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Kingdom of Sekarado, this is a small country bordering the northwest of the wild desert. As a small country, it naturally has the characteristics of a small country-such as living away from the world, or for example, it is very non-existent.

At least this country, like the kingdom of Tandack in the wild desert, is a small kingdom that no one pays attention to, no matter whether it prospers or declines, whether its people are happy or tragic, even if it suddenly dies one day, it will not be in the huge Faerun Plane. The World has set off any waves.

But as the foundation of a kingdom, even if no outsiders pay attention, this country still has its own Kingdom Guardian Powerhouse!

That’s right, this Kingdom of Sekarado Kingdom Guardian Powerhouse is Kane Bezadas!

This is the kingdom of Kane, but compared to this kind of Knight’s Sao Bao who wants to let every hair shine, the style of Kingdom of Sekarado is simply low-key.

This low-key is not only reflected in the kingdom’s style of service, in fact, even the architectural style of this country is extremely frugal or bleak.

I saw that in a small town outside Sekarado, a lot of buildings are gray wooden bungalows. In other countries, even if the houses are a bit old, they will be painted with a little oil paint as an embellishment. All buildings basically maintain their most natural color, and even those traces eroded by rain are left directly on a house.

apart from this, there is no point in this small town that is generally peaceful and peaceful. On the contrary, the thin beggar begging on the streets is almost can be seen everywhere, the bodies of the starving dead are piled up in the corner of the alley Waiting for the guards to clean up, the dirt on the street was not cleaned at all, and in some dark corners there were faint sounds of fists hitting the flesh and weak weeping.

“Kane, this is your country? It seems that you are not good at running the country! Poverty, hunger, filth, sin … From a small city, you can finally see many things in a country!”

Stepping on the spell formed a foot barrier, and Punk brows slightly wrinkle walked across the street. With keen judgment and a lot of knowledge, he just looked around the surrounding environment to determine what kind of situation the Kingdom of Sekarado was in.

It is basically certain that Kingdom of Sekarado is no different from the Kingdom of Tandack. This is a country that completely relies on Master Level powerhouse to resist violent rule. There is no enthusiasm for the national fly camp to live every day, and a large number of crimes and corruption spread unwillingly. As a result, evil spirits prevail in every city level.

A few years ago, Kane finally found the Lord Goddess through various clues, and finally found a God child Kane. He hurried to Truth’s Thinking to meet Punk, so he put this “Goddess” Placed in this remote unremarkable town in his own kingdom.

Now, because the “Goddess” who is the core of this adventure also requires to participate in the negotiation, Punk followed Kane to this remote small city of Kingdom of Sekarado, and Punk’s intuitive evaluation of this city can be nothing. Will not take care of Kane’s face.

Walking easily from a dry bone, Punk ridiculed slightly to Kane around him.

“What kind of country does the Kingdom Guardian Powerhouse make, and the lunatics of Chaotic Evil can only produce such unsightly works.”

“Come on, it sounds like you are good at ruling the country …”

Although he was ridiculed by the punk Punk as soon as he arrived in his own kingdom, Carefree Knight was indifferent to the state of his kingdom, and even heard Punk’s evaluation, he also blew a whistle before using exaggerated helpless Tone replied:

“Speaking of which this Lord everyday all is very busy, politics and so on is not this Lord, this kind of only fights the boss and can get it, since these nobles each and everyone are impatient and want to help me” If you think about it, then simply throw these troublesome political affairs to these nobles. As long as they can hand in enough “salaries” on time every year, this Lord does not mind giving those Vampire some rights. “

Speaking of which, Kane kicked off another body on the street, and his mouth continued to carelessly talk about his “abnormalities”.

“Anyway, it’s just a small kingdom that’s worthless. If you scrap it, you’ll find a new one. There are more not worth mentioning small countries on Faerun Continent!

“At least I think you should make the place where” Goddess “Miss lives a little safer. After all, according to you, she seems to be just a Stalker who has just advanced to Novice Level. Of course, as a Novice Level Little Brat, you dare to ask Participate in the negotiation of Master Level powerhouse ………… She It shouldn’t be afraid of a trifling evil city “!

Expressing his opinion about Kane without feelings, Punk continued to walk the mind barrier across the street on each minding their own business. I have to say that the shape and breath of him and Kane were too intimidating. Almost all of them lived along the way. The creatures will make way for 2 people on their own.

After hearing Punk’s words, Kane stunned with a blade of grass walking a little stunned. Of course he could hear Punk taunting himself. For example, the phrase “Novice Level of Little Brat” is actually sarcastic that Kane is in control of one. Novice Level’s “tool” ability is not there. Even at this time, Magic Crow Vector standing on Punk’s shoulder made up with a childish voice:

“Ga ga, shameful Knight, you and my boss are no match at all, um, no match with any boss, quack.”

Okay, maybe it was because during the fierce battle in the Vector, Vector almost intercepted Kane ’s attack with his own strength, maybe the crow of vengeance was still grumpy about Kane ’s curse of Southend ’s brain damage, so it talked about it. You are more polite than Punk.

However, Kane didn’t react much to the light and dark double taunts of Punk and Vector. He just spit out the grass in his mouth casually and said a bitter smile:

“Shut up, stupid bird! You do n’t understand anything at all, that” Goddess “Miss is not someone who is easy to deal with, who has not come from a weak step by step? Strength is never a criterion for judging wisdom If you look down upon her, you will definitely suffer a big loss. “

This cunning Knight is not a person willing to lose money. His “stupid bird” is not just a curse to Vector, but the word also brings Punk into it.

Slightly frowned, Punk looked disappointed towards Kane, but in the end he didn’t continue to fight meaninglessly with Kane.

Now Punk doesn’t care about Kane’s verbal abuse. He is more concerned about the evaluation of the “Goddess”.

“A powerhouse that cannot be underestimated and has not yet grown up!”

This comment was already incredible in Kane’s mouth, and because of this, Punk was already curious about the Goddess who had not met.

“Is it in no way inferior to Kane’s” powerhouse “that hasn’t grown up? Really interesting!”

Squinting his eyes quietly, Punk said coldly to himself.

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