergence and exploitation. Maple Leaf Kingdom naturally appears as a “slum” town like Punk passed before.

To be honest, Punk thinks that Gioni Zodas has “deathed” more than 100 sides in this country, and Maple Leaf Kingdom can still stand up to today without collapse. It is really very strong. It is estimated that Maple Leaf Kingdom can continue to support Dragon Roar now. Kingdom Relief for the kind and rich.

Faced with the current situation of Maple Leaf Kingdom’s poverty and famine, Punk felt indifferent. Whether this Maple Leaf Kingdom was prosperous or not, he was dying. It was nothing to him. The only thing Punk cared about along the way was The fact that “Gioni Zodas has a stubborn character who likes to waste time on an insoluble or insignificant problem” is analyzed from the information.

But Brachel has great doubts about these situations:

“Although dead-minded Master Level powerhouses are very common, it ’s normal for those brains with diseased priests to drill the horns of their horns for hundreds of years ……… But the church of God of Justice does n’t care. Stubborn mess? Isn’t it afraid of losing faith? “

Brachel grumbled along the way, but more often he just talked to himself. The “stupid” behaviors of many God churches have always been many unbelievable problems that were less than Legend powerhouse 100. Brachel Complained and did not expect Punk to know the answer,

Unlike Brachel’s whispering complaints, Punk just kept going without saying a word. In fact, Punk really knows the reason for Brachel’s problem.

Punk ’s cheap parents are almost one step away from the Legend realm powerhouse, and the intelligence collected about God is still very rich, so, for example, this one is not a secret “God ’s secret” in the Legend circle, Punk knows Not less than the general Legendary Powerhouse.

There are many people who are very strange. It is obvious that many Gods have a wide range of knowledge and wisdom. They are also wise. Why do they have to do everything in the church that hinders development? Is it really because they are Are all old-fashioned and conservative?

In fact, many people have entered a misunderstanding, that is-God likes Power of Faith, and hopes that believers the more the better, church powerhouse the more the better.

But what is the real answer?

Does God strive to develop the church? No, the fact is just the opposite. Overwhelming majority God is struggling to prevent the expansion and strength of his believers in a roundabout way! how about it? Sounds incredible!

Perhaps in the eyes of ordinary Wizards, God is a loyal servant who belongs exclusively to Divine Portfolio. Every day he performs his duties diligently, he needs more dedication and dedication, and at the same time, he is extremely rigid and stupid.

But in fact, God is theoretically impossible against the Divine Portfolio slavery and there is no example of successful resistance, but this does not mean that they have given up their resistance. The extreme slavery of Divine Portfolio and the devouring of God ’s emotional reason are no God. It is acceptable, no matter how slim the opportunity is, no matter how inefficient the resistance is, and which God is willing to slowly become a puppet of the Divine Portfolio, so those Gods who have not yet been wiped out of self-consciousness are actually racking their brains in the dark. Of resistance-even if the use of these resistances is very limited.

Positive confrontation is obviously courting death’s behavior, so many Gods choose a roundabout way. In the case of hopelessness, the most basic means of resistance is of course procrastinating, reducing the speed at which Divine Portfolio devours its will as much as possible. First priority.

As for the way to delay the hind legs of Divine Portfolio is actually very simple-self-harm!

Power of Faith is the only way God survives and is the only way to maintain and promote their power, but Power of Faith is also the energy and power of Divine Portfolio, which is the best combustion agent that drives Divine Portfolio to devour God ’s will.

It is precisely because of this situation that many God will not concentrate too much on the development of their own church, and even many ancient Gods would rather let themselves go through the hunger and reluctance to develop believers, because the more prosperous the church, a God ’s The more powerful Divine Portfolio, the faster it will devour this God consciousness!

A prosperous church like Morninglord ca n’t prove God ’s power, it can only prove that once the cheerful powerhouse named Lathander has become a sad, wise Divine Portfolio puppet.

However, God ’s own direct orders to stop the development of the church are not allowed by Divine Portfolio. In this case, many Gods who have been gods for a long time in order to ensure the existence of the “self”, they often do not hesitate to make their teachings harsh to increase the believers. The threshold of sending talents to perform outstanding missions to ensure the weakening of their churches, as well as the organization of loose churches, letting the growth of cancerous tumors, and even launching various nominal meaningless internal consumption … All the purpose Keep your church in a state where it can barely endure without dying, but absolutely don’t think of a big development.

Perhaps this kind of self-destructive behavior will make God’s situation very dangerous, make their promotion far away, and make them have to save every bit of “sou sou sou” Divine Power has … … But at least this will allow a God to “live” for 10000 years.

This is why Saints in the church are the most outstanding, Saintess often performs the most dangerous and even mortal tasks-because God cannot tolerate the excellence and piety of these believers, it is very necessary to remove them as soon as possible “reasonably”!

Don’t think that the gods of Good Alignment are all really kind, unless the self-consciousness has disappeared, otherwise the kind will always be Divine Portfolio instead of God!

It ’s because God ’s seemingly foolish behavior is not understood by people who are not high enough, so many people think that God is a clumsy old-fashioned guy. In fact, it ’s really smart, and maybe someone is better than anyone. ?

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