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“What the hell is going on, Pandora, why do you contact Magic Tower in this situation”!

The Punk in the laboratory was very gloomy at this time, because just when he just planned to put down his wild guesses about Emoda ’s disappearance and began to prepare for a new round of experiments, the information from Pandora made Spellcaster had to take the The Alchemy tool out of the box was put back.

Moreover, the reason for making Punk’s face extremely ugly and even angry is not only because his experiment was interrupted. In fact, in the contact information that was passed by Pandora, Punk was also surprised to find many Distorted signal energy.

It was a kind of weird energy with a lot of “evil” Rule fluctuations. When the energy that seemed to have life just entered Punk’s laboratory, the detection array inscribed in the laboratory immediately activated the alarm, and at the same time In addition, the Legend Level special cleanup array of the laboratory immediately penetrated every thread into the laboratory Energy of Rule through the information channel to confine it.

Fortunately, these energies may be an irresistible terrorist attack for any creature below Legend Level, but in front of a knowledgeable and powerful Legendary Spellcaster, they can’t afford any waves at all.

“This is … the Energy of Rule fluctuation at the Legend level? What the hell is happening on Pandora’s side!”

With an extremely unhappy frown, Punk immediately launched Magic Tower’s all-round defense. Faced with the power of Legend level, even if it is only a little insignificant energy penetration, the cautious Spellcaster must also be at the highest level of vigilance, and no one can ensure what will be delivered again in the next second, according to Punk. Now that Pandora has come into contact with Legend level power at Scott Empire, it is not surprising that the Legend Red Dragon “Molten Reaper” Emmoda Flameclaw has suddenly arrived at the next moment.

But … at this time, these scattered and sporadic evil Energy of Rule fluctuations are not the temptations before the powerhouse battle, and there are no other things from Pandora’s communication channel. Some are just helpless girls. Crying and calling:

“Master, come and save Ganatika. We found something very terrifying. Everyone is dead, only us ……… But Ganati is almost unable to support it. There is no other Legendary Powerhouse here. , Only a weird crystal “!

Pandora, who opened the communication and sent her position coordinates, of course knew why Punk did n’t show up. She hurriedly repeated her situation in the communication again and again, especially starting to emphasize the situation of “Ganatika”, Pandora knew She is nothing more than a cheap and inferior Golem, and her value is not as good as the “fate piece” of Ganatika. Only by emphasizing the dangerous state of Ganatika can Punk take a certain risk to respond to herself.

At the same time, Pandora’s extreme worry for Ganatika is also true. She wants to save the teenager with a soul in her arms, even if it may anger her producer, “Whisper of Destruction” Punk Saian.

“Master, Pandora One repeats again, there is no danger here,” Molten Reaper “not at all arrives, Ganatika is about to die, repeat,” Pawn of Destiny “is about to be fatally threatened …

Over and over again, screaming loudly at the energy cursor floating in front of him, Pandora looked almost hysterical.

“I shouldn’t have such emotions, I should report the information with the master more seriously, but … why, my inner pain can’t please, why can’t my tears be suppressed …”

Perhaps the repercussions affected by the weird fluctuations still exist, and Pandora couldn’t even think clearly by sticking his face on the Ganatika collar.

In the deepest part of her heart, Pandora does not understand her emotions, but this does not prevent her from panicking and grieving because of the dangerous situation of Ganatika. Unconsciously, after repeated painful calls for help, Pandora has begun to feel more and more of the machinery inside her ‘S voice became indifferent and replaced … The young girl also experienced her own love for Ganatika for the first time-it was a kind of “love” that never appeared and was desperate … …

But … Just as Pandora was about to immerse herself in her emotions, with a severe scolding, all emotions such as crying, sadness, anxiety, etc. of the Doll Girl stopped immediately, because the clear scolding obviously From her master-the Legendary Spellcaster Punk Saian that Pandora just called for help for a long time and did not respond!

“Legend Level mind-affecting spell-psionic barrier”!

“Quiet, Pandora! Your waste is affected by this energy, now tell me … what the hell is going on here!”

With Punk’s impatient scolding, beside Pandora, a transmission gate of exactly one person’s size was opened instantly, and a translucent light ball flew out of the colored light door. Next moment, suddenly expanded the light ball and then Pandora And Ganatika all shrouded in.

“Spiritual Barrier” is undoubtedly a true Legend Level spell, its strength is not at all messy Energy of Rule fluctuations can be broken, I saw the outer wall of the light ball firmly blocked all the strange waves released by the gray crystal, Even after being exposed to the hazy gray mist, the translucent spherical barrier was only a little ripple that’s all.

During the effective period of the “Spiritual Barrier”, several detection spells were also successively transmitted from the Transmission Gate. The Transmission Gate has been opened, and Punk is located opposite the Transmission Gate. He is repeatedly confirming Pandora through the Divination spell. The environment.

But … while releasing spell, the expression of Legendary Spellcaster is obviously cold and gloomy at the moment. Surrounded by the glory of the small Transmission Gate, the Punk silhouette in front of Pandora’s eyes appears hazy and mysterious.

To be honest, Spellcaster’s mood is really bad at this time. Although the Red Dragon suddenly disappears from Emmoda’s Red Dragon, Punk still doesn’t want to risk opening the Transmission Gate connected to Scott Empire. After all, he is in I sincerely worry that all this is Emoda conspiracy and trap.

But … Punk can’t ignore the life and death of the “fate piece” of Ganatika after all, after all, the “brave” who just embarked on the journey has not had time to mess up the Empire of Emmoda. At this time, the “fate piece” suddenly died and received The following developments are not what Punk can anticipate, and it is for this reason that Punk will install Pandora’s communication function that can contact Magic Tower at any time.

But now, in the face of Pandora ’s sudden call for help and careful confirmation of safety with the fastest speed, Punk still decided to take a shot. On the one hand, if Emmoda has been aware of his Empire ’s state of affairs, then Punk ’s secret mastermind identity is destined to be exposed. It doesn’t matter if it is exposed more thoroughly.

But if the situation has room for recovery … Punk does n’t want to let the opportunity slip away, even if the so-called opportunity is really slim …

Of course, even if the Transmission Gate has been opened, the cautious Spellcaster will definitely not step on the enemy ’s territory. Before deciding to shoot, Punk ’s hand has already grasped a piece of arcane magic material of “Conjuration Legend spell ——Singularity Collapse”. As long as there is something wrong with the situation, Punk has already prepared Legend spell and there will never be any softness or hesitation!

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