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Although suddenly became the target of being hit by the fire, Punk still maintained his serene appearance.

This happened in his anticipation. After all, Kane stared at Southend’s wealth for a while. Owakin’s eagerness to cross Kane to hunt down Punk was a long-established thing. Punk was killing. After losing Southend, immediately acquired spoils of war and also had the consciousness of falling into a dangerous situation.

Will Punk be afraid to be the boss of the fire? of course not!

In the final analysis, there are only three dangers facing him.

The first to bear the brunt is Kane who is destined to make a big shot-this insidious Knight may have been thinking about promoting this kind of situation for a long time. After all, he is difficult to win Punk in frontal battles. Knight will of course want to draw on the power of Owakin and Lesser Demon Lord projection giant claw.

For Kane, the cunning Evil Alignment Knight, Punk can only choose to engage in actual combat for the time being.

But for Owakin and the Lesser Demon Lord’s projection giant claw, Punk is not so helpless.

In fact, as soon as I saw Owakin hurrying, Punk had actually conceived a vicious but effective strategy-he was too aware of the true nature of this Black Dragon, and he could guess more or less Owakin played the reason for the trouble of going to the nightmare church to find Southend. In this case, if Punk could not use the “Holy Mother” Owakin, then the psychological strategy he learned from Apprentice of Great Arcanist Vedrasia It is too wasteful.

There was no need to prepare at all. Punk almost used less than a second to compose a large piece of information into a message package, and then he let this message be read aloud by Magic in the wind and the wind. Came out:

“Owakin Acidmaw? Do you still have time to struggle with your so-called, boring price? Why don’t you look up at the sky while you’re free? Look at the Lesser Demon Lord projection giant that blocks Mira and Chicasa’s glory What about claw? “

After being amplified by Magic, Punk’s voice can be clear and clear even in the sky and sea where the space is roaring. Of course, this tone is still the cold tone of Punk, which is just like telling the truth. Although it does not contain any extra feelings, it is this simple discourse that is sometimes more convincing than the recitation of emotion.

“Is your revenge really just? Owakin, see what your hatred brings to those innocent 100 surnames? On the Hoss Mountains, if it were n’t for you to leave that annoying thing for a moment of hatred.” Soul Mark “, how could your Dragon Roar Kingdom turn to ashes under the raging volcano? Now you have to pursue hatred and wanton behavior, and then abandon the poor Kingdom of Waibion? Is this your kindness? Or is , This is your own, selfish hypocrisy “?

Punk stared indifferently at the bloody Black Dragon, and the bloody tears of Owakin responded to Punk with furious eyes.

On the surface, Owakin’s emotions were not shaken by Punk’s words at all.

However … As Punk’s words inevitably flow into Owakin’s mind, every word is quickly understood by his rational brain in less than 1 / 10000th of a second, and soon, in the eyes of Black Dragon There was a wave of involuntarily shaking:

“No, no … this is all your brutality and cruelty”! The hard-biting teeth creaked, and Owakin uttered an angry roar at Punk: “Even if a good person can not reap any reward for goodwill, but a evil person must pay for his own evil! Punk Saian ,you this…………”

“Hah, then the question is coming, in your King Roar Kingdom’s heart, in your depth of one’s soul, Tiamat’s heir, is it a higher weight to punish evil … or is it more important for Yangshan? ?

right now! I-as a “evil”, I stand in front of you, but don’t forget that the 10000000 million civilians of the Kingdom of Waibion ​​as “good” are still behind you shiver coldly! Now you can indeed give up those not worth mentioning ants for revenge, but remember one thing … “

As he talked, Punk’s mouth slowly sneered, and across from him, Owakin’s footsteps slowly stayed in place.

The icy voice echoed so clearly in Black Dragon’s mind that even though Owakin wanted to avoid it, he still had trouble controlling his deeper understanding of these languages.

“………… Lesser Demon Lord’s projection giant claw will not stagnate because of the existence of” good “or” evil “. I believe that as a Spellcaster, you also calculated how its slap will cause this desert. A huge disaster, this time it also condenses more Abyssal Energy. When this palm falls, what will happen to the Kingdom of Waibion ​​behind you? Do you really not go for those innocent people? Think about it? Owakin Acidmaw “?

As Lesser Demon Lord projection giant claw sank to the ground again, Punk’s voice became deeper and deeper.

During this period of time, Kane was still on the way to Charge, but Owakin’s pace has been fixed in place with its grim expression!

Punk’s language is always so sharp, because everything he said is true!

Even though Owakin was reluctant to think back, he had to admit that the reason why Punk would detonate Sleeping Dragon Volcano on the Hoss Mountains would also be to kill it, the most important reason is because he released the “Soul “Mark,” otherwise, Punk will definitely go away without the slightest hesitation after the first battle to avoid the powerful Black Dragon, and the tragedy of Dragon Roar Kingdom will not happen at all.

It can be said that it was Owakin ’s momentary hatred that pushed Punk and himself to the end of the irreconcilable road, and now, the same terrifying hatred is going to be repeated in this originally peaceful desert.

As Punk said, as a Level 19 Peak Spellcaster with terrible computing power, Owakin can easily calculate the slapping power of Lesser Demon Lord projection giant claw, and as Punk warns, when Lesser Demon Lord projection giant claw In the third slap, Abyssal Energy, which has spread completely, will make the entire Kingdom of Waibion ​​loss of life, just a little simple power prediction, Owakin can imagine that towns that do not even have a Formal Level powerhouse will show a What a miserable scene.

Poor people’s cysts infected by Abyss power, all animals and plants are transformed into chaotic violent monsters, and every drop of spring water will be contaminated into a poisonous poison comparable to sulfuric acid. Aisha, as well as those businessmen who are struggling to survive, will die in pain.

If that moment really comes, will they call for the help of the Black Dragon, known as the “savior”, in despair?

Owakin didn’t know what kind of sad side those pitiful people would face in the face of natural disasters, just as he had no way of knowing how the poor people of Dragon Roar Kingdom wailed and wept in the burning of fire. He couldn’t imagine the voice that innocent Aisha would ask for his help, just like he never had the guts to imagine how his loyal girl assistant would bless her master peacefully in the fire … …

But … Owakin knew that he had promised to become the new Kingdom Guardian Powerhouse of Kingdom of Waibion. He also knows …

As a true “good” person, he will never be able to persuade himself to watch the disaster happen and be indifferent!

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