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Kingdom of Waibion ​​has a Master Level Warrior as Kingdom Guardian Powerhouse, and this powerful Warrior is also the King of this country.

As a Warrior, Tandack Breeze is considered excellent. Do n’t doubt that the Master Level Warrior who can be promoted to Level 1300 in more than 16 years has been regarded as “talent excellent”. After all, not who can be as “devil” as Punk and Kane. “For comparison, at least compared to most Class Holders that still hovered at the fifteen-sixteen level until old age, Tandack is still a little proud of capital.

But compared to being a Warrior, Tandack ’s King can do nothing. In fact, many ministers think that his family, His Majesty the King, can understand that even a little politics will not let the kingdom fall into this. The deputy fell apart from the raging situation of Evil Cult.

But it is a pity that Tandack is a typical Warrior with muscles in his head. He always likes to solve problems with his fists. In fact, he is not suitable to be a King at all. His throne is completely beaten with a bloody slaughter. His Domination relies entirely on his own terrorist deterrent.

After all, this World is a Powerhouse World. Even if it is no longer brainless, then it is incompetent. As long as it is strong enough, no one can shake the King throne.

When Tandack was promoted to Master Level, no one in the whole kingdom dared to raise any objections, and Tandack, who has always believed that “violence is supreme”, has since then identified a truth he thinks is “fist is always more important than the brain. “!

So the question is coming, for such a King, what makes him worry?

Is there too much wealth for merchants to check and balance? No, if the businessman is too rich, he will take away the money and let them return to no money.

Are the farmers unable to survive and plan to rebel? Not even that, killing a large number of people naturally can be shocking.

For Tandack, there is only one thing that makes him really helpless and even despairing, that is, his violence is gone!

It is for this reason that Tandack lies down on his throne and sighs and sighs.

The injury caused by the Magic curse has caused a lot of life force to be lost. Today, Tandack has changed from a robust man with muscles comparable to Steel Skeleton into a wrinkled old fogey, now sitting on the cold throne, Tandack Every day he could feel his power slowly passing by, and he could only watch this happen without any help.

Now Tandack not only feels helpless for his own body, he also feels helpless for his kingdom. When Tandack’s power is irresistible, with absolute violence to suppress, the kingdom naturally “full of joy, harmonious coexistence”, but when he When this “tyrant” was seriously ill, all the contradictions buried deep in the kingdom broke out one after another.

First, the digital real Lord publicly expressed his belief in Nightmare Cult, and then there were endless rebellions in the place, and then even Sheepman, who was usually not in the climate, began to gather troops and started 4 looting.

Tandack only felt as if he awakened and the entire world was messed up, one after another, which was very troublesome and made him helpless. Coming one after another, the ecstatic Tandack could only lie on the throne at this time. Watching his kingdom fall apart, watching the tentacles of Nightmare Cult envelope all the cities …

“What a shame, didn’t expect my Tandack to become a sad king of the kingdom.”

Picking up a glass of wine with trembling dry fingers and drinking it slowly, feeling the spicyness of the wine in his throat, Tandack was heavily sighed again.

“His Majesty the King, His Majesty the King”!

Just when Tandack was sad and wanted to relax the battle energy and let the alcohol infiltrate, a sudden sound rang in the empty Royal Palace hall.

“This voice is … Guard Captain? When did Guard Captain come over … It’s sad, my perception has degraded to the point that even a Warrior who has just entered Formal Level can’t sense the level?”

Thinking of this, Tandack suddenly felt a nameless anger rise in his heart. He sat up suddenly and looked out without looking at it, then roared loudly:

“Go for me! Come for me! I haven’t been reduced to the need for bodyguard protection and the need for a maid to serve the level, all go!”

The silver wine glass fiercely in his angry hand threw it toward the center of the hall. The explosive battle energy gave the wine glass terrifying power. With a sound of breaking the air, the wine glass pressed into a sphere by the air almost quickly penetrated the space. Flying over the hall and blasting the three silhouettes in the center, the shock wave even made the Royal Palace’s magically strengthened walls crack.


Almost as soon as the wine glass flew in front of him, the head of the bodyguard even thought he was going to be seriously injured. After all, this is a Master Level Warrior throwing a glass of wine under anger, even if this Master Level Warrior is already weak to the dying level. The hit power is still not a small Formal Level Warrior can resist.

But when the head of the bodyguard closed his eyes and condensed battle energy to prepare for hard impact resistance, with a deafening explosion, his fearful attack did not all come.

With slightly frightened eyes opened, the chief of the guard saw a palm covered with black scales! And the wreckage of the “wine glass” that had been melted due to the high temperature generated by the fast and high speed fell along the dragon scales on the palm of the hand and fell on the floor of the hall.

“Tandack Breeze, out of politeness, I can call you His Majesty the King. Although I am only a traveler, I still want to remind you that casual anger against innocent people is by no means a qualified King.”

Slowly dispersed the black dragon scales, a black hair boy walked past the head of the guard calmly, and then he lifted the head without shyness to face His Majesty the King on the throne.

You do n’t need to guess, and this young man … just followed Aisha to Owakin at the Royal Palace.

“My work style doesn’t need someone’s pointing fingers! It’s you … a Master Level powerhouse? And it doesn’t seem to be human, hehe, my kingdom is really lively, I am a king, and all the ghosts, snakes and gods come out “”.

With a self-deprecating smile, he felt Owakin’s deliberate breath, and Tandack quickly converged his unprovoked anger.

If according to his previous temper, anyone who wanted to talk to himself would have a fight to say first, but now …

Watching Owakin smile with a goodwill, Tandack slumped weakly on his throne again and gasped.

Although Owakin ’s Soul Aura gave Tandack a strange sense of dissonance, but even on the surface of observation, the King knew that he was definitely not the opponent of this teenager. In the final analysis, he was just hanging It’s only half foggy old fogey, even throwing a glass of wine will feel uneven breath, the gas and so on are almost the same as not.

(Ask for votes at the end of the month ~)

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