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Punk’s information from Filth Bird about Southend can be divided into 2 parts. The first part is information about Southend’s own strength, and the second part … is about traps arranged by Southend.

The record of the information was presented by Punk after being sorted by the system:

Name: Southend Omraken Jess

Occupation: Wizard

Level: Level 19

Age: 4900 6 19 years old

Status: Abyssal Energy Contamination

Majors: mind-affecting spell, Conjuration spell.

Minor: Alchemy spell

Good Super Magic Skill: Spell guidance (consume a certain amount of magic power to guide the spell to change the direction of travel after release).

Master Level spell good at using:

Conjuration spell-Blood Fiend Summon.

Conjuration spell-Griffin’s Eye.

mind-affecting spell-Traveller of Dreams

mind-affecting spell-Mozar’s Horror Heart

mind-affecting spell-Mind Shattering Storm

Main magic equipment:

Master Level Staff-Staff of Sorrow and Hatred (mainly attached-“Wailing Howl”, “Touch of Chaos”)

Magic partner:

Legendary Wizard Ophela’s hands-on work-Magic Alchemy crow “Vector”.

(Main ability: release Legend Level Conjuration Spell-Direction Interference)

Recent plans and goals:

Let Knight, who came to the wild desert, Owakin, a fugitive from Hoss Mountains, and Wizard from Truth’s Thinking, gather together in the trap and to catch everything in one net, and then through sacrifices including Female Ranger Zola, Kingdom of Waibion ​​King Tandack, The souls of 5 powerhouses including Owakin Acidmaw, Unknown Master Level Wizard and Unknown Master Level Knight obtain research resources, and then advance to Legend before lifespan runs out.

Lay trap-the violent Lesser Lord:

Temporarily open a channel enough for the projection of a Lesser Demon Lord, then hide yourself through Magic Array, and finally use the soul of 5 Master Level powerhouse to seduce the greedy Demon to attack, and destroy 5 powerful enemies while collecting Rule’s Power. Abyssal Energy of projection!

I have to admit that the spell of Filthy Prediction is completely an alternative cheater. After using this spell, fighting is as efficient as playing a shooting game, and if it is not, the side effects of this gadget are too scary and too difficult to use ( If you need the corpse fragments of powerhouse at the same level as the user as arcane magic material), its power will definitely make any Wizard below Legend crazy.

Especially when such a spell is used by a knowledgeable Wizard, the effect of transparent information is definitely not as simple as one plus one.

And now, obviously, Punk is a very “skilled” Spellcaster!

When I saw the strength of this Level 19 Master Level Wizard, Punk really felt that it was too correct to use “Filthy Prediction” at this time, because … According to a few descriptions, he quickly judged immediately- —Southend ’s strength is probably not weaker than that of Peak ’s Owakin.

Not to mention anything else, first of all, this guy has Super Magic Skill, which is very daunting.

No one knows the horror of Super Magic Skill better than Punk, a Wizard that is good at using 2 Super Magic Skills. From the sentence “When a Wizard without Super Magic Skill encounters a Wizard enemy of the same level that will use Super Magic Skill, Unless you have a powerful secret trump card, running away is always the first choice. “You can see from the words” Super Magic Skill “this skill can give Wizard a big bonus.

What’s more terrifying is that while having the ability to use a Super Magic Skill, the equipment on this Southend is actually very powerful. For example, the Master Level staff that has 2 offensive spells attached to it can only be passed through the two. Knowing Punk about spell, you can conclude that the staff in Southend’s hand is definitely better than his Master Level robe.

As for the crow with Legend level spell release ability …

Punk said-this is completely plug-in good or not! Although the intelligence shows that this Magic Alchemy crow is a Legendary Wizard’s “hands-on work”, but how to say it also has the ability to release Legend Level spell, although it is a Legend Level auxiliary quality spell with no direct killing ability, but Cooperating with Southend’s bunch of “Mind Shattering Storm”, “Griffin’s Eye”, “Mozar’s Horror Heart” and other spells are also terrifying, at least without knowing the information in advance, Punk thinks that one-on-one is probably not at all opponent.

In addition to this there is the trap prepared by the crazy crazy and ridiculous of Southend ……… The project of Summoning Abyss Lesser Demon Lord is too scary. After all, it is a projection of Lesser Lord, although it is only a projection of impossible uses any power that reaches the Legend Level in the Faerun Plane, but even if it is weakened like this, a Legend creature projection is enough to be a super fort with infinite magic power + infinite strength + unlimited health.

That is to say, when the projection of Lesser Lord is summoned, unless the maintainer of the array, Southend, is dead, no more Master Level powerhouse will be enough for such an invincible Lesser Lord projection to kill.

With these powerful methods, it is no wonder that Southend has the courage to challenge 3 Master Level powerhouses with such a trap.

But … despite the strength of understood Southend, Punk still showed a confident smile.

No matter how much Southend’s means are, as long as he is still a Master Level Wizard, as long as his information has been completely exposed, then Punk is fearless to him. After all, no amount of means is as terrifying as “unknown”. For Southend, Punk is an “unknown enemy”, and for Punk … Southend’s trump card has been obviously at a glance!

Now, in Punk’s view, Southend is not only a “boss” that can provide himself with a lot of precious resources and magic equipment, but also a good opportunity to kill Owakin and even kill Kane.

“A prepared Wizard is always the enemy’s biggest nightmare, and now, it’s time to practice this gorgeous truth again.”

After confidently sneering silently, Punk flew straight down from the mountain of the corpse without looking back.

“Hey, what about intelligence? Do you want to share your spirit a little, this Lord and you are good companions?”

Seeing that Punk had completely ignored him and was about to leave, Kane almost yelled, his expression almost frozen.

Hearing Kane’s shouting, Punk’s footsteps almost flew out of Moye City.

If you want the horse to run, you ca n’t let the horse not eat the grass. Think carefully if Kane did n’t know any information when he started the war, and it ’s not a good thing for him to be lost by the enemy when he rushes up Punk decided to tell Kane some information.

However, when Punk was about to speak, he slowly turned around and suddenly faced Kane’s nasty face with an exaggerated smile …

“Forget it, let this guy die.”

Punk, who changed his attention in an instant, immediately withdrew the information transmission that had formed the information package, and replaced with only a word that was not salty:

“Zola was caught”!

“……… This is over? That’s all? What are you doing to tease this Lord?”

“That’s all, love believed or not”!

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