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Cold and severe cold, hunger and fear are enough to overwhelming the majority of people’s doubts about various things, but in Ganatika, the teenager does not care about his embarrassment.

In fact, compared to worrying about yourself, Ganatika is more worried about the poor but very kind wanderers. The young man sincerely wants to help all the homeless, so even if it is squeezed in through the gap in the board room The cold-frozen teenager’s teeth were trembling, but Ganatika asked Pandora very seriously:

“Why? It seems that the farmers in my hometown are also facing the same problem. The wheat grown in the wheat field is undoubtedly enough to feed the people in the town, but after being sold, the money in exchange can not feed even half of the people. The wheat will spoil after being left for a long time, so the harvested grains still have to be sold … “

Speaking of which, Ganatika scratched her head suspiciously, and you can see that he has had doubts about this kind of problem since he was a child and those teenagers who have different ideas from the numb and poor, but he has not encountered a person who can answer before “Teacher” of my own problem.

But now it’s different. The girl sitting in front of the teenager, Pandora, can “perfectly” answer all the questions of the teenager.

With little thought or pause, Pandora, who had ready-made materials in his mind, quickly explained to the teenager.

“Because of nobility”!

The girl said solemnly.

“In this world, every item sold by the poor is required to pay” tax “to the nobility. If a nobility is kind, then he may only charge 30% of the poor’s money as a tax. Tax can be reduced!

But if nobility is not benevolent, even brutal and greedy … then 50% tax and 70% tax may appear. In this way, most of the money for the labor of the poor will fall into nobility, and hungry will be Became an inevitable thing. “

“Why … how can this be? These nobles are so rich, they can live in beautiful big houses, and they can also have maids and guards, but why do they still need to charge a lot of taxes? What are the benefits of the poor starving to the streets? “!

After listening to Pandora ’s explanation, the voices of the indignant teenagers all increased by 8 degrees. He had seen the luxury of passing nobility, and had seen too many hunger and cold of the poor. These tragic things are all under the imprint of the teenager ’s heart. Made a deep impression.

However, corresponding to the anger of the teenager, Pandora’s words only had a short pondering and pause.

At this time, Pandora actually wanted to tell the teenager that reasonable taxation is necessary, and the development of a kingdom cannot leave taxation, only because certain nobility is too greedy to make reasonable taxation a naked plunder .

But after only a little thought, Pandora put this sensible remark back to his heart.

The young girl must execute Punk ’s order now. Her mission is to guide the angry “braver” to make a “major event piece” at Scott Empire, instead of seriously explaining the complicated relations of taxation, economy, and politics. Ganatika has been ignited with inner anger, so what Pandora needs to do is to keep this anger burning until … the brave embarks on the path he is “set”.

So, Pandora, who lifts the head, did not refute and continue to explain. She just said that Ganatika, a very serious and slightly bitter, said:

“Yes, all the hateful nobility is persecuting the poor. It is clear that everyone can live a carefree life, but it is because of the greed of nobility that good people like Old Anton and Mr. Dunke have to wander and beg, Then he died helplessly! “

At this time, Pandora was almost completely performing according to the “acting skills” set by Punk, forcibly suppressing the inner colic and sadness, and the soot smeared on the face blocked the expression of the girl. The words said to Ganatika:

“But what can we do, be quiet, and pray that these nobles should be compassionate like taking the wrong medicine, apart from this … you and I can do nothing, we are destined to sit and watch the death of those pitiful persons …”

“……… No! I don’t want to sit and watch them die”!

Just like what Pandora had imagined in his memory, after hearing the girl ’s negative words, Ganatika surely gave a rebuttal answer.

“We … we can’t just watch and do nothing, we can try to change something, we … may be able to tell people that they have the right to protest against the greedy nobility, they are entitled to enjoy the fruits of their labor”!

At this time, Ganatika couldn’t feel the cold and hunger anymore. The pupil in his eyes expressed his thoughts aloud as a flame was burning, especially when he said the word “protest” I feel that there is a kind of existence in the midst that is inspiring my brain, and my stunned thinking suddenly became active. All the ideas that each and everyone didn’t usually have all appeared in the brain.

Ganatika not at all doubts the reason for his “suddenly becoming smart”, let alone the source of those “new” ideas, the excited teenager is still struggling to think about how to save the homeless pitiful person, With the help of the “Wen Si Spring”, Ganatika continued to say seriously to Pandora:

“We may really be able to do it! Even if we can’t overthrow the abominable nobility rule, but everyone’s joint protest will definitely be able to exchange tax relief. As long as there are enough people, these nobles will not dare to suppress innocent people indiscriminately. Poor people, I heard that there are many adventurers who will punish brutal nobility. The most feared of these nobles is the kind adventurer. “

“But Nobles has many selfish Class Holders to help. If you call for something, they will send Class Holder to deal with you.”

Seeing the excitement of the teenager, Pandora quickly poured a little cold water on him. The girl watched the teenager walk on a Road of No Return, but she had to help Ganatika walk on this “dead end” Faster, farther, and even more impossible to look back, she can’t let the teenager go directly to “revolution” as soon as the impulse!

So, without waiting for Ganatika to think again, Pandora immediately told the teenager the “correct” answer.

“It’s very simple, as long as you also become a powerful Class Holder, you don’t need to be invincible, as long as you can protect yourself, and believe me, as long as you put in effort and confidence, as long as you burn your beliefs, even you must be Can become a powerful Class Holder! “

Pandora ’s misconduct continued to encourage blood-thirsty teenagers. If she said that if you face an adult, then anyone will know that this idea of ​​”conviction overcomes everything and strives to achieve the strongest” is purely a delusion of Zhong 2, but … Now Pandora is facing only a half-blood boy with a bloody head.

I have to admit that a hot-blooded teenager like Ganatika … the most believable is this set of “ridiculous” statements.

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