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Shaking the wine glass gently, watching absently with the white foam rising from the glass, watching each and everyone bubbles slowly expand and burst under the swaying candlelight, Owakin’s words seem to be talking to themselves again Slowly, as if whispering:

“Your Highness Princess Aisha, by this time I will say something straight ……… from the very beginning, when you saved me, I am afraid that you already have some different considerations in your heart ……… … I ca n’t say that all of your hearts are counted and do n’t have any kind of affection for me, but I am afraid that the purpose of “leave me for the survival of the kingdom” occupies at least 70% of your heart, confession of this time is also like this”.

Silently cut a piece of grilled meat with a knife, slowly put the grilled meat in the sauce and put it in his mouth, closing his eyes and concentrating on the food, Owakin was no longer talking.

All of her inner emotions are spoken by others. Even Aisha, who is usually carefree, feels embarrassed and unbearable. In particular, her “confession” of courage has just failed. The feeling of shyness makes the girl have a place. The urge to slit in.

However, although her inner thoughts have been thoroughly seen, the last layer of shady cloth has also been ripped off, but what makes the girl even more unacceptable is the fact that Owakin still wants to leave the Kingdom of Waibion. She dare not even imagine What will the future of Kingdom of Waibion ​​look like after losing the last hope of Owakin.

Looking at Owakin’s tight-eyed eyes, Aisha suddenly remembered what King Tandack said to her during the secret conversation:

“Aisha, the cruelest thing in the world is to have hope and then fall into despair again. Now the people of the kingdom have finally burned the flame of hope. If Owakin refuses to become the new Kingdom Guardian Powerhouse at this time, then The hope of the people of the whole country will be turned into a bubble … I have to say that no matter what before, after Breeze Royal Family has exhausted its last credibility to publicize, now Owakin is already the savior of this country, so your task is only One-be sure to leave this powerhouse, otherwise … more than 1000 people across the country will be reduced to Sheepman’s food “!

Thinking of the helpless look when great-grandfather said these words to himself, and looked at Owakin’s firm and handsome face, Aisha just felt like she was almost crying anxiously.

At this time, the anxiety she showed was definitely not mixed with a little performance. The girl who was only 19 years old was really bad, her kingdom was at stake, and the “savior” sitting in front of her may be at the next time. The second disappears without a trace ……… Thinking about it, Aisha’s tears can’t stop flowing out of her eyes:

“Don’t … don’t do that, sorry Sir Owakin, I … I shouldn’t deceive you, it’s my fault … please, don’t leave,

This country is almost going to be unsustainable. Do n’t let these smiling citizens lose hope again. They can hold there is a person. The savior is really … really not easy, if you leave … this The country is really going to corpses everywhere across the field under Sheepman’s butcher’s knife, so … please, Sir Owakin. “

The incoherent Aisha wiped away the tears on her face and vaguely made the last retention. The big drops of tears wet the girl ’s collar. The arrogant mask was gone by now. Show that Owakin is not the next queen of any kingdom in front of him, nor the girl who is about to become the wife of Master Level powerhouse wife happiness, some … just a helpless little girl, and those who cry on the road because they broke their knees The girl actually makes no difference.

“Ai, it’s really destiny. Although it hasn’t been caught by that guy, I really don’t know if I chose this desert is right or wrong.”

He was heavily sighed and looked at the girl who was constantly wiping her tears in front of him. Owakin couldn’t help feeling that the wound in his soul was tingling again. He didn’t know how to answer Aisha, or whether his decision to leave firmly was correct.

So far, thanks to the help of Legendary Equipment, Owakin’s strength has recovered about 50%, but thinking of the cold blue eyes without a trace of emotion in his mind, Owakin’s heart is still full of like falling in a ice hole fear.

… Turned slightly to look at the poor people still singing and dancing in the tavern, looking at the vicissitudes of the hotel ’s Boss, watching the smiles of young men and women embracing and drinking, and watching the expression of satisfaction shown by the elder old man … Owakin finally remained He raised his head and drank the ale in the glass, then said to Aisha in a hoarse voice:

“I can stay up to 3 more days to help you stabilize the situation, but … this is already my bottom line, and I have to stress again that my enemy is on the way, my stay will only bring you disaster…………”

Rubbing his stiff brows, Owakin’s voice gradually fell.

——–Dividing line——

While Owakin was still sitting in the tavern, hesitating while munching on the barbecue, at the same time, in an oasis outside Sandyrock City, in the ground below a lake, I saw a hairy, bony, bony His skinny old man is sitting silently in an old chair with his eyes closed to refresh himself.

If Prince Dick is present now, he will be able to recognize it at a glance. At this time, the gloomy old man sitting in the dim basement is the “kindly wise man” he encountered on the carriage, but the old man at this time There was no bright white flame in his hand. Instead he was replaced by an extremely distorted blood-red staff. On the shoulder of the old man stood a black curious crow with dark blue feathers.

The old man seems to be closing his eyes and recuperating, and seems to have fallen asleep, and beside his seat, a tall, muscular Sheepman Chief is reporting the scheduling of Sheepman’s army with a rude voice:

“Dear Sir Southend, the loyal warriors of Ironhoof Tribe have completed the assembly, and the Shaman of the white tail section is already on the way. The food just snatched from the human town is being stepped up. It is expected that 2 days later All Sheepman who is loyal to the Great Demonic God in the entire desert will gather near Sandyrock City. The power of Nightmare Cult is absolutely irresistible, and all the guys who dare to be the enemy of the Great Demonic God will be cut into meat.

Sheepman Chief ’s enthusiasm is not affected by the gloomy atmosphere of the basement. His pupils are full of bloodthirsty terrifying glory, especially when he says “cut into meat”, the strange Battle Mark on Sheepman Chief even seems to live. Come and twist like a spread.

The old man sitting on the seat, Southend, was not at all infected by Sheepman Chief ’s enthusiasm, until the shadowy basement returned to silence again, this inscrutable Wizard spoke lightly:

“Very good, Gonwa, you are one of the best Sheepman Chief, now you can leave, the great Demon God has remembered your merits, the rest, you just need to look at those stupid heretic in heroism Warrior ’s blood flowing into a river is just under the butcher ’s knife, you do n’t have to worry about other troubles, old man, I … I have my own arrangements for everything! ”

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