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On the edge of the “Xiaguang Hill” on the border of Hatak Kingdom, there is an ordinary town that is neither too big nor too small. Generally speaking, this is a very ordinary and very common town, just like almost all ordinary towns. It also has a road paved with gravel, and several carriage running with less ornate decorations but full of goods. The walls of the town are covered with moss and vines. The houses in the messy branch are almost all severely corroded. Made of wood.

Because the economy of this town basically relies on the collection of a “Xiaguang flower” growing on the “Xiaguang hills” next to it, the name of the town is simply named as “Xiaguang” town. The name of representative cash crops is also the name of many small towns. As for whether it will be the same as the countless “Xiaguang Towns” on Faerun Plane … Busy townspeople have no time to deal with such boring problems.

A kingdom can be turbulent every day, but the daily life of the town is always ordinary and monotonous … Xiaguang Town is a very monotonous town.

Every morning in the town, there are dozens of “medicine pickers” at the gate of the town set out to look for “Xiaguang flowers”, they will risk climbing the “Xiaguang hill”, but in fact The mountain is called “steep rock wall”, and then bet on luck to find even a “Xiaguang flower” before dark and return to the town before being targeted by the wolves in the “hill”.

Because “Xiaguanghua” is a valuable Apprentice Level Magic material, a “Xiaguanghua” can be sold for a price of 5 gold coins and pay 3 gold coins tax to “Precious Lord” After that, the remaining 2 gold coins can be divided equally by the dozen or so people who worked all day.

For this bland town, this kind of life is the same as the day after day and year after year of every generation since the town was established for 100 years. The most magnificent legend they have heard is in Before 1000 years ago, there was a person, the legendary Legendary Powerhouse came to this country, and the most amazing sight they had ever seen … is the Magic Tower that can be seen obscurely even on the border of Empire of Hartke.

However, anyone who wants to come to this town will not think that their plain little place that does not even have Novice Level Class Holder may usher in any great figure, although they have all heard of Kingdom Guardian in their own country. Powerhouse-the mysterious legend of “Whisper of Destruction”, but those who seek to live in barren towns will logically never have the opportunity to see the great Legendary Powerhouse … unless … something is happening in their town What seems ordinary, but actually something very unusual!

It is precisely because of such an “unusual” that an uninvited guest was greeted on the top of the “Xiaguang Hill” next to the “Xiaguang Town”.

Under the light of three bright moonlights in the sky, the person floating on the top of the mountain is a mysterious Wizard who looks extremely young in a purple robes and blue robes, even though this Spellcaster has almost perfected his breath, But the mysterious feeling between the existence and non-existence still prevents all animals and even insects on the “Xiaguang Hill” from daring to step closer to the top of the mountain.

There is no doubt that this young mysterious Wizard who is overlooking the town in the distance is the Punk just after leaving the Wizard Tower.

In fact, it has been decades since the conversation between Punk and the “President”, so a little time may be a generation change for ordinary person, but for Legendary Powerhouse, the decades are just It’s fleeting. After using the theoretically unlimited lifespan, Legendary Powerhouse like Punk who still likes to seize every moment is rare, but there are a lot of wonderful guys who are aimless going on a scenic tour.

Of course, the Punk coming to this unremarkable “hill” is definitely not for relaxing and going on a scenic tour. He has an extremely important purpose. Even for this purpose, Punk, who has never liked to hide his head and tail, is also cautious. Several levels of Legend a spell of concealed aura were applied to himself.

“Yes, this is it. There are 3” Xiaguang Towns “in the entire Hartke Kingdom, but only this town is closest to the border.”

Looking at the small town that had been shrouded in darkness in the distance, Punk took a parchment and said to himself softly.

At this time, the parchment that is quietly tiled in the hands of Spellcaster and completely not blown by the breeze is not ordinary. This is a parchment filled with various hidden runes. Even this parchment is almost entirely made of Legendary Level Magic materials. Made.

Careful observation will reveal that the lines engraved on the parchment are a complete simplified array of “Legend Level Enchantment Spell-self-destructive deflagration.” As long as the soul fluctuation of the person who got this parchment does not meet the judgment of spell rune, the whole Zhang parchment and the information recorded in it will explode in 1 in 1 million seconds.

Obviously, this parchment is the “reward” sent by “Alliance of the Silencers” to Punk. The parchment records the early Divination of Ms. “Puppy of Sleeping Sleep” for Punk’s upcoming “interference mechanism”.

Although Divination only has the most critical information and pre-summary “speculation”, and the time sent is more than ten years after the conversation between Punk and the “President”, considering that this Divination involves mysterious dangerous ” River of Destiny “, Punk didn’t mind waiting a little longer.

Looking down at the parchment through the dim moonlight, Punk frowns again to carefully observe every word on the parchment.

This is a Divination written in the same format as “Bard’s Epic”. If you read it from beginning to end, it really sounds like a slightly boring poem, of course, because you plan to start again After that, Punk will destroy the parchment, so Bard will not add a soundtrack to this “Psalm”.

These texts described in cumbersome fancy fonts are clearly different from the concise and clear speaking style of “President”, and the narrative genre like poetry seems to be mixed with many hints and metaphors, which causes Punk to be careful. Consider each sentence in it, and then try to figure out its implications and implications.

Even though Spellcaster has fully remembered every punctuation mark on the parchment, Punk carefully read the Divination again carefully before actually starting the “interference mechanism transfer experiment”.

After all-once the next plan is launched, there is no turning back. Before destroying the parchment, Spellcaster must make sure that he has fully understood these twists and turns and weird words.

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