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Owakin ran away …

Standing in the middle of a lava lake spreading into a lava lake, Punk looked gloomy towards the sky in the distance, and the fiery ash fragments slowly fell like dark snowflakes, accompanied by the same fierce wind, and fell to The “black snow” on the ground once again danced to spread the destruction more …

Although Owakin escaped at an extremely fast speed, this does not mean that Punk has no choice. Just like Owakin ’s “Soul Mark” left on Punk, Punk has also left a more in Owakin ’s soul. The entrenched “Soul Mark”, with the Black Dragon’s serious injury, Punk estimates that he can’t do anything with this mark. Now in Punk’s perception, Owakin is flying to the south of the Hoss Mountains regardless of time. Look, it takes more than a day for the seriously injured Black Dragon to fly away from the Hoss Mountains.

“Ai, this time is really endless”!

Lightly sighed, I felt the warmth of more than 700 degrees of air being drawn into the lungs, but Punk’s heart was cold.

“Well, although this guy ran away again, but … my hunt will not stop, even if it is not for that Legendary Equipment, just to avoid future revenge, I have to hunt this dragon to the ends of the earth! But before then … “

The dust in the air settled a little bit, and the boiling glory began to cool slowly. Under the blow of Breeze, the cold-eyed Punk slowly turned to look towards the direction of Gray Rain Kingdom.

Unlike the previous “normal” mission, which lasted only one or two months, this time’s hunt may be expected to continue for a long time in Punk’s prediction. He must follow Owakin immediately, even if he can’t catch Black Dragon. He couldn’t recover from his injury with peace of mind.

Considering that the “Soul Mark” on both sides will not decay for at least 100 years, Punk estimates that this “Battle Royale” will not last for decades. Such a long time has changed many things. Punk had to decide whether the strange eyeball he put in Anya’s eyes would take it away.

“The Rule residue in the strange eyeball has an extremely important reference for promotion to Legend. Its importance is no less than that of chasing Owakin. Putting it in Truth’s Thinking for a month or two has been very risky. Waiting for decades Maybe what will happen afterwards …… Sure enough, it ’s better to get it back, although it ’s a pity that Anya ’s “experiment” was scrapped in advance, but … she is only a genius Apprentice, in this world is more genius than her There are still more people! “

After thinking carefully, Punk made a decision soon.

In his plan, he should rush back to Truth’s Thinking as quickly as possible, “handle” Anya indiscriminately, take away his eyeballs, and then use the fastest speed to come back and chase down the straight south flight without stopping. Owakin.

“It ’s really tight to calculate the time carefully, but … no matter how tight the time is, nothing can be done without the magic power being restored. Considering that the reporting process on the other side of the God of Justice church has been completed, I ’m afraid there is already a team of masters The investigation team led by Level powerhouse came to the Hoss Mountains ……… You have to avoid them, it’s really troublesome! “

Thinking about this, Punk can’t help frowned.

According to his perception of his own soul, due to the overdraft caused by the “Soul Mark” released by Owakin at the last moment, the magic power that could have been fully recovered in one minute now needs at least 5 minutes to recover half. It has to be said that the magic power overdraft The price is still very high, and now Punk has to spend a full 5 minutes of precious time to restore its magic power.

Idle is also idle, just now the lava lake is still boiling in high temperature, Punk simply took out a rock shrimp caught when arranging the volcano array and grilled it, and the battles continued to this point, even Punk He also began to feel tired, if there is an opportunity to taste some food, he would not mind.

As a creature living on a volcano, rock prawns are undoubtedly very heat-resistant. The high temperature of more than 700 degrees air is just right for rock prawns, but the heavy rock carapace on its body is obviously impossible to withstand several thousand degrees. Lava, as Punk puts the whole struggling rock shrimp into the lava, this slap big creature soon became motionless after an extreme spasm.

Waving his hands to disperse the surrounding volcanic smoke, Punk gently shoved the shell of the already-shrunk rock shrimp, and under the gray carapace, a group of crystal-clear prawns exuding fragrant air revealed.

Sprinkle with a little spice salt found in the Brachel storage ring, Punk bite a small piece of shrimp meat on the rock shrimp.

“Tsk tsk, the taste is really good, much stronger than dry food.”

Feeling the smooth and elastic shrimp fluttering between the lips and teeth, Punk’s cloudy mood was slightly better.

In order to save time, Punk’s food is almost always a homemade high-nutrition Magic dry food. This kind of “Wartime Special Dry Food” invented by Netheril Era’s Great Arcanist Coronara for Master Level Spellcaster is indeed nutritious, but … … Punk can bet that as a Legendary Spellcaster that does not need to eat or drink, Coronara who invented this dry food has never tasted the taste of this dry food. I am afraid that even the slum brown bread will not have “Magic dry food”. It tastes like wood chips!

Punk, who has been eating Magic dry food for a month, just took advantage of this “idle” 5 minutes to eat and drink. It is not necessarily necessary to stop and eat when the next day to kill Owakin.

After eating 5 or 6 rock prawns, Punk ’s magic power has recovered more than half, wiped the grease on his mouth, Punk began to feel his state carefully, although the time is very urgent, but he does not want his own The soul left repercussions after overdrawing magic power.

But … after the perception of this time, Punk was pleasantly surprised to find the only good news he encountered so far-he upgraded again.

Now Punk is already a Level 18 Master Level Spellcaster.

“Is this the effect of have accumulated knowledge and deliver it slowly? After reaching Level 17 and quickly upgrading to Level 18? However, it is really bad to upgrade when magic power is overdrawn, then the next upgrade will be extended for a long time.” …

Well, this is really a kind of complaint of bliss and bliss. Those Master Level powerhouses with a level card of 1000 years may spit out old blood if they hear it.

Although it seems very fast, this kind of upgrade is not unexpected. You must know that Punk has reached Level 16 when the Netheril ruins came out. At the speed of Punk, it has been in the Netheril ruins for more than 500 years. It has been very slow and slow to upgrade to level 2, and now the rapid increase of “have accumulated knowledge and deliver it slowly” is also normal.

“Anyway, in this way, I feel more confident when facing Owakin. With the Lifespan bonus of Half-Elf Bloodline, I still have more than 5000 years remaining in my lifespan, which is more than enough time.”

With a confident smile, feeling stronger magic power cheering excitedly in the soul, Punk was still very satisfied.

The upgrade was not a problem for Punk before Legend, and now he needs to pay most attention to it-still have to hurry up and take action.

There was no more stay. After the magic power reserves were safe, Punk immediately released a copy of “Kinetic Energy Rush” to the Sleeping Dragon Volcano. Truth’s Thinking branch is not close to Maple Leaf Kingdom. Owakin is still going south. Flying farther and farther … Punk’s time really needs to be hurry up.

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