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(This is chapter 400 20 8, sorry for the wrong number of chapters ~)

The young man who walked in from the door was wearing the most distinguished “3 color” robe in the wild desert, one after another, the colorful silk road was even dotted with many small gems, these gems reflected the colorful brilliance in the sunlight, beautiful The halo makes the robe look extremely noble, and it is simply gorgeous. The youthful clothes are more gorgeous than the sum of the decorations of everyone in the hall.

However, this young man was obviously not a Class Holder, so he did not realize what level of powerhouse Owakin was in the hall, and he seemed to be very happy. His eyes had always been set on King Tandack. Like good children pray for praise.

Yes, just pray!

Next, the young man directly ignored Owakin and the others who were still standing in the lobby, and then he began to report to the absent King Tandack with a very solemn and proud voice:

“Dear great-grandfather Sir, through discussions with the Batani Chamber of Commerce and the Dandelion Business Alliance, we Breeze Royal Family has finally successfully invested in the bulk salt trade next year, and we are expected to earn a few dollars in this trade 1000 gold coins net profit.

Moreover, by manipulating the competition and cooperation of the two Chamber of Commerce, I have successfully controlled Modifen ’s 2% share of the economy. Modifen Baron has once again announced his loyalty to the Royal Family, including the Modifen family. 60 Real power nobility also expressed its willingness to issue a statement in support of Breeze Royal Family ………… ”

Talking endlessly about his achievements, the young man’s face was full of joy, and he seemed to be extremely proud of his achievements.

But … Obviously, Tandack, who has just opened his scars and burned, has been annoyed. Even if they are far away, Class Holders like Owakin and Aisha can obviously see the trembling of Tandack ’s index finger, and they know their great -Grandfather’s Aisha immediately realized that His Majesty the King, known as a tyrant, was already impatient.

“Hello, Royal Brother Dick, please, stop talking!”

Aisha quietly turned her head to remind her that she became the “Royal Brother Dick” man. It seems that the man who just walked into the Royal Palace is Aisha’s big brother.

However, as Class Holder, Aisha can clearly see King Tandack ’s small movements to know the other party ’s impatience, but the ordinary person ’s Dick ca n’t see anything. Of course, because of this, he did n’t realize that his great-grandfather is about to Signs of anger.

Dick, who was interrupted by his proud results report, was very unhappy, so he turned around looking towards Aisha as gracefully as possible and immediately began to criticize his younger sister:

“Aisha Breeze, I just want to report your affairs to my grandfather Sir. According to the mercenary union branch, you actually pretended to be a mercenary to follow the caravans? You still know that you are a princess of a kingdom , Royal Family ’s face has left you completely lost. What if someone else knows such a thing? People will question that the Breeze family princess is actually mixed with the crude mercenary? “

Dick seemed to talk more and more vigorously, and then he pointed his finger at Aisha and screamed loudly, which seemed to have a feeling of taking advantage of the question:

“How can you become the next queen of the kingdom like this, you can’t even complete the history of the Lord’s family in our kingdom, and even go out to play when the kingdom is in crisis …”

Although Dick’s criticism is sharp and even stern, Aisha, who is in the scolded position, has only been looking at his Royal Brother with a pitying expression, and Owakin, who originally planned to persuade, also silently pretended not to see.

Obviously, this Prince Dick wanted to correct Aisha’s mistakes just as an excuse. His real purpose was to tell King Tandack about his excellence and … describe Aisha’s shortcomings, as for the reason why Dick did this … what else ? The dispute over the throne is always unspoken.

Seeing that Aisha didn’t even have a rebuttal, Dick’s face couldn’t help but show some proud expressions. I have to say that as a Prince, Dick’s actions are really incomparable to Aisha. I know from his report just now He can successfully control the economy, manipulate politics, and envelop nobility. Owakin, who has been King, is most aware of the difficulty of this kind of thing, and Dick’s ability to do these is undoubtedly a proof of ability.

But … Unfortunately, he encountered a His Majesty the King full of muscles.

Before waiting for Dick to point out Aisha’s mistake with a verbatim house rule, Tandack’s growl had exploded from the throne:

“Enough, Dick!”


Watching his great-grandfather irritate himself, Dick’s face couldn’t help but show an expression that was incredibly and unexpectedly mixed.

But Tandack ’s anger was not over:

“Dick Breeze, look at what you look like, what is the use of the flies camp dog goo with a group of businessmen nobility every day, only the lowest garbage will waste time and energy on that kind of thing, in contrast to your younger sister though wayward One point, but she has at least become a Class Holder, and she has also become a Stalker of Novice Level Peak. There are a lot of hopes for upgrading to Formal Level in the future. Look at you again. After so many years, she still looks like a powerless man. , What qualifications do you have to criticize Aisha who is much better than you “.

“But … but great-grandfather Sir, you told me to unite 2 business alliances, and it is necessary to get the loyalty of Modifen again … You are not saying that if you do these 5 points within 2 years, Looking at each other … “

Looking at his great-grandfather in surprise and disappointment, Dick’s entire body became weak, and his pale face looked like a layer of white paper.

However, Aisha’s reaction to Dick is very understandable. She knows how much effort her big brother has made for the two things that great-grandfather is free to say, but now Dick’s efforts have only received a rebuke, even Aisha has Some can’t stand it anymore.

Taking a careful step forward, Aisha seems to be trying to say something, but … what Tandack said next made Aisha I do n’t know what to say

“Look at each other? Yeah, I really looked at you differently. For such a long time, you are actually just an ordinary person. I have never seen such a wasteful Breeze family clansman. Look at your younger sister. She is nearly younger than you. At the age of ten, I can now find a powerful helper for the kingdom … Oh, that ’s enough, you do n’t need to be humiliating in front of Mr. Owakin anymore, hurry up and fiddle with your useless political economy.

After a deafening scolding, Tandack lay on the throne again and closed his eyes, making it clear that his attitude was to completely ignore his great grandson.

Seeing the appearance of Tandack, Owakin couldn’t help but slightly frowned. Black Dragon didn’t agree with the idea of ​​Tandack’s power supreme, at least such an idea should not appear in a King.

But … I looked down and didn’t know that I was thinking and so on on Dick, Owakin could only sighed without a sound.

These are, after all, household chores of others, and it is a bit impolite to intervene suddenly, and … the most important thing is that Tandack’s thinking cannot be changed by one or two sentences.

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