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The desert is empty and barren, food is scarce, and water is rare. It may be difficult to see a plant or an animal for more than ten days of continuous travel. Only the endless yellow sand is all over the horizon … But, even in In such a barren region, there are still many struggling survival races and lives in this sandy sea. The rabbit and rat that have been eaten by Punk as a stew is an example, and now it is also encountered by Punk. one example.

That’s right, after a long day of rushing, a tribal camp as large as 3 human cities appeared in front of Punk!

This tribal building complex looks very underdeveloped. The outside of the camp is only surrounded by tall wooden fences. These at a glance know that there are many strange decorations hanging on the weathered wooden fences, such as A lot of animal bones, a few perforated rocks and even a few broken clothes were placed on the tribal fence. These things made the originally neat fence completely turned into a 7 8 mixed shelf, serious “City wall” has become a little funny.

“Tribes living in the desert, the custom of placing dead clansman’s relics on the fence ……… If there is nothing unexpected, this should be a Sheepman Tribe. In the desert, only these uncivilized Sheepman will build such tribes. Alive. “

With a lot of knowledge, Punk can judge the true identity of the tribe in front of him at a glance.

However, if it is just an ordinary Sheepman Tribe, it is not worth Punk’s footsteps. These savage Sheepman are not a hospitable race. It is the best choice to speed up and leave when they encounter them.

But now, the reason why Punk really had to dispel the plan to fly directly over the tribe ………

“Battle’s aura! The battle of Master Level powerhouse, the location is probably in the center of the tribe, one should be Warrior, the other … seems to be a Shaman”?

Feeling the breath of the two Master Level powerhouses, Punk ’s original leisurely expression slowly became serious, and two Master Level powerhouses suddenly appeared in his perception range. Punk impossible continued to fly away as if nothing happened, because in the other side While entering his own perception range, 2% of himself has already entered the opponent’s perception range, and using spell rashly may be mistaken for a symptom of attack. At this time, the most peaceful response method is to stop using both Master Level powerhouses. Spell or battle energy, everyone obediently and honestly walks with both feet, knowing to leave the opponent’s perception range or go to war.

Now facing two Master Level powerhouses that are clearly fighting, Punk feels very troublesome but also has to dispel the idea of ​​flying over quickly. At this time, flying over the top of their heads is very easy to be mistaken for the intention of a sneak attacker, and then Encountered by the warring parties.

There is no way, Punk, who does n’t want to cause a dispute, can only stop the release of spell on one side to avoid stimulating the 2 powerhouses that are in fierce fighting. At the same time, he also starts to walk away in the opposite direction. At this time, Punk has no mixed mind I just want to leave the war circle and then bypass the War Zone to continue to kill Owakin.

However, when trouble comes to the door, evasion is often unavoidable. In fact, Punk also knows that it is difficult to stay out of the way when he enters a battlefield. No matter how serious the two combatants played before, they found that their When a powerful unknown person suddenly appears in perception, he will have a lot of thoughts.

The weak side will hope to seek rescue, and the strong side will worry about the success of the weak side. Anyway, there is also an impossible issue of “peaceful people continue to fight with no heart in mind, and people passing by if they have no chance to rush off” such a “peaceful and friendly” thing .

The fact is not beyond Punk’s expectations. Almost immediately after appearing in the range of perception, the two Master Level powerhouses that are fighting are all beginning to move in the direction of Punk.

I saw that in the huge tribal building complex, the terrifying aftermath of the battle soon moved from the position of the tribal center to the vicinity of Punk. Large pieces of house fragments accompanied the Chen Feiyang that was crushed into powder, and roared in the ears. It resounded like a thunderbolt in just a few seconds. Soon, after destroying all the blocks along the way, the two powerhouse battle areas were successfully moved from the center of the tribe to the front of Punk.

Looking at the aftermath of the battle that torn and scattered everything along the way like tornado, watching the roar of the fragmented and broken space, Punk could only be sighed.

Obviously, neither of the two fighters ignored Punk, a powerful, unknowable enemy or friend variable, and the idea that Punk at first intended to stay out of the game became unrealistic.

“I have long heard that this desert is quite chaotic. Tribes, humans, and magical creatures are fighting for several oasis all the time. Now it seems that rumors are not telling lies, speaking from a certain perspective. Owakin chose this wild sand. It ’s also correct that the sea escapes. The chaotic situation here not only helps a low-key hidden fugitive to confuse the audio-visual, but also can make a high-profile hunter hard to move … Owakin is really a rare Giant Dragon. Spellcaster! “

Faced with the smoke that was getting closer and closer, and the space roaring, Punk could only sigh helplessly and then began to prepare spell. In his hands, the top of Green Staff had already begun the glory of condense Magic. No one knew that 2 were about to appear. What kind of reaction will the Master Level powerhouse have, the necessary defense, attack and even escape must be prepared as soon as possible.

The speed of Master Level powerhouse is still as unstoppable as ever. Just after the preparation of Punk’s spell, I didn’t know how many buildings were destroyed along the way. The 2 Master Level powerhouses that plowed a gully on the ground finally reached the position of the fence.

The next moment, accompanied by a deafening roar, a gold glittering silhouette suddenly broke the fence and rushed out of the tribe.

It is completely true to describe this guy with gold glitter, even though the speed is extremely fast, but Punk’s keen eyes still captured the silhouette of this suddenly appeared Knight.

In the scorching sun, it is not difficult to see that the armor worn by this guy dressed in Knight is almost all bright golden, and his short hair is also golden-bright and dazzling. Even the knight spear in his hand is golden-yellow. .

There is no stay at all. This “golden glitter” flying sideways out of the tribe came to Punk Charge without the slightest hesitation. With the overwhelming roar of the earth and the squeak of space distortion, this guy was as if nothing had happened. Greeted Punk:

“Wow, this Lord is so lucky! Punk Saian-my Old Friend, it’s been more than 500 years. You haven’t died yet? This is really a good thing! Now we are not only in the bright sun again In the middle, you can fight side by side again, I have to say that this is really ……… cool! “

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