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The morning of Charming Maple Leaf City was pure and cold. After a devastating war, although the country completely lost everything, the lives of the rest of the people were unexpectedly better, whether it was an epidemic or famine. The death of 5,000,000 hungry people in the war a week ago was completely resolved, and even the Gioni Zodas, who had always oppressed everyone, was annihilated.

Although it is inevitable that some people will be sullen or even weeping bitter tears when it comes to the deceased country, but after the final meeting of the Royal Palace announced the decision to “Maple Leaf Kingdom merged into Mobius Kingdom”, all people are still looking forward to the new life. Especially according to rumors, Mobius Kingdom is still a country with wise monarchs and very open political and financial affairs. This reputation may not be meaningful at ordinary times at this time but it has reduced the concerns of many people in Maple Leaf Kingdom.

“Although I am a bit ashamed of my ancestors after being incorporated into Mobius Kingdom ……… But since Your Majesty the Queen is willing to marry each other’s Prince, I believe that the two countries must be very friendly, and we” survivors “should also be able to get Good treatment. “

When the news of Livaci’s upcoming marriage with the other’s Prince came, most people and the little nobility thought this way. In some ways, this is precisely the value of political marriage-perhaps standing high is everything He knows everything about his heart, but those at the bottom will be comforted.

It is precisely because of this “revolutionary and innovative” atmosphere, from the nobility that is still distributing for the benefit, to the workers who pick up the iron pickaxe in the early morning to go to the “Sleeping Dragon” at the foot of the volcanic mountain to mine ore. For example, Wood, a member of absenteeism, hummed a little song on the road.

“Hey, Wood, have you heard? The latest news-Mobius Kingdom is willing to reduce the tax on the original Red Chain Stone mine by 30%?”

Walking on the road, one of Wood’s best coworkers trot over to share his latest news.

“Really, that’s really great.”

After hearing the words of the co-workers, Wood froze a little, then couldn’t help but smiled and said:

“I knew that Mobius Kingdom is a very good country. Thanks to Your Majesty the Queen. Although Maple Leaf Kingdom has become history, our life is still guaranteed.”

“Yeah yeah.”

After listening to Wood’s emotion, the dark-faced worker also agreed with his teeth:

“However, although the tax has been reduced, I still have to mine more if I want to earn Silver Coin. If I can dig out 3 Carriage Red Chain Stones before the next cold winter … I have the capital to propose to Deny Miss “!”

“Then you have to work hard. Red Chain Stone is the most valuable raw mine and the most difficult to dig. Generally, it can only be dug out of very hard stone leaf rock. If you want to get the approval of Deny’s father, you must do your best. get ready”!

Seeing his friend’s happy face, Wood unable to bear, who has been single so far, splashed some cold water on this fellow of proud of one’s success.

The co-worker who was awakened from the sweet dream turned his hammer, looked at the arm that was not strong, and finally looked towards the sky helplessly:

“Ai, I want the sharp-eyed old man to catch his eye and say that I have to dig up a full 4 carriage mine ……… Really, how good it would be if the Red Chain Stone mine could be lost in the sky … … “

“Don’t laugh, how can ore fall in the sky, you still want to be honest, today is a sunny day, we have to start work quickly …”

For the whimsy of the co-workers, Wood could only helplessly smile, seeing that the mine at the foot of the volcano was already in front of him, Wood had begun to enter the “working state”.

However, just when his words were about to be finished, a hot breath suddenly assaulted the senses.

“Hong”! !

Before Wood’s reaction came, a huge roar exploded in the worker’s ear, and a violent wind shock wave threw a lot of dust and mud on Wood’s body.

And … in the spilled soil, a lingering blood-reeking qi and sticky red made Wood unable to ignore.

When Wood, who was completely stunned, slowly turned his head, he was shocked to see that at the position where his friend had just stood, a piece of red ore of more than 2 people hit the ground a few centimeters deep, in the stone Underneath, only a pool of muddy blood and a flattened iron hoe prove some terrifying facts. It is very coincidental that if these ores are smashed, they should be able to fill up to 4 vehicles …

“This this鈥︹€︹€︹€?#8221;

Wood, who was completely scared, fell to the ground, his head blank, and he could only subconsciously look towards the sky.

At the next moment, Wood saw … that terrifying scene like the end of the world!

On the blue sky, a large piece of fiery-red smoke cloud centered on Sleeping Dragon Volcano quickly spread. Within less than a few seconds, the sky that Wood could see was all stained with red Then, as if the sky began to burn, countless meteorites fell like raindrops. The precious raw mines of the workers 鈥檡earn for something even in dreams were now the deadly Death God. Wood saw it with his own eyes. Not far from himself, 3 4 coworkers shouting for help were crushed by a burning meteorite!

in this brief moment, Charming Maple Leaf City came to a clean and clear time, large chunks of meteorite with no difficulty shattered the house shop, and the landing of each boulder can be lifted on a street The terrifying vibration, and the Fire Element carried on those fine broken stones ignited the wooden buildings in the city with no difficulty, and within a few minutes, the huge Charming Maple Leaf City fell into a fiery sea of 鈥嬧€媐ire.

“Your Majesty the Queen, Your Majesty the Queen, please evacuate as soon as possible. Sleeping Dragon Volcano has erupted. The old man’s house has a fairly deep basement. Maybe he can survive this disaster …”

Among the already empty Royal Palace, the only remaining Old Earl Kakarot was anxiously “admonishing” Livaci, but his face of “Your Majesty the Queen” did not change a little.

“Evacuation? Hiding in the cellar like the nobility that ran away? We are at the foot of Charming Maple Leaf City, why can’t you face death calmly?”

The cold and indifferent voice gently spit out in Livaci’s mouth. Although the disaster was near, the roar of terrifying became more and more dense. in.

“Survival? What’s the point? Just to marry the Prince who has never seen him as a queen?”

For Livaci’s calm words, Old Earl could only bow his head silently.

Without looking at the Old Earl beside him, Livaci lowered his head silently, and on the face she hadn’t known how long she hadn’t laughed, a naive smile flashed away.

A scorching Breeze blew through, and the ashes in Livaci’s palm were gently blown away

“Sure enough, unlike in the novel, the princess of the dead country can’t find a brave man to rely on” …

At this last moment, no one but Livaci himself heard Little Princess murmur.

The next second, a falling stone as big as a house hit the temporary Royal Palace like erasing a mark. In the light of dawn, the blazing flame dazzled like blood …

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