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Southend didn’t know that his spell had been fully exposed and had been fully targeted, so just before Punk released the spell, this sneer Wizard still fiercely threw “Traveller of Dreams” to Kane.

His plan is to kill Kane, and then use “Touch of Chaos” to intercept Punk’s attack.

At the same time, Punk thought Rule was to use Southend to kill Kane, and release “Order Surrounding” attached to “Extreme Kinetic Energy Cone” to play Southend a completely unprepared, so he also specially calculated the time of his shot, just right It is guaranteed that Kane is hit by spell, and Southend is again in the vacuum period between arcane magic.

In this battle, both Punk and Southend have sufficient calculations, and just like many experienced powerhouses, they all have sufficient confidence in their strategies.

But … the fighting situation will always be so rapid 10000 changes, it will not always develop honestly according to the “plan”.

At the head of this sudden Life and Death Trial, the facts will prove to Southend and Punk the righteous words-no matter which Master Level powerhouse, unless he is a real parallel like Brachel, otherwise he dares to come out “wave “There must be” wave “capital. Whether it is on Owakin or Southend, or on Punk and Kane, it will undoubtedly be fully proved.

Although the enemy’s attack was close at hand, the Knight in danger at this time did not reveal any confusion and panic. In fact, at this time, Kane even had the leisure to coagulate the battle energy again while complaining:

“Ah, everybody is Master Level. It’s too shameful to use Legend spell and so on, but … just relying on such a killing move is like killing this Lord? You too don’t put this Lord in In my eyes “.

Kane’s arrogant complaint is full of confidence!

Just when Southend ’s spell is about to hit his armor, and just at the moment when Punk ’s condensed Magic has just released, the impudent and arrogant voice is also quickly spit out in Kane ’s mouth, and the sound explodes together … The blazing golden battle energy that haunts Kane!

Knight Secret-Extreme Sprint!

At this critical moment, Kane finally unveiled the powerful trump card that gave him fearlessness, and also fully proved the strongest capital he has in pursuing the Legend road-that is the powerful Knight secret.

In Warrior circles, a real “secret skill” is just as hopeless as a powerful Super Magic Skill in the Wizard circle, especially because various tricks are often called “secret skills” by vendors. The name, and the Battle Skill ca n’t find out whether it is a real “secret skill” without practicing deep, so the “secret skills” in the Warrior circle are not only difficult to obtain, but also need to be carefully distinguished among countless fakes.

Even if a secret technique of “suspected authenticity” is found, it is difficult to judge Warrior who cannot exert powerful battle strength-whether it is because he has not practiced it deep, or because it is not a real secret technique!

What’s more, the difficulty of learning any secret skill is not less than that of a powerful Super Magic Skill, so in Warrior, mastering the secret powerhouse is rarer than the Wizard mastering Super Magic Skill!

But even if there are more difficulties, there is one fact that is undoubtedly-the secret technique is really powerful and powerful. This kind of strength is enough to let the user survive and even reverse the situation!

Now, the outbreak of Kane is a proof of “secret skills”!

I saw Kane’s “Extreme Sprint” burst, and his entire body instantly overflowed with intense battle energy glare. The battle energy that broke out from every inch of his blood vessels even turned Kane’s body into a “light man” “The terrible battle energy wave shattered the ground where the knight spear was imprisoned, and the space squeezed by the raging storm creaked.

For a time, the roaring shock wave erupted inside the cave again, and the terrifying energy rolled up the sand and gravel water around Southend and appeared in the sky together. Under the reaction of Kane ’s forward Charge, the shock caused by the aftermath was just Enough to collapse this underground karst cave.

With such a powerful means to escape, Southend naturally has no way of hitting Kane, because with the promotion of the “Extreme Sprint” secret technique, Kane ’s instantaneous acceleration suddenly reached a sensational 80 times the speed of sound. This horrible speed even Punk did not Aiming at the law, Southend ’s spell guidance can never catch up with Kane ’s sprint.

“Low Liao Liao, this Lord has no way to take you for the time being, but your old bastard has more troubles?”

Arrogantly gave Southend a series of sneers, which has been erupting forward battle energy Kane Finally, the involuntarily like the right side shifted the direction-At this time the “Direction Interference” of Magic Crow Vector can always stay on Kane, even Kane He wanted to take a shot at Southend very much, but he couldn’t point his attack direction at Southend!

I have to say, “Direction Interference” is an auxiliary quality Legend Level spell that is too restrained to “burst single strong attack” Warrior like Kane. Once it is topped by Magic Crow Vector, Kane never thinks of getting closer to Southend. Because of this, his “Extreme Sprint” has a huge momentum but can only be used to escape. You know, this was originally a powerful secret technique that can launch Danger Land counterattack!

Thanks to Legend Level spell’s terrifying power comparable to the plug-in in the battle of Master Level powerhouse, Kane temporarily has no solution for Southend, but this does not mean that Southend’s trouble is over.

Almost at the same time when Kane escaped with “Extreme Sprint”, Punk’s additional “Magic Power Compression” and “Ordering” “Fast Speed ​​Kinetic Energy Cone” also violently ripped through the smoke in the air to Southend Fly over.

“Damn! You damn Wizard, what the hell are you understood?”.

Have n’t waited until Came back to his senses from Kane ’s sudden “surprise”, Southend who just raised his staff to activate the “Touch of Chaos” to intercept the enemy spell and suddenly noticed the deep purple Kinetic flying directly to his head A small circle of white energy on Energy Cone.

“Order haunts”! As a Spellcaster who often uses “Touch of Chaos” against the enemy, Southend recognized at a glance this spell, which exists as the nemesis of the “Chaotic Tentacle Series spell”-order haunts.

Upon seeing Punk’s spell immediately, the shocked Southend almost groaned and squeezed his question out of his teeth.

Fortunately, he is also a Level 19 Spellcaster. The first release of “Mozar’s Horror Heart” was targeted by Punk’s “Mind Barrier”. It can be said that it was a coincidence. This time when he was intercepted using “Touch of Chaos”, he was targeted by “Order Surrounding” again. Is it also a coincidence?

Without the quack reminder of Magic Crow “Vector”, Southend immediately responded-it is not a question of whether he can continue to kill Kane, because of his own troubles … it is imminent!

(Ask for a ticket and ask for a group, there are cat girl welfare in the group ~~ 548859662)

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