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As expected by Punk, Magic Crow Vector succumbed. Although this Alchemy Creation, which has not much bone, has its own wisdom, it still cannot resist the impact of fear. Punk just put 2 “Kinetic Energy” “Cone” approached Vector’s eyes a little, and this crow that eats hard but not soft immediately opened all the core permissions of the virtual soul.

There is no unnecessary nonsense to say. Almost immediately after opening the core permissions in Vector, Punk, who is already prepared, immediately imprinted his Soul Seal perfectly on Vector’s soul core control area.

So far, the Legendary Wizard’s hands-on work, the Magic Crow Vector originally belonging to Southend, has become one of Punk’s spoils of war! After the permission of the virtual soul core is branded, Vector’s life and death, all actions are firmly grasped by Punk, unless there is Legend Level spell for this Magic Crow to lift this Soul Mark, otherwise, this Magic Crow will always be impossible betrayal Punk.

After checking the Soul Mark that he released, the relaxed Punk scattered the ready-to-go “Fast Kinetic Energy Cone” and the Magic imprisonment bundled with Vector. After possessing Vector’s virtual soul core control authority, the cautious Punk Finally at ease.

With the passage of time, the coldness of the night has gradually receded, and the dawn of Mira and Chicasa has once again outlined the horizon to Phnom Penh.

Between unconsciously, another whole night passed, but Punk is just now reaching the edge of the wild desert. Next, he intends to bypass the Hoss Mountains and return to the Gray Rain Kingdom Truth’s Thinking branch, if he wants to save time You have to act quickly.

Putting a bit of a scratchy Vector on his shoulders at random, Punk released “Super Swiftness” to himself again and embarked on a journey-he is not a person who likes to waste time, stopping to convince Vector that has made Punk a little uncomfortable Too.

—–Dividing line———

Traveling for the purpose of rushing is destined to be a long and boring thing. Even if you fly fast with supersonic movements, but over time, no one will feel any pleasure in this acceleration, but the route chosen by Punk They are all deserted areas far away from towns, and you can only see a bunch of fuzzy fleeting bushes and rocks all day long all the way-these unbeautiful scenery undoubtedly greatly increase the boredom of travel .

For such a boring journey with only silent companionship, Punk not at all can bear what lonely feels, but Magic Crow standing on his shoulders can’t stand lonely Magic Crow obviously has begun to feel bored or even frightened.

Soon, some vectors that had accepted the reality of “new boss” simply ended the three hours of silent “Cold War” loudly and said to Punk:

“Ga ga, I said boss, don’t you want to know my story and Southend’s story, it is a magical experience called Legend, even if it is given to Bard, it will not be inferior to those unknown legends ~ quack”.

Perhaps it feels that Punk doesn’t pay enough attention to himself, and just secretly made the decision to ignore his cold-faced “new boss” for a lifetime, and he has begun to worry a little about his future situation.

speaking of which, Magic Crow, who just accepted the reality just now, actually wants to use the “non-violent and non-cooperative” way to make a little “small” request and welfare treatment, but now Punk is so silent. Hurrying up, the attitude seems to be completely indifferent to its “non-cooperation” … how can Vector still strive for the “reasonable” benefits for itself.

So, out of the double consideration of boredom and taking the opportunity to request, Vector, who thinks smart, began to take the initiative to talk.

After hearing Vector finally unable to bear to speak in a childish voice, Punk’s mouth fluttered with a smile.

Of course, he is very interested in the experience of Vector and the experience of Southend, because if these ancient secrets are not well done, it will involve a lot of information and knowledge that is difficult to obtain.

But Punk also knows that if he asked himself to use the spell to point to the other person ’s Wizard and threaten people ’s Wizards a few hours ago, he was still awkward in his heart, even if he did not plan to hide, he would take the opportunity to make some unsatisfied requests, but if he was like In this way, a completely uninterested expression … Magic Crow Vector will definitely worry that his little chip left will become worthless waste. When the time comes, this stupid bird will say all Punk thoughts sooner or later. Things to know.

Facts did not surprise Punk. After discovering how much interest Punk not at all has in his “intelligence”, Vector holding the idea of ​​”hard can’t come to soft, buying and selling doesn’t make gifts a favor” immediately started impatient himself. Spoke.

I have to say that frankly refusing to refrain from strict things. Magic Crow still understands. Now that he knows that Punk does n’t eat the set of “a cry, 2 trouble, 3 hangs,” then hurrying to the old and new bosses is more faithful than dead ducks The mouth is much more useful.

“Cough cough”.

After clearing his throat with a childish voice, Vector pretends to speak deeply and slowly:

“That was a long time ago. It was so old that it was difficult for anyone to remember. I-a Legend’s Magic Crow” Vector “has just been born in a pale blue ocean as a new virtual soul …”

While telling his own story in a heavy aria, Vector looked at Punk cautiously with his head tilted.

In the absence of any response, I really can’t see through my “new boss” Magic Crow. I’m still a little worried.

Because of Punk’s high-speed movement, Vector at this time can only hear the continuous meaningless buzzing caused by the air being torn, as to whether Punk has any feelings for his story …

Magic Crow can only say helplessly: it can’t even determine whether Punk is listening to himself seriously!

Slightly tilted his head, a blue dull Vector stood on his head, carefully narrowed his small eyes, trying to look towards Punk under the hood …

But it not at all saw Punk’s face-the shadow of the hood hides Punk’s expression too tightly, and Vector can only notice the clear blue pupil exuding the icy and magical luster-even 2 sun rays of light still pours sunshine and warmth for the entire world unscrupulously, but Punk’s eyes can still make any soul feel the bitter coldness from the in the depth of one’s soul!

Almost conditioned reflexes looked away from Punk ’s extreme cold eyes, and could not restrain Vector, whose body shook and fluttered feathers. Finally, he decided to take his story seriously …

“I was born on a small temporary experimental platform, and I made my Spellcaster … It’s an Evocation Specialization Wizard that has just been upgraded to Legend, but 200-300 years …”

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