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The tender season should have been a beautiful season with 100 flowers blooming. Even if the desert sand will only absorb the heat from the sun, it will not grow even a grass, but it still exists in this deserted sea of ​​sand. A little green representing hope-oasis.

Hazelnut Forest Town, for this small town next to the oasis, the tender season should have been the most celebrated season. At this time, the Hazelnut Trees around the town will all bloom and be affected by the fire Element and Earth Elemental. The red and yellow hazelnut flowers will continue to scent throughout the tender season. For the poor living in the desert, appreciation of the beautiful hazelnut flowers is one of their few entertainment methods throughout the year, let alone Hazelnut flowers are also the food and economic source on which the people of the town depend.

Because Hazelnut Tree carries so many meanings and sustenances, a unique festival with Hazelnut Tree as the core-“Hazelnut Flower Festival” has appeared in the 3 towns in the vicinity. Every day when hazelnuts are opened, People will put the lineage together outside the hazelnut forest, and then watch the beauty of the flowers while tasting the white bread that is rough and rarely ate.

But this year, the atmosphere of the entire town is destined to be completely different from the past.

In fact, at this time in previous years, the hazelnut flowers in this period of time should have been budded on the branches, but at this moment, only a bunch of ginseng and sand grains were placed in front of everyone in the hazelnut forest town The mixed ashes, the lit seedlings are still emitting heat waves. Under the high temperature, even if it is slightly close to this once forest, people will feel the skin burning.

There is no doubt that the hazelnut forest has been burned!

Even if Hazelnut Tree in the desert can secrete a special liquid that prevents the flame from burning, after several Wizard Apprentice summoned “oily film” to paint the trunk of the big tree, these trees have become the most flammable torches, only one Torch, the hazelnut forest in the whole oasis disappeared in the blaze.

Without Hazelnut Tree, how can there be hazelnut flowers?

Therefore, for the townspeople in the town, this year is a tender season without “Hazelnut Flower Festival”, and there will never be this unique “Hazelnut Flower Festival” in the foreseeable future. All Hazelnut Tree has turned into a flame to resist the fierce Sheepman. As a price, that beautiful forest and even a small half of the oasis have completely become a doomed history.

But maybe it was lucky, maybe it was unfortunate. At the most critical moment, the survivors of the town were rescued by the powerful and mysterious “boys”. The town is now miraculously without any loss, even if it is collectively impacted by 100 Sheepman However, the substantial damage to the buildings in the town is only a large part of the city wall that has been collapsed by the fighting.

Because the financial losses are not large, although the people in the town are very depressed, but people have not despaired yet, half of the oasis is destroyed, but the other half is normal, and there is no Sheepman ’s trouble. The town even has the opportunity to continue to expand, such a situation is still far away.

With a little hope, Baron, who “selflessly” gave away all the food in his Baron house, personally supervised and encouraged the townspeople to re-open the oasis and build a fence, and he also promised to at least 3 years Exempt the town ’s head tax.

Baron’s layout is really helpless. After all, his Fiefdom is next to this oasis. If the town finishes Baron’s Fiefdom, there will be only a little sand of no value. It is clear that Baron has to give pain to give The townspeople are welfare, even if it makes him feel very painful.

However, regardless of whether Baron was watching the food transported from his house store tears, the townspeople who received the food guarantee and the taxation were all ignited with hope, and now these townsmen are still alive. Under the pressure of a construction in a frenzy.

The farmers picked up their hoes and reclaimed the land under the scorching sun. The craftsmen repaired the city wall for free without asking for wages. The women made food in a frenzy to supply the whole town. Even children and old people were dispatched to clean up the scattered smoke. For a time, after the disaster, such a pleasant scene appeared in the whole town of Hazelnut Forest, if nothing unexpected happened. With the concerted efforts of all the people in this town, this small town can still exist as a wealthy town in the vicinity small reputation.

But … from the very beginning, this small town is very unfortunate. Their big benefactor Owakin is not a savior. He just caused a bigger disaster after dispersing a disaster. In fact, this little The town was hopeless from the moment Owakin stepped on it. Just as their efforts and determination could not resist the murderous Sheepman, the departure of Black Dragon could not allow them to escape Punk’s pursuit.

Now, as doomed, before the noon has arrived, Mira and Chicasa have not reached the highest point, Punk and Kane, two invaders each with their own thoughts but harboring malicious intentions, carry 2% Friendly came to this small town.

The huge roar made all the townspeople hurt their ears. The terrifying shock caused the city wall that had just been repaired to collapse. The shock wave full of gravel caused the townspeople of almost the entire square to violent death. For a time, widespread panic broke out again in this troubled town, and worried Baron and his escort had to rush to the “place of the accident” in the center of the town at the fastest speed. “.

But … when the Class Holder of the digital Apprentice Level hurried to the sudden crater, they saw the two silhouettes standing on the gravel, in this brief moment, almost all of them seemed to be released. ” “Improved Hold” motionless astonished.

For a time, the scene was completely dead.

“Big … Master Level powerhouse, or 2 Master Level powerhouse”!

With a cry of surprise from a person unable to bear, everyone, including Baron, was shocked.

Master Level powerhouse, in a small kingdom, Master Level powerhouse is often the true ruler of this country, they have incredible power, all kinds of unimaginable terrifying means, and a long lifespan called horror. It ’s all a “higher existence” that does n’t have the same level as ordinary person, but now, this kind of existence that I did n’t even dare to think about suddenly came to this barren town, and since it was 2 people, it makes me live in the country. Baron, who hasn’t measured any major battles, is so calm.

Without much time to look like anything, and even less energy to give orders to his servants, the fearful Baron quickly stepped forward and respectfully said:

“Dear Sirs, your arrival is undoubtedly a great honor for this small place, and Baron Tivas is very willing to work for Sirs”!

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