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In any case, Punk ’s Legend spell practice has finally come to an end, and now the Spellcaster has successfully advanced to level 22. Although even Punk is still a “new Legend”, but at least in the “New Legend” In the hierarchy, Punk doesn’t have to fear too much.

With the release of a legendary Legend spell as a backing, Punk’s strength is more than that of Red Sand God’s legacy.

If according to Punk’s plan, now that he has practiced the Legend spell, he should start to study the next topic-for example, learn another Legend spell, or practice more destruction level Legend spell, Even Punk is already thinking about whether to try to study the magic ingredient “Simmering Fragant Deep Beings Stew”. After all, the carefree Deepman of these groups of life are proliferating so quickly, and the “harvest” part of the experiment can also “help” them. Relieve population pressure …

This is the inevitable many ideas of Punk. Now his background is too weak. There are too many things worth Spellcaster to spend time to delve into. There are so many topics that Punk is overwhelmed.

But … before Spellcaster summed up the divergent thinking, a message from the Wizard Tower interrupted all of Punk’s thoughts.

It was a rigid report from Clean Golem, and it was also the only “emergency report” from Magic Tower for Punk’s exposure to Astral Plane to study Legend spell 1000 for more than a year-because, during the process of cleaning Punk’s laboratory in Golem, it found A small light cluster suddenly appeared in the center of the laboratory.

And then, the mysterious light group very simply sent a message to Clean Golem:

“Notify your host,” Alliance of the Silencers “hopes to meet him with a friendly attitude!”

Punk’s Magic Tower is jointly managed by a large number of Golems whose IQ is neither high nor low. Each Golem is responsible for the control and maintenance of a sector, and their common owner is obviously only one-that is “Whisper of Destruction” Punk Saian, now a silent light beam suddenly appeared to meet the owner of the Wizard Tower as soon as it opened, then … the identity of this light ball was already coming out.

“Alliance of the Silencers! This speed … not slow”!

Slightly frowned, Punk murmured secretly in his heart.

Punk did n’t feel surprised that the ball of light penetrated all defenses of Magic Tower silently and appeared silently in the laboratory. After all, according to Film Bird, Alliance of the Silencers attracted newcomers Shi is always dispatched by the “President” himself, and since this “President” can become the “President” of the mysterious Legend organization “Alliance of the Silencers”, then Punk estimates that he should have at least the ordinary Brilliant Sun level Legendary Powerhouse’s strength.

Brilliant Sun level Spellcaster, also known as “Brilliant Sun Throne”! This level of powerhouse is the most Peak and the most mysterious super powerhouse even in Netheril Era, and the memory inherited by Punk is just a Morningstar level Legendary Wizard-the memory of the Great Arcanist Vedrasia, and the Morningstar level Legendary Wizard to a “Brilliant Sun throne “The means of not knowing it is inevitable, so Punk is not surprised that the other party can silently send a projection into their own laboratory.

What really surprised Punk is that it is only 1400 years since the provocation of the River of Destiny. Alliance of the Silencers has been able to find himself so quickly. It was originally that Punk thought that the other party needs to say less than 2000 years to find the door. What.

“Since it’s already here, let’s meet. Anyway … the other party has no reason to unfathomable mystery to engage in hostile behavior, which is really not worthy … I also have a trump card to save my life”

Just thinking a little bit, Punk turned around without the slightest hesitation and flew back to Faerun Plane.

He has been waiting for the arrival of this “president”. Now that the other party is already here, Punk certainly has no reason to neglect a superpowerhouse at the level of Brilliant Sun.

Of course, the cautious Wizard will not easily relax its vigilance against a powerful Class Holder. During the flight, Punk has prepared himself a Transmission Gate to the “Chaotic Ocean”, as long as the cautious Wizard feels any point Dangerous, he would get into the Transmission Gate without the slightest hesitation, and then directly escape to the “Chaotic Sea”.

In the peculiar Astral Plane area of ​​”Chaotic Sea”, even Brilliant Sun-class Legend spell will inevitably become extremely vague. When the time comes plus the “Heitzita Magic Box” Divination spell shielding ability, Punk thinks You can still guarantee your basic life safety.

In this way, the discreet Spellcaster directly pinched a “Transmission Gate” spell ball and flew all the way back to Faerun Plane, and then quickly flew back to his Magic Tower in the Kingdom of Hartke.

Although after this time travel, Punk mastered the powerful Legend spell, the arcane magic level has also been upgraded by one level, and a magical light group appeared in his own laboratory, but on the surface, whether it is Hartke Empire The Magic Tower, which is as straight as the cloud, remains quiet and peaceful.

Naturally, the Hartke Empire is needless to say, this country is peacefully messed up with the Legendary Spellcaster oversee. Even though the Hartke Royal Family has become more decaying and incompetent, there is no nobility to dare to rule the Legendary Wizard. Question it.

Not to mention the small kingdoms around Hartke Empire, neither war nor territorial disputes exist. Just lift up and look at the towering Magic Tower in the distance. Anyone can act recklessly. It will disappear without a trace in an instant!

Hartke Empire is calm, and Punk ’s Magic Tower will only be more calm, because Punk is a nasty Spellcaster, so the operation of this Magic Tower ’s array and even Golem ’s movement are blessed with the Legend Level spell that erases the sound. In this case, the entire empty Magic Tower will naturally not have a voice.

Until Punk have endured the hardships of a long journey back to Wizard Tower, the only Golem who came to report to Spellcaster was the clean Golem who found the mysterious light group.

“Wait for me in the laboratory … I am understood.”

Expressionless dismissed the stunned Golem, and Punk walked to his laboratory at a moderate pace.

I have to admit that the method of the Brilliant Sun throne is really beyond imagination. Even if I have been in my Magic Tower, Punk still needs to rely on Golem’s report to know the location of the visitor. The powerhouse approach is completely useless.

But … the visitor doesn’t seem to be the kind of unscrupulous guy like Punk, at least according to Golem’s report … that mysterious light group not at all “visited” this Magic Tower without permission, but used very Etiquette that matches the identity of the guests awaits Punk’s return.

“Just don’t know … Is this so-called” kindness “really goodwill or … disguised for unknowable purposes!”

Looking at the magic door of the laboratory that had stepped into sight, Punk narrowed his eyes involuntarily.

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