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Gray Rain Kingdom, Gray Pond Swamp Truth’s Thinking Division, Tutor area, in Micahka’s underground laboratory.

Anya has fallen asleep on the velvet padded experimental platform. Under her, one after another complex Enchantment rune energy circuit. With the girl ’s breathing rhythm faintly discernible, a slender energy channel has been received by Micahka Anya’s spinal nerves, through this line of energy that is extremely sensitive to bioelectricity, can lead the operation of the entire array to Micahka. Change can observe Anya’s mental state at any time.

At this moment, because of the role of hypnotic potion, Anya’s body has long fallen asleep, but at the same time, her consciousness has also entered an incredible corner, or … entered her deepest Mind corner of.

“Envy! Anger”! !

In the darkness, a hoarse voice that made Anya feel familiar but incomparably strange suddenly roared and exploded.

In the next moment, the darkness in front of Anya’s eyes was instantly lit.

“This … this is” …

The stunned girl stepped back in panic, but her physical imbalance made her accidentally fall to the ground.

“It hurts … wait a minute, how is this possible …”

Anya subconsciously who fell to the ground wanted to extend the hand to hold the wall around him, but when a pair of white and childish little hands appeared in front of his eyes, the girl was stunned.

These hands are clearly just the palm of a 7-8 year old girl with dirty fingers and many small wounds. What surprised the girl most is that the master of these hands … is Anya himself!

Standing forcefully and standing up, Anya realized at this time that she now turned back to 6 or 7 years old and was still wearing a tattered and muddy burlap dress-that was Anya ’s most memorable one. A piece of clothing, this tattered “cloth” accompanies Anya throughout his childhood.

“What’s wrong with me”?

The stunned Anya felt not knowing what to do. She felt that her thoughts suddenly became muddleheaded. Many important things could not be remembered …………

“Hey! Little smashed, don’t hurry up!”

While the young Anya was still stunned, a very small but full of vicious and disdainful curse came from behind her.

Slowly turning back, Anya opened her beautiful amber eyes.

She recognized it. Wasn’t this the alley that was mixed with her childhood? Until 13 years old, she had been staying in this alley to make a living by begging. The terrifying slave was attracted by her fear of beautiful appearance. At that time, Little Anya had to say to dress up as a wild girl with a dirty and foul smell.

When Anya recalled this dark childhood, she suddenly felt that the scene in front of her was a lot more real, and the voices of the young girls who were abusing themselves aloud suddenly became clear.

“Look at that dirty bastard, I heard that her mother is a bitch, that kind of thing for the homeless to sleep.”

“God, it’s disgusting, look at what she is wearing, what are those yellow stuff, is it shit!”

“Stay away from her, my perfume is smelly.”

The three girls wearing beautiful and clean silk clothes are far away from the little Anya pointing fingers curled up in the garbage dump. Anya remembers very clearly that these girls are Eldest Miss from nearby rich merchants. Their clothes are all from the town. The best tailors woven a little bit, the golden thread was outlined on the bright silver collar, and the pale red pattern was engraved in the center of the skirt.

Standing under the dazzling sunlight, the girls were as beautiful and colorful as bright gemstones … Of course, their language and eyes were extremely vicious, especially the girl with diamonds on one of the skirts was disgusted. Made a vomiting movement, and the three pairs of disgusted eyes seemed to be three poisoned cones, straight into Anya’s heart.

“This … this is …”

I recalled this scene of my childhood again. Although I remember that Little Anya did n’t pay much attention because of hunger, at the moment, when revisiting this scene, Anya only felt that the laughter in his ears seemed to be getting bigger and bigger. With disgusted eyes and colorful clothes, it seemed to occupy his entire field of vision. The most terrifying thing was that Anya had never felt such a dirty, sackcloth clothes so badly and unbearably.

The laughter of the 3 taunters has not disappeared with the passage of time. On the contrary, their laughter is still getting louder and harsher. At the same time, the 3 gorgeous dresses have also changed in the eyes of Anya More and more bright, more and more magnificent … unconsciously, a deep anger and jealousy breed in the heart of Anya.

“Why! Why can they wear clean clothes and stand in the sun? Why should I have to put mud on the ragged sackcloth? Why can they laughed heartily like this? Why should I cry because of hunger? This is not fair, this is not fair, this ……… No, fair, fair! “

I do n’t know when, Anya has forgotten the truth and illusion, her amber pupil has also been infected with tyrannical blood red, and even the nails on the little girl ’s hands have instantly become red blades.

“Yes, how unfair, why can’t the beautiful dress be mine, why can’t the vicious eyes be dug down, grab the beautiful ornaments, and tear the people who hate you!”

The hoarse voice echoed in Anya’s ears, and the two strange runes, one red and one purple, began to hover in her right eye.

Looting … slaughter … anger … greed …

A horrible whisper corroded Anya’s consciousness a little bit, her heart was already wrapped in anger and jealousy ……… kindness? Anya couldn’t help thinking of the roar before death of an old homeless man he had encountered as a kid—when World became full of malice, what was the point of goodness?

“Release your hatred, vent your anger, ignite the malicious fire in your heart, and indulge in endless desires and hatred”!

The mouths with sharp teeth grow together, unconsciously, Anya’s hoarse roar has been blended into that weird language 2.

——–Dividing line——–

Anya deep in one’s heart What happened to Micahka is not known, but this does not prevent him from observing Anya’s mental state in his dream. In fact, at this moment, Micahka feels no better than Anya.

When he carefully used his Mental Power to explore the position of the visual nerve of Anya ’s brain, a strange wave full of malicious and dark waves instantly followed Micahka ’s extended Mental Power backlash, and when the Formal Wizard responded , He had been horrified to find that a trace of gray-black energy thread, like a living nematode, began to wriggle around in his soul.

“Damn … what the hell is this!”

Some panicked Micahka immediately started the Magic Array with Mental Power blocking, and soon, one after another invisible Mental Power light blade began to cut into the spiritual connection between Micahka and Anya.

But … it did n’t work. Black ’s unreal silk not only had unusual strength, but after being attacked, the black silk spreading in the soul suddenly increased the offensive. The spirit suddenly poured in, and a lot of horrible negative emotions directly invaded Micahka’s Mind.

In this brief moment, Micahka feels the pain called Anya’s anger!

“……… Anya, is this the pain you are suffering from? Really weird terrifying … But that alone is not enough to make me shrink back”!

Forcibly suppressing the large amount of violent emotions raging in the bottom of my heart, Micahka with a gritty look on his face gritted his teeth, and then injected all the magic power into the complex array.

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