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So far, the performance of Female Ranger looks so strange to Punk roaring Kane. Not only did she not show hysterical madness and chaos like ordinary Evil Cult believers, she even faced the mocking of Punk and Kane Ruthless, this Ranger can still be calm and sensible from beginning to end, and there is no anger at all.

Although Punk knows, it ’s not that people who believe in religion will always be stunned by anger. It ’s not surprising that a powerful sect will have one or two beliefs and reason coexistence. The powerhouse exists, but … an Evil from the Demon The contrast between the Cult people and Sheepman Shaman, who is also in a church, is too huge, not to mention the terrifying and chaotic Abyssal Energy. When they are absorbed as a source of power, they routinely cause extremely terrifying soul pollution, like Those ordinary members of the public are just as angry as they are, and madness is more than what Abyssal Energy users should have.

But look at the Female Ranger who has no signs of anger now. She is like a fanatic of Evil Cult. Now Punk can even make sure that the other party is not thinking about the violent but thinking rationally, the glory of wisdom flashing in those pupils It won’t lie.

“Wait a minute, Abyssal Energy”?

With the passage of time, Punk’s perception has also become deeper and deeper, and at this time, he has finally found the Female Ranger and those Evil Cult fanatics who are out of place:

“Where did Abyssal Energy go? There is no trace of Abyssal Energy in use on this guy, and there is no such ugly statue hanging on his waist, and there is no messy blood decoration on his body and face. Could it be said … … This Ranger believes in the devil but does n’t touch the power of Abyss at all? How could this guy really be the top of Nightmare Cult? ”

After a hidden search, Punk Female Ranger found many places that were completely different from the church. For example, other church members hung the ugly Demon statue cautiously on their belts, but the Female Ranger did not! For example, other people are angry that involuntarily spilled a lot of Abyssal Energy, and the Female Ranger not only was not entangled by Abyssal Energy, a magic equipment on her body even implicitly meant to keep these Abyssal Energy out, these The behavior is certainly natural for ordinary Class Holders, but it is really a bit confusing to put them on the top of a Demon Evil Cult.

“It’s really interesting, this Nightmare Cult looks like there is much to do inside.”

Squinting slightly, Punk soon thought of a bold probability.

Compared to Punk ’s calm observation, Kane was still mocking foul-mouthed next to him. He looked almost afraid of this Female Ranger running away. Even in order not to scare the other party, Kane had n’t moved a bit now, maybe Nightmare Cult It really has a very important meaning for Kane, because in the matter of Nightmare Cult, this golden Knight is much more anxious than Punk:

“Xia Xiao Hahaha, if you say Collon is an Ancestral Spirit who is good at servant madness, like Shemon, a fool of Summoning a group of disgusting insects, then yes! This Lord is to kill the great hero of Collon, but this Lord The garbage was cut into pieces, and then this Lord also destroyed the ridiculous Sheepman Tribe. How come, if you are unhappy, come and kill this Lord. This Lord is waiting here. Of course, there is a small premise. Condition-if you lose … hehehe “!

Although every muscle in Kane is now tight and vigilant, the obscenity he pretends is still very realistic, and at the same time, the accompanying hand and foot dance when Knight is talking is also very strong, and it looks like he is just like being on top Just like the host of the Martial Battle Convention is giving a speech, considering that Kane has indeed been the Kingdom Guardian Powerhouse for several hundred years, it is not difficult to understand that this guy has trained his speech well.

Under the scolding of Kane ’s left mouth waste and right mouth waste, even ordinary people will inevitably get angry. These Nightmare Cult believers who have been burnt by Abyssal Energy are even and each. Staring at Kane with red eyes, all kinds of vulgar insults continued for a long time.

It’s a pity that their voice is not as loud as Kane’s use of battle energy, which makes their response very weak.

“Damn it! Lady Zola, this hateful Wizard and the damn Knight insulting the dead Collon Elder, even they dare to blaspheme our sacred Sir Demon God, how can this kind of thing continue to be tolerated, let’s get rid of it quickly, with Sir Demon God’s refuge, even if the opponent is 2 Master Level powerhouse, we are not afraid. “

Finally, the Formal Level lieutenant beside the Female Ranger was able to bear this kind of confrontation. Now he almost uses the tone of the command to resemble his boss’s admonishment. Seeing his confident look as if he really swarms up with no difficulty Tear your opponent to pieces.

Behind him, a group of furious church members finally threw away the mysterious and secretive reticent masks and began to scream, as soon as they were slightly irritated, these seemingly orderly mobs immediately appeared in prototypes:

“Yes, we want to let the guys who dare to desecrate Sir Demon God taste the pain.”

“Sacrifice them as sacrifices, this desert is our world”!

“We have unstoppable power, Lady Zola, do you want to keep the great Demon God waiting?”

The chaotic shouts were higher and higher, and a large amount of Abyssal Energy spilled out of the Nightmare Cult team. The yellow sand on the ground was slowly stained with blood red, condensed into a substantial slaughter breath and even turned into a subtle visible The evil spirit showed his fangs to Punk and Kane.

“It looks like it’s time to start.”

The people who saw Nightmare Cult could not restrain anger and killing intent. The cold words were also slowly spit out in Punk’s mouth. The fluctuation of terrifying spell quickly spread over the hazelnut town again, whether it was Kane or Punk. And Zola, who is a chance encounter, has been waiting too long, and it is time for this boring confrontation to come to an end.

She barely glanced at the church members behind her. The Female Ranger named Zola looked at Punk and Kane very meaningfully, and in her charming pupil, the glory of the slaughter suddenly flickered:

“Yeah, it looks like it’s time to get started”!

The soft words are full of complex emotional fluctuations. At the same time, Zola ’s dexterous fingers instantly pulled out the whip blade at the waist. With the sound of the air being cut, the cold and awe-inspiring blade on the whip blade was in the bright sun Under the irradiation, there was a glimmer of blood.


The sound of the sharp blade slashing blood vessels and skeleton sounds very clear even in the vast battlefield, and with the bright red blood flying up in the air … and the great head of the adjutant around Zola.

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