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Since Punk did n’t want to fight Kane here, he released the “Fast Speed ​​Kinetic Energy Cone” not at all with any Super Magic Skill. When the light purple energy cone crossed a Space Crack and flew towards Kane, it remained the same. The vigilant Kane just flexed sideways to avoid the attack.

Only in this way, the piece of cured meat in Knight’s hands was wiped by the aftermath of the “Kinetic Energy Cone”. A common piece of cured meat is naturally very fragile. After the torrent of kinetic energy passes, the whole piece of food All of them instantly turned into flying pieces.

“Hey, it’s very bad to waste food. Just say it if you don’t like it. Now it seems that your guy’s temper is too bad.”

Even after encountering Punk’s attack, Kane is still full of ignorant’s gossip, but after avoiding Punk’s spell, Knight from the very beginning who is picking things up is not angry, after all, whether it is Kane or Punk already understand each other better In fact, Punk’s behavior is not beyond Kane’s expectations.

But in this way, Knight, who has been smirking and hitting haha, also realizes that it is impossible that he wants to fool around casually.

Seeing that Punk did n’t mean anything at all, Kane was just sighed in a pretentious manner, and then this hypocritical Knight put a helpless look on the broken wall and spread his hands:

“Tsk tsk tsk, my Old Friend, you need to understand that this thing is such a human nature of greed. Besides, there are so many resources in this year ~ so scarce, you ca n’t get any resources without greed, like this For “good youths” like Lord who sprint towards Legend, isn’t greed the necessary qualities that everyone needs? “

Speaking of which, the casual smile on Kane’s face slowly disappeared, replaced by a serious and serious:

“But … speak frankly, Punk, I do have a bit of a holiday with this annoying Evil Cult. This time I entered the wild sand sea also for part of the purpose of investigating this church, for good intentions and other inconvenient purposes. , I want to remind you, Punk, this Evil Cult is not simple, according to my information, before you and I had at least 3 not weak Master Level powerhouse into this desert for various reasons, but … They did not come out without exception. Today, the few people still have no news. How can such a thing not be ignored? “

“Be clear, what do you mean, Kane”!

Hearing a little information from Kane, Punk also stopped walking.

I have to admit that speaking from a certain perspective Punk also has a lot of fears about the desert that began to show a strange side in this film. In this case, no matter what the next choice is, at least now when Kane leaks some information, Punk I still want to hear it.

Unfortunately, Kane didn’t seem to want to send out information in vain. After revealing something valuable, the unadjustable Knight immediately changed back to the unhealthy appearance of hehe haha:

“Aiya Aiya, I said so much. Actually, I want to cooperate with you. This desert is so dangerous. Isn’t it important to have a” partner “to help collect corpses? And we haven’t seen each other for more than 500 years. What a great opportunity to meet acquaintances from distant places, this Lord still wants to have a good time with your fellow. “

While talking, Kane was keeping up with Punk on each minding their own business. It seems that I do n’t know anymore, and so on Knight is making up his mind to follow Punk.

Looking at Kane’s armor, which was still golden-bright and dazzling in the sunset sunshine, Punk pondered a little, and showed a cold smile:

“Cooperation? Well, I also heard about the strangeness of this desert. This time I came here to explore what mysterious mysterious veil is here. Now that we are all aiming at a weird Evil Cult, then We will start a “vigorous” adventure together. “

After expressionless said these words, Punk turned around and walked out of the ruins. There was no way. Punk knew that he really would n’t act. Even Foolish People could only keep an expressionless iceberg face as much as possible, as for what he said. I heard weirdness “,” The goal is Evil Cult “and so on is completely not worth mentioning the ghost words. To Kane, these functions are to confuse the audio and visual. It is a little unrealistic to want to fool Kane with a bunch of temporary words. .

In fact, at this time, Kane obviously wanted to treat Punk as a hired thug, but why didn’t Punk think of Kane as a hired thug? According to the current progress of Punk’s killing, it is not difficult to catch up with Owakin within a week, and after 3 or 4 days, Owakin, the horrible Spellcaster, will restore the arcane magic ability. At that time, Black Dragon will get At least 20% of its power during the Peak period. For the existence of Half Legend like Owakin, 20% of the power is already very strong, not to mention the Blackary has an unknown Legendary Equipment …………

Anyway, according to Punk’s speculation, Owakin was definitely not easy to deal with at that time. For Black Dragon’s breath, which is known as the “sore throat”, Punk was really terrified.

But … if there is a silly and uninformed Warrior who can help himself to face Owakin’s breath, it would be great. I believe that when Kane sees a Black Dragon, he will not doubt that this dragon is the one. The strange helper Evil Cult invited. After all, Chromatic Dragon is synonymous with evil. It is completely recognized by people. An Evil Cult with an evil Dragon will definitely bring everyone into inertial thinking.

Furthermore, it is not difficult to see through the Abyssal Energy belonging to Lesser Lord and the exquisite statue making process, the Evil Cult in this desert is indeed not to be underestimated, and the cooperation with Kane is also in the interest of Punk.

Of course, there is another important reason for apart from this that Punk decided to go with Kane, the time bomb …

That’s because … Kane, he couldn’t get rid of it.

Kane is also a Level 17 Master Level Knight anyway. He has to admit that as a “Knight” in the Warrior branch, his regular movement speed is still very fast, just as Punk wants to follow Kane. Kane can’t get rid of it. When Kane was right behind Punk, Punk had no good way, so unless Punk started on the spot, even Punk could only ignore Kane’s chatty tag-a-long.

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