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“Your crow … how come it looks a little sick, shouldn’t it be an Alchemy Creation”?

Pointing to Punk’s shoulder, the Magic Crow Vector with feathers tarnished, Kirkwellen asked Punk in surprise.

Of course, the minister of Truth’s Thinking Division doesn’t really care about Vector on Punk’s shoulder, and his doubts are just a common way to ease embarrassment.

Generally speaking, when meeting with the powerhouse at the same level, Kirkwellen is accustomed to open the topic while commenting on the drinks that the other party poured, and then he will also show his understanding and comments on various drinks, and put himself in disguise. Senior “……

But only here in Punk, Kirkwellen is destined to only find a breakthrough point to break the atmosphere on a stupid bird ………

Because the simply contained in the cup in his hand is pure boiled water, even the water and the cup are made by Punk just on site!

What can Kirkwellen do for this awkward situation? What can he say besides shrugging helplessly?

Compared to Kirkwellen, who is too heavy to see the atmosphere, Punk doesn’t care about embarrassment and so on. If Punk still thought about coping with Kirkwellen when he first returned to Truth’s Thinking, then he would even deal with him now. This old man has no interest.

On the one hand, because Punk’s strength is stronger, on the one hand, because Punk is still eager to return to his laboratory for research.

So, looking directly at Kirkwellen calm and composed eyes, Punk said very directly:

“My Magic Crow is only in the process of getting rid of a few minor problems, its situation is not to worry about the Minister Sir ……… On the contrary, I think Master Kirkwellen, you come here today will not be condolences to this stupid bird Right? “

Looking at Kirkwellen’s old bark-like bark, Punk’s eyes couldn’t help but be alert.

It is now more than 700 years since Punk returned to Truth’s Thinking. During these 700 years, Punk did not have any intersection with Kirkwellen, the busy business chief, and even about Kirkwellen transplanted magical creature Bloodline more than 300 years ago to extend lifespan. Punk It was all received very late, and now Kirkwellen suddenly came to the door. For this, Punk was completely uncomfortable guessing the smiling old man in front of him with the greatest maliciousness.

Punk’s vigilance is not unreasonable. His improved spell has been completed 30 years ago, but his research has entered a more insidious key stage-from time to time, I will put Magic Crow Vector into the insect pile to carry out a At the same time as the “treatment”, Punk has begun to realize the “Rule” in the strange eyeballs. At this stage, Punk can be said to be more suspicious and cautious than the persecuted delusion, even when Kirkwellen asked to meet himself. , Punk quickly packed the important things in the laboratory into the storage ring to prepare for battle and even embark on escape.

It ’s not that Punk is too neurotic, but his secret is too dangerous. Once exposed, it ’s basically absolutely ten deaths without life, and Kirkwellen, a Spellcaster specializing in Divination Spellcaster, comes to visit at this time. How can Punk not fight 100%? Mental precautions.

Fortunately, Kirkwellen not at all discovered Punk’s secret.

In fact, in the face of Punk’s vigilant attitude of 10000 points at this time, this Old Wizard is completely treated with an understanding concept.

In his view, most Wizards will have this kind of “treating everyone as a thief” when they are doing research, because Wizards who have no knowledge will always think that their research is an extremely great epoch-making product. Such an unsophisticated youngster Kirkwellen has seen more in his life!

Now, Kirkwellen clearly regards Punk as such an ignorant young Spellcaster.

So, although Punk was cold to himself all the way, Kirkwellen still calm and composed to tell Punk his true intentions:

“Saian, I recently received a letter from a distant kingdom. The person who wrote the letter claimed to be Kingdom Guardian Powerhouse in a small country. His name was Kane Bezadas, and he claimed to be a” friend “you haven’t seen for many years! The second time is to ask if you know this matter “!

When it comes to letters, Kirkwellen is a serious attitude of official business, in fact, he is indeed in official business.

Because the size of the person who sent the letter is also Kingdom Guardian Powerhouse of a kingdom, its own strength has reached the level of Master Level, strictly speaking This is even a diplomatic event, especially when the other party is named to see an Advanced Tutor of Truth’s Thinking Division Whether it is for the safety of the branch or for the safety of Advanced Tutor in the branch, Kirkwellen has to ask Punk if he knows this so-called “to make friends”.

“Kane Bezadas”?

Hearing the name from Kirkwellen’s mouth, Punk’s expression became a little weird.

He certainly remembers this black-belly bad luck Knight. In fact, the wealth he is consuming quickly in his hand still has a large part of Kane’s credit.

Moreover, Punk was not surprised that Kane could know that he was Truth’s Thinking Spellcaster and that he lived in the Gray Rain Kingdom Truth’s Thinking branch. Although he did not reveal his personal information to Kane at all, he considered Every time Kirkwellen speaks to Apprentice and Formal Tutor, he must praise Truth’s Thinking branch’s powerful lines …

“Our Truth’s Thinking branch has 6 Advanced Tutors (Brachel is dead), of which the Punk Saian Wizard is the Level 19 Peak Spellcaster, our strength is beyond doubt …”

After Kirkwellen’s “no tiresome” propaganda, anyone with Kane’s intelligence gathering ability will know where Punk is. After all, his oversee country is not far from Gray Rain Kingdom …

Of course, Punk would not think that Kane would come to find his own revenge, otherwise Kane would also impossible unfathomable mystery first submit an ignorant “diplomatic letter” to Truth’s Thinking.

But then again, Punk did not expect that Kane would suddenly find himself, and the guy just started to “interview” and “come to visit”, and he also shamelessly said “to make friends” this wonderful rhetoric …

After thinking about it for a moment, Punk didn’t think of the reason why Kane suddenly wanted to meet him.

“No matter how you look at it, Kane and I don’t seem to have any intersections. What is the matter that will make this lazy Knight come to Truth’s Thinking to meet myself not far from 1000?”

While frowning and thinking quietly, Punk casually admitted to Kirkwellen’s claim to Kane.

“Yes, this Mr. Bezadas is indeed my friend … well, the kind of” Life and Death Friends “”.

In the end, Punk decided to meet with Kane. After all, Punk now has sufficient self-confidence in his own strength, not to mention his location is a branch of Truth’s Thinking. In such a safe situation, Punk is quite good. I want to see—Kane, who made him inexplicable Knight, made another moth!

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