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Hearing Kane ’s assertiveness, Punk did n’t continue to deny it. He knew that although Kane was a little bit hehe haha, he was no less important than any other in key matters. Spellcaster.

Now that he is confident of speaking out about this adventure plan, he must have enough evidence.

So, Punk didn’t leave immediately, he just continued to stare at Kane quietly, to see what else Cunning Knight could say next.

Despite being ridiculed by Punk, Kane not only did not feel discouraged, but Knight, who insisted on his own opinion, was now more aggressive.

Bathed in the brilliance of the armor, the confident Knight said loudly to Punk:

“As the so-called danger lurks within the riches and honour, how can it be harvested without risk? Although my plan can’t be called perfect, but its harvest will definitely shock anyone-Divinity, Divine Kingdom, God countless years of accumulation Treasures, do n’t tell me you are unimpressed, greedy Mr. Punk Saian “?

Kane’s voice is powerful! It can be seen that he has a clear judgment on his expected gains.

At the same time, Punk, who heard a word from Kane, was shocked!

“Divinity”! !

Almost immediately, Punk thought of a precious potion subconsciously!

“Divinity neutralizer of the Redeemer”!

This potion is a key potion to assist in the promotion of Legend. If you take it before promotion, you can directly increase the Legend success rate of Level 19 powerhouse by 50%. This kind of potion is the most difficult to configure in the “Legend Advancement Auxiliary Potion”. It requires the least material and the best potion. For a Master Level Spellcaster that is better at Alchemy, the biggest difficulty in configuring this potion is usually only one-that is the main material of the potion, Divinity!

Divinity this thing speaking of which is very simple, in fact, it is God’s soul that has lost its self-consciousness. When a God falls or actively splits part of the soul, the soul supported by Divine Portfolio will lose its self-consciousness and become “Divinity” “.

Therefore, there are only two methods for generally speaking to get “Divinity”, either let a God actively cut his soul, or kill a God directly …

Obviously, neither of these two things can be imagined by a Master Level Spellcaster, so Punk once only silently watched inheritance from Vedrasia’s “Redeemer Divinity Neutralizer” formula secretly sighed.

But he didn’t expect that meeting Kane today can actually get news about Divinity. This alone is enough for Punk to be 100% interested in Kane’s “big adventure”.

But even though his heart was not calm, Punk still said indifferently:

“It looks like these treasures are really valuable, and wanting to have a God’s treasure is enough for 2 3 powerhouse Legend preparations before promotion … In this case, please-Kane Bezadas, talk about your great plan, if you have If interested, I will consider joining. “

Although the language is still somewhat ambiguous, but Punk said “interested” is nothing fake, he is not only interested, but even “very interested”!

To know that the opportunity to get precious Legend-level materials like “Divinity” is completely come by with luck, but not by searching for it, and with Divinity, Punk has the confidence to configure the more precious “Redeemer Divinity Neutralization Potion” In this way, the success rate of his promotion to Legend will reach 90% of Peak, and now 40% of the “dance of the blade” is completely incomparable!

As for the danger … Punk is a person who is not lacking in adventurous spirit at all. The reason why at first negates Kane is that the hope is too slim and the danger is too great, but now that Kane has sufficient self-confidence to minimize the danger, Then Punk is naturally not afraid to risk death.

No way, after all, danger lurks within the riches and honour, and again, as Kane sarcastically, is there anything else in the world that is more dangerous than the promotion of Legend in nine deaths and still alive?

So, the patient Punk took a delicious glass of juice from the storage ring, and then he took a small sip of the juice while waiting for Kane to announce his “big adventure plan”!

Seeing that Punk didn’t ask after all, he left, and nervous Kane seemed to be sighed in relief.

At this time, Knight ignored the small details of Punk drinking juice and not pouring himself a cup. He quickly found a rune on the floor with the brightest position, and then Kane’s “speech” began directly:

“According to this Lord ’s serious investigation for more than 300 years, I can confirm that this fallen God is an ancient weak God. Before 4 100,000 years, it was the” God of Blood Sand “on the Red Sand Ocean, As a God of Evil Alignment, the God of Blood Sands has 3 Divine Portfolios of “Inland Ocean”, “Beach” and “Hunter in the Sea”!

These three Divine Portfolios are not powerful, even called weak. Among them, the Divine Portfolio “Hunter in the Sea” only has the permission to use the Multiverse “evil” Rule and “death” Rule 3 at zero and three. The “Inland Ocean” and “Beach” are even more limited to “Natural Rule” 100% of 3%!

“So this is really a very weak God. It is estimated that its strength is equivalent to a Legend that has just been promoted”!

After listening to Kane’s description of this “Red Sand God”, Punk slightly disdained the head.

God’s Divine Portfolio is a “patch” of Multiverse. Their main function is to assign “permissions” to the rules of Multiverse such as “space, material movement, evil, death” to give God to use. In this way, God’s wisdom You can check for loopholes in Rule operation and make up for them.

Therefore, for God, the Rule power they use is not “made” with their own soul like Legendary Powerhouse, but it uses Power of Faith to deploy some Multiverse Rule to use. Among them, the more Power of Faith The greater the Divine Portfolio’s authority over a Rule, the more powerful God can play.

Like “Red Sand God”, there is only a little bit of poor Rule permission, even if he is given more Power of Faith, he can almost impossible use a Legend divine spell equivalent to Legend spell destructive power, after all … if Divine Portfolio is the engine, and Power of Faith is the fuel. No matter how much fuel is available, the engine cannot run.

The importance of Legend divine spell in combat is self-evident, so Punk really does not detract from this God ’s weakness.

Because this is a fact … and a fact worthy of Punk’s delight!

(Note: Although the Legend Level spell and Legend spell are only one word difference in name, the actual effect and difficulty are the difference between Heaven and Earth.

Legend Level spell is a common spell used by Legendary Powerhouse, which consumes a small amount. It can be said to be a common attack method. Legend spell consumes a lot of power, but the power is also extremely huge. It can be said to be a big move of Legendary Powerhouse!

Legend divine spell, Legend Battle Skill and other Legend level descriptions all comply with the above principles)!

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