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Speaking of his opportunities, although Kane’s tone is still full of strong self-confidence and pride, but he does not intend to say too much information on this topic, so, without waiting for any other reaction from Punk, Kane, who quickly changed the topic, immediately Said:

“This Lord thinks you should be able to guess some things about Punk, now this Lord has made it clear-yes! This Lord not only already has the method of Summoning Divine Kingdom gate, but also has found a person who owns Red Sand God Bloodline’s God descendant “!

“One? What does this mean, and according to what you said … Didn’t you already get the” gate “and” key “, so you still come to meet me to do what? I don’t remember you guy A kind person with a spirit of sharing “.

Hearing Kane’s somewhat ambiguous claim, Punk couldn’t help but raise questions slightly.

From the information that Kane has said, Red Sand God’s Divine Kingdom gate needs a specific array to be summoned, and this array has been obtained by Kane together with the information about Red Sand God, and this gate of the treasure house gate The lock must be opened by Red Sand God Bloodline, and Red Sand God’s Bloodline is undoubtedly in the hands of Red Sand God’s God child.

In this case, Kane made it clear that he had obtained the Summoning gate and found a God child, so would n’t Kane go directly to Divine Kingdom to obtain the treasure, where could he use 1000 miles to come to Truth’s? Thinking branch looking for Punk talk?

In addition, the most important thing for Punk is the quantifier used by Kane-“one”!

This is a bit strange!

Does Chisha still have more than one God child left, or how many more Bloodline is needed to open the door?

Without further questioning, Punk is staring at Kane closely with his silent pupil. He knows that this black-belly Knight must have reason to find himself. Punk is waiting for Kane to answer this doubt.

Having said that, Kane has no intention to continue to sloppy, after all, it is now that he has asked for Punk to join the plan. If there is not a detailed enough answer, Punk, the cautious Wizard, will never take the risk for nothing.

So, after listening to Punk’s questions, the calm Knight made a detailed answer without the slightest hesitation:

“Tsk tsk tsk! This Lord knows that you have to ask this question, this matter is still quite troublesome to explain ……… Well, where to start?

That ’s all right—maybe I do n’t want to resurrect dozens of “selfs” when I resurrect, so Red Sand God did only leave a copy of Bloodline at that time, and the “gateway” it set was just to ensure that it could be completed by Bloodline The holder opened. According to the ancient records I got, when the God child of Red Sand God opened the door and inherited the deity in Divine Kingdom, the “God child” became the new “Red Sand God”. , And has control of the entire Divine Kingdom.

But note … The premise of wanting to do this is to have a “complete” Red Sand God Bloodline, and now the Godline Bloodline I found is not complete at all, I think it should be this Bloodline in the long 300,000 In the inheritance of the year, there was a split. One part of the Bloodline was divided into several parts scattered in the north of the entire Faerun Plane central area in the Red Sand Ocean center. Therefore, if you want to find treasure now … you have to spell the key first. We have to help the God Child we have found to merge several copies of Red Sand God’s Bloodline. “

Speaking of which, in order to prove the truth of what he said, Kane also scratched the back of her head and whispered an additional explanation:

“Speaking of which this Lord still doesn’t know how many Bloodline have been separated. In the past, this Lord also tried to go alone on the journey to find. In order to find a higher efficiency, this Lord also specially invited a good at Divination Spellcaster of spell helps … “

Saying “When you come to Spellcaster for help”, Kane’s words became a bit gnashing teeth:

“… But the bastard dared to play this Lord, he said that some people are building Evil Cult to collect faith must be to activate Red Sand God’s Bloodline, but this Lord finally encountered only a brain lunatic Southend, for no reason to fight I did n’t get any benefits after a fight ……… this Lord went back to poke the bastard to know that he actually wanted to use the Southend brain stump to keep this Lord in the wild desert! Damn, if this Lord is strong It really made him count! “

“Ga ga, Boss Southend is not mentally disabled, but he was in a bad state at that time, quack!”

Hearing Kane’s abuse of Southend, Magic Crow Vector whispered a protest on Punk’s shoulder, but its weak and weak protest was destined not to be bothered by Punk and Kane who focused on the conversation.

But after hearing Kane’s description of the previous behavior, Punk’s expression was a little weird, staring at Kane’s somber complexion, and the Wizard standing in the shadow slightly tolerantly said coldly:

“No culture is really terrifying, Kane, this sentence deserves your serious consideration! Although collecting faith is indeed an effective way to activate Bloodline, but you may not know it-God child is owned by many God’s” back-up “preparations The biggest feature of is “hidden”! “

Speaking of which, watching Kane eat a fly-like ugly face, Punk’s smile is no longer concealed, and he continues to happily explain to the aggrieved Kane:

“Even if the strength of these God children can’t even reach the Formal Level, the general Master Level Divination spell is still useless, not to mention, even the powerful Divination spell can only detect a general location. If you want to find a God child who is not an awakening or ordinary person in the crowd ………… generally speaking In addition to letting other homogenous God children approach and feel outside, there is really only one way to try luck!

Oh, if you have the energy to “deeply explore” all the ordinary people in an area with a total of 100000 counts one by one, then you have the opportunity to find it. En, no trouble, that is, the efficiency is a little low, it needs to spend a It ’s just a 2000 years of effort “!

“Fuck, this knowledge knows where this Lord is going, and now the only God child found by this Lord is based on the family recorded in the ruins.”

Hearing Punk ’s “Popular Science”, Kane ’s face was almost bluish and there was no smile even, as you can see, this bad luck Knight must have spent a lot of time and energy on buying and searching for God child. Was killed by a “helper” in the wild desert!

But this point is not to be blamed for Kane. No matter how wise, Kane is only a Master Level Knight. Now his knowledge as a Warrior is not inferior to the general Spellcaster, but it is great, but like God child, God Bloodline. God’s secret information is indeed not understandable at the Master Level level, that is, “Netheril Civilization inheritance” like Punk can know so well!

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