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Perhaps the leader of Nightmare Cult was really tough. When he said the name “Southend Jess”, Zola, as a Master Level powerhouse, shuddered even the tone of the tone. Looking at her, she remembered that this was called “damn” in her mouth. “Old man” people are already terrified.

But neither Punk nor Kane laughed at Zola’s fears, because after hearing the introduction of Female Ranger, even Punk and Kane were involuntarily stunned.

“Are you mistaken? Level 19’s Wizard? Isn’t this the monster that has sprinted to Legend? The Level 19 monster has been rotten streets this year. It can’t be seen in such a small and ruined place, this Lord’s luck Is it too much? “

The first person who yelled out was Kane. Looking at him, the emotions at this time were really emotional and not pretended. Obviously Kane did n’t even know that the leader of his goal “Nightmare Cult” had such a strong Strength, Zola’s intelligence really surprised him.

Compared to Kane, Punk’s performance is much calmer. After all, according to Punk’s knowledge, Level 19’s Master Level powerhouse is definitely not too much, but it is definitely not too little.

Although Level 19 is Half Legend, it is not reasonable to be far from the true Legend. It was stuck in the Master Level powerhouse of Level 19 and went to the sea. In the memory of Great Arcanist Vedrasia, the Master Level of Level 19 Peak Powerhouse was completely not worth mentioning in the battle of Netheril Era. Which battle should not be killed by 10000 8000?

Even now, not to mention anything else, basically every important branch of the Legend organization will have at least one Level 19 Master Level powerhouse oversee, such as Branch Chief “Master Kirkwellen” of Truth ’s Thinking Gray Rain Kingdom branch I know how many years of Spellcaster got stuck at Level 19 Peak.

Not to mention, is Level 19 strong? Maybe not? Now Punk has almost killed a Level 2 Wizard Dragon twice.

Therefore, Punk is not terrified about the concept of “Level 19 Wizard”, at least not as surprised as Kane. Punk is more concerned about the enemy’s record than the arcane magic level that is only one level higher than himself.

In the case of the same level, the level is always just a reference. Even if each level is improved, it will get a lot of strength, but this does not mean that a high level of battle strength must be strong. After all, there are too many factors related to battle strength … Super Magic Skill, magic equipment, special secret skills, fighting consciousness, battle venues, and even the state of mind of the combatants cannot be ignored.

In Punk’s view, the most typical representative of “battle strength is seriously inconsistent with Class Level” is Brachel, which is solved by 2 3 strokes. It is also the Level 17 Class Holder. Punk dares to guarantee that Kane can play at least 3 Brachel alone. !

It is precisely because of this that Zola’s phrase “directly lead to the Master Level powerhouse mysterious disappearance of letting the digital into the wild desert” makes Punk’s mood dignified, no matter what means the other party uses, it can solve several Master Level powerhouses. It is an extremely powerful proof!

You know, the Master Level powerhouse killed by Punk so far has only one parallel Brachel!

“To be clear, Ranger, what you mean by Southend directly leads to the digital Master Level powerhouse mysterious disappearance.”

The spell fluctuations dispersed in his hand indicate temporary peace, and at the same time, Punk narrowed his eyes and questioned Zola.

“Strictly speaking, five Master Level powerhouse souls were captured, their bodies were missing, and a Master Level Warrior escaped with serious injuries”!

Seeing Punk finally disperse the prepared spell, Zola also slightly sighed in relief, but when answering Punk’s question, she couldn’t help thinking of the terrifying vulture old man in her memory. Female Ranger couldn’t help feeling a fear rise in the mind:

“As far as I know, Southend has stayed at Level 19 Peak for more than 1000 years. Before more than 500 years, this guy came to the wild desert with a strange crow. With the power of terror, he quickly conquered the quilt. The Sheepman Shaman you killed-Collon, and then with the influence of this Master Level Shaman, he ruled 80% of Sheepman Tribe on the desert again. Afterwards, this terrifying guy began to spread his strange Demon belief and establish Now the Nightmare Cult everywhere like a cloud … “.

Speaking of which, Zola’s eyes slowly showed a bit of pain and entanglement. Obviously, this Nightmare Cult must have brought her very bad memories when it was established.

But Punk did n’t have sympathy, and he did n’t have the mood to listen to these bad 7-8 historical times, so he directly interrupted Zola ’s memories by saying:

“The key point, Miss, our time is limited”!


Slightly frowned, Zola begins to describe what he knows about Southend:

“This old man as a Wizard can use the power of Abyss. He can” sacrifice “to a Lesser Demon Lord … or” seduce “to get a lot of Abyssal Energy, and in order to get more and more pure Abyssal Energy, he needs a more powerful soul to seduce the Lesser Lord in Abyss to release more power, so this terrifying guy hit his mind on every Master Level powerhouse that entered the wild desert.

So far, the 5 Master Level powerhouses have all fallen under the spell of Southend. Some of them are Wizard, some are Warrior, and some are Stalker. They are also killed in a way that has nothing common with each other, some are killed by sneak attack, some are Killed by traps, some of them were defeated in frontal battles, anyway, the souls of those poor people were taken away, their bodies were also missing … Oh, yes, the only Master Level Warrior that escaped was Kingdom of Waibion’s Kingdom Guardian Powerhouse “.

“So this Southend has been hunting into the powerhouse of Kuangtao Desert? And every hunt he has done so far can be said to be successful, and he still hunts through various means, and does not depend on a certain specific Killing move “?

The more he listened to Zola’s description, the more dignified his expression was. The most frightening thing about Southend’s record was the fact that he “slaughter prey in a variety of ways.” This means that-Southend is A truly powerful and wise Spellcaster, and no enemy can be more tricky than a powerful and wise Wizard!

“Hey hey hey, I said this is not right. As the leader of an Evil Cult, this guy should be an out-and-out lunatic. This year’s lunatic should not be so strong.”

Kane also frowns after listening to Zola’s description, but he quickly thought of the kind of madness of Sheepman Shaman that he met before. It is difficult to imagine how strong a guy who believes in Demon like that madman can be.

But after the anxious Knight asked anxiously, Zola immediately responded to a shocking answer from Punk and Kane:

“… I don’t know why Southend wanted to create a crappy Evil Cult like Nightmare Cult, maybe to better rule ignorant men? Maybe just for fun? Maybe there is a bigger conspiracy? Who knows … … But I can be sure—Southend himself does n’t believe in Demon at all, and he is not crazy at all most of the time! ”

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