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The “Mage Hand” carrying a brilliant blue light was forcibly squeezed through the barriers created by the shock wave under the push of a lot of magic power. Under the staring Kane wood, this big hand formed by energy directly connected Legendary Equipment A large piece of hard ground was grabbed together.

“Asshole, that’s this Lord’s thing”!

Roaring loudly, even if a large amount of kinetic energy fragments hit the battle energy armor, Kane still aimed at the “Mage Hand” far and stabbed the knight spear.

In this brief moment, this blood-stained Knight is even not ready to know if he will be attacked. Seeing that he clearly intends to resist Punk’s blow and must stop the “Mage Hand” that is being quickly recovered. .

Kane knew that if he let this Legendary Equipment fall into Punk’s hands … then he would have the opportunity to succeed again. From this perspective, Kane deliberately did not defend at this time or even a strategy of abandoning the car and keeping the handsome— —He is intentionally exposing weaknesses to attract Punk attacks, and once Punk really attacks, then Kane has a chance to acquire the ownership of Legendary Equipment.

But … Punk won’t be fooled by this Knight.

If you really have a chance to kill Kane, the prudent Punk will definitely immediately throw away Legendary Equipment to get rid of the annoying Knight, but the problem is … For Kane, who is not weak at all, Punk does not have much confidence in the success of the kill. Even Punk ca n’t guarantee that Kane ’s intentionally exposed weak spot is a sinister trap. After all, his own trump card is almost used up, but Kane still has no hidden trump card.

Looking at Kane’s defensive armor with almost no battle energy density, after a short moment of thinking, Punk still gave up the opportunity to pursue Kane.

Punk has gained enough in this wild trip to the desert, and the importance of Legendary Equipment is not to be lost. 100 points and 100 guarantees that it is the most important to put the crimson necklace half of the hands into the bag. As for Kane, Dangerous guy … What are the benefits of killing and killing him with a real strong enemy? Just for the quality Master Level knight spear in his hand?

So, Punk was very indifferently gorgeous and ignored Kane’s weak spot. In order to guard against the interception of Kane knight spear, he even consumed magic power once again to release an enhanced spell on “Mage Hand”:

Master Level Enchantment Spell-Arcane Energy Strengthening.

The Mage Hand, which was covered by many brilliant rune moments, once again greatly improved the speed of recovery. Under the blessing of spell, the energy giant of the purple even directly shot at Punk at a speed of tens of times the speed of sound. This instantaneous The acceleration effect not only made Kane’s interception a real useless work, a large amount of substantive kinetic energy to hit the Punk’s spell protection at such a terrifying speed produced ripples.

And with the kinetic energy of the rapid retreat … of course, there is a string of crimson gem necklaces.

“boom”! !

Grabbing the necklace that flew to his eyes faster than the sniper rifle bullet, Punk only felt that his hand bones were broken by the concussion cracking, but with red fingers tightly pinched the huge ruby ​​on the necklace, Punk In his heart, he was very excited.

It’s time! This is a necklace that allows the accompanying person to massively protect the spell and attach the “Legend Level spell-Blink”; this Owakin’s necklace for vertical and horizontal Level 19 Peak is finally here! Now, there is no doubt that Kane has no ability to snatch this spoils of war from Punk’s hands. This precious 2 powerful Legendary Equipment now belongs to Punk.

After pretending to put this crimson’s necklace close to his body, Punk slowly lifts the head to carefully watch Kane who was stunned.

The current situation can’t help but Punk is not cautious, because Kane’s expression at this time … is really terrifying like an ominous beast that has been eaten by others, and it seems that there is lava flowing and boiling in the golden-yellow pupil The gripped knight spear is surrounded by high-pressure battle energy like an energy whirlwind!

Kane’s mood is easy to understand … After all, this Knight is really bad luck, he is also a class holder of evil Chaotic Alignment, and it is already very difficult to endure not being crazy now.

You know, compared with Punk’s plentiful harvest, Kane’s situation can be described as “having given away a bride, to lose one’s army on top of it”.

The Knight of bad luck did n’t know where to get the wrong news first, and then took the risk to go deep into the raging sand sea, and finally hit Punk, the barren where he went, and the geese did not leave anything when pulling hair. Wizard, and later it is even more unclear to fight for a “target” that is simply misunderstood and monsters such as Southend.

The most tragic reminder is that after the battle is over, Kane has not found anything. Even the body armor he wore before has turned into fly ash in the terrifying aftermath of the battle.

With bad luck all the way, won’t Kane go viral? Now he is almost mad!

It is precisely because of the understanding of Kane ’s mood that Punk who is happy from beginning to end must be wary of this silent Knight, although from a sensible point of view, now Kane It should n’t be choosing to rush to Level 18 of Punk Wizard’s shot, but … looking at the cold expression of this Knight who has taken off his mask …

To be honest, if the Knight who is now standing in the center of the crater really mentions the knight spear and rushes up, Punk is not surprising.

However, since almost all of the spoils of war have been harvested to the maximum, Punk has no idea of ​​taking risks with Kane.

Even because of the fear of stimulating Kane, who is about to explode, although Punk somewhat wanted to mock the knight of this Sao bag, he finally chose expressionless to slowly back up.

Punk’s attitude is clear-I don’t make trouble, but if someone wants to fight, I will definitely accompany you!

So … Will Kane turn over to be unable to bear?

The answer is … no!

While Punk slowed his hind legs, Kane, who was killing intent in his pupils, also retreated a little bit and wrapped around the strong battle energy of knight spear.

Kane is an evil Chaotic Alignment. Knight is not fake, but he has not been so confused that there is no reason, even if he is not reconciled, Kane can clearly realize that he is not facing a serious injury and dying at this time. Prey, but a powerful Spellcaster who does not know if there is any trump card retained.

Fighting with Punk is unwise, just like Punk is difficult to leave Kane, if Punk is retreating, Kane has no way to stop it, let alone he has no small possibility to beat Punk at all, when the time comes After being beheaded, it was really over.

After thinking about these, Kane finally finally forced down the idea of ​​rushing up and desperately. Facing Punk’s blue eyes, the same scorching knight finally chose to retreat silently.

In this way, the final confrontation of tiger’s head, snake’s tail is over.

Both Kane and Punk chose to slowly retreat slowly, until the distance between the two is far enough away, both Kane and Punk broke out at the same time and flew in the opposite direction at the fastest speed.

Everywhere, in the desert of this raging sand sea, the hatred from Hoss Mountains, the plot of Nightmare Cult, the calculation of Punk and Kane ……… is completely over.

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