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Kane’s crisis is not to be underestimated. It can be seen that this Master Level Knight is a kind of combat method that is biased to avoid counterattacks. When facing the enemy’s attack, Kane’s main defense method is to avoid the main, supplemented by unloading , Hard resistance is obviously not very wise.

But at this time, the blood-red weird rune has spread on the armor of Kane. These lines that seem to live come overflowing with a large amount of Abyssal Energy. Even Kane ’s fierce light system battle energy is inevitable in the resistance against Abyssal Energy. Stuck for a few milliseconds.

A few milliseconds is enough to decide a life and death in the battle of Master Level powerhouse.

After engulfing at least 1000 clansman’s soul, the Ancestral Spirit at this time has become as huge as the Demon crawled out of Hell. The black and red rune is burning on its body, and the mourning soul is in each body of the Ancestral Spirit body. The parts are wailing. The Ancestral Spirit, which was originally used to protect the tribe, is swallowing its own clansman unscrupulously to gain power. When these souls have been swallowed by the twisting and creeping Abyssal Energy, the transformed terrifying power is all supplemented to Ancestral In Spirit’s body.

“Proud ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh ah”!

The angry Ancestral Spirit made a wild wild beast-like roar, and a large amount of Abyssal Energy converged and even dyed its fists into dark black red. At the next moment, this concentrated Ancestral Spirit ’s fists of nearly all strength are portable with blows. The power of broken mountains fiercely fought towards Kane who was still in midair unable to move even a little bit.

“Damn it, damn it, how is this Lord so bad luck today, and wait until it’s over, this Lord is looking for a city pack to pack 5 6 of the most beautiful girls to play for a week!”

In the face of the heavy punch that Ancestral Spirit attacked, Kane was talking nonsense on his mouth 7 8 Bad words while gritting his teeth trying to start Attached Spell on knight spear, this time he had no time and energy to disperse the witchcraft on his body Cursed, if the first-hand trump card is hidden, then Kane will never have the opportunity to use the trump card.

However, although I do n’t know what kind of trump card Kane has, Punk is still watching.

Just when the heavy punch of Ancestral Spirit had just been attacked, and Kane ’s Mental Power had just extended to the knight spear, the spell in Punk ’s hand had no hesitation to release at Kane:

“Master Level Conjuration Spell-Kinetic Energy Warping Spiral”!

Super Magic Skill-Magic Power Compression!

The scary purple kinetic energy formed a beam of light with the thickness of a finger in Punk’s hands to “illuminate” Kane in the past. In this energy column formed by this kinetic energy, the extremely compressed energy was twisted wildly and twisted, all the materials that passive energy can encounter The energy and even the space have been strangled all the way to powder, and the pulling force of the space formed by the kinetic energy even attracted the things around the energy column to gather. Of course, after being involved in such a terrible energy distortion, the end of this material can be imagined.

I have to admit that Punk ’s arcane magic is really just right. From Ancestral Spirit ’s heavy punch to Punk ’s spell, it took only 2 3 milliseconds, and in this very short time, Punk spell cooperated with Ancestral Spirit ’s attack. Arranged a lore formation for Kane. If the current Kane tries to avoid Ancestral Spirit ’s punch, then he will definitely be hit by Punk ’s spell. If he tries to avoid Punk ’s spell, then Ancestral Spirit ’s Full strength attack is definitely not to be underestimated.

The most terrifying thing is that Punk ’s attack trajectory can still be adjusted. The “Kinetic Energy Warping Spiral” like the beam of light is under the control of Punk with the same precision as the precise guided laser. After being evaded, Knight, whose movement was restricted by Sheepman Shaman’s curse, was also difficult to avoid Punk’s attack.

From the time Sheepman Shaman was killed to the moment Kane was in crisis, only a second had passed. In such a short time, the shadow of death suddenly shrouded Kane’s head without warning. At this moment, Level 17’s Master Level Knight is faced with a lore, but he has only one chance to find a way to live. Once he fails … it is death.

“Hong long”! !

Obviously, Kane is not a knight waiting to die. Just when Punk’s “Kinetic Energy Warping Spiral” and the heavy punch of the violent Ancestral Spirit are about to hit Kane at the same time, the last seemingly helpless Knight suddenly exploded. The terrible battle energy fluctuated, and I saw that Kane, who had golden light flashing in his pupil, did not hesitate to raise the knight spear and rushed towards the fist of Ancestral Spirit. Under the impetus of the battle energy explosion, Kane’s speed was like a real laser The same flashes instantly.

“Want to escape my spell and resist Ancestral Spirit’s attacks”?

Seeing the beam of light from “Kinetic Energy Warping Spiral” slipping over Kane’s back armor, Punk’s eyes began to darken.

“Avoid? With the blessing of Super Magic Skill, the duration of this spell is as high as 5 seconds, and … Kane, you are too small to look at the precise pursuit ability of a Wizard.”

There was a sneer in the corner of the mouth, Punk accurately adjusted the attack position of spell, the kinetic energy beam of terrifying crossed a curved surface and continued to pursue Kane. In the arc area crossed by the passive energy beam, the space even collapsed A semi-circular fan-shaped cavity was formed.

“Oh-boom”! ! !

Accompanied by a sharp sound like a broken glass, Kane shimmered like a star. The silhouette of the dazzling golden light disappeared instantly in the explosion of purple kinetic energy and blood-red Abyssal Energy. The spell, battle energy, and Abyssal Energy ’s 3-way confrontation made a lot of space. The layers collapsed, and the purple red shock wave spread out in the form of a ring. Endless energy tides created storms, lightning, high temperature and frost out of thin air in the desert. The raging energy was completely destroyed within a few seconds. Nearly half of the city area of ​​the nearby tribe.

Standing in the hurricane of energy, “Spatial Distortion Barrier” protects the energy sand blown to Punk.

At this time, Punk was silently watching the center of the battlefield, where it was now completely surrounded by a large group of purple mist, even Punk’s perception ability was difficult to test.

“Did you die? It seems that the Master Level magic equipment on Kane is only the knight spear. It is not easy to survive the heavy punch attack of Ancestral Spirit and the hit of spell.”

Watching the crater created by the explosion carefully, Punk’s eyes were filled with cold vigilance.

Although according to common sense, Kane who was suddenly attacked by Ancestral Spirit and Punk fire should have been scattered ashes and dispersed smoke, but in the perception of Pingming, Punk always felt that such an attack was not enough to kill the one who hid the knife in the smile. Guy.

And it turns out-Punk’s intuition is not wrong.

Just when a large mist was about to dissipate, I saw the pale-yellow battle energy light blade suddenly cut the mist into two halves, and the next moment, Yu Wei ’s undefeated battle energy light blade flew to Punk without stopping. Come over:

“Asshole Punk, do you think this Lord and this stupid big fellow were killed together? You are a murder, a sneak attack. Did you see this Lord fighting a sacred one-on-one battle with this Warrior?”.

Along with the battle energy light blade appeared Kane flustered and exasperated’s roaring and swearing, and … just listening to it, Kane at this time turned out to be the same as in the Peak period.

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