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“Clang 啷”!

This is Pandora replaying the sound of the wooden bowl in his hand. Although the girl has been grinding the medicinal herb with her back to the teenager in the bed, in fact, Pandora, who cares about Ganatika, has not missed any words from the teenager. At this moment, after hearing the confused self-doubt of Ganatika, the beautiful woman, who was originally dedicated to grinding herbs, couldn’t help but look back seriously and solemnly said:

“Do n’t put all the blame on yourself, Ganatika! The tragedy of Red Valley City is not your fault, and the death of your compatriots is not your fault. No one knows that there is a strange crystal hidden in that warehouse. , We can’t anticipate the future, you have tried your best to be the best! “

Holding the medicine bowl calmly, Pandora walked to the hospital bed while comforting the discouraged teenager. Because the situation of the “mutual aid army” is too bad, even the “leader” of Ganatika can only use the hard state. Wooden plank bed for rest.

“Open your mouth ……… ah ~”

Calm and water disregarded Ganatika’s desire to stop, Pandora passed a spoonful of herbs to Ganatika’s mouth like a wife who took good care of her husband.

“Ai, Pandora, I remembered a long time ago. At that time, I was still a little boy, and you were also a little girl. We curled up in a small wood house and talked about dreams. That was the best time in my life.”

Gentle extend the hand touched the hair of the girl next to the bed, and felt that the hair as smooth as the water flowed at the fingertips, and the mouth of Ganatika’s mouth could not help sketching a bitter smile.

Although Pandora still does not comfort people, but I do n’t know why, as long as Ganatika sees the girl ’s tender and calm pupil, and feels Pandora ’s deep and beautiful eyes, his anxious Mind can be calmed, as if No matter how many difficulties, it has the courage to face it.

“Thank you, Pandora.”

After saying something for no reason, Ganatika took the herbs in the spoon …

“Um … this one is more bitter …”

In spite of the broken atmosphere, after drinking a large glass of water quickly, Ganatika still breathed out because of the bitterness left in her mouth, because there was not even a Spellcaster in the whole mutual aid society. , So even if Pandora collected some Magic plants, the girl who had no knowledge of making potion could only use the oldest method to grind the potion and feed it to Ganatika. After doing this, the biggest problem might not be the loss of plant medicinal properties. It’s … too bitter.

Of course, Ganatika will not be afraid of trifling a little bitterness. Although the medicinal herb tastes bitter in the mouth to produce a spicy illusion, but Ganatika swallowed every bit of medicine residue.

These herbs are very precious, and now mutual aid will not stand any waste.

You know, in the Morsenkai estate, although Ganatika is the most important soul of Class Holder, he is perfectly healed by a “soul stabilization mixture”, but the effect of the Rule wave released by the gray crystal on the creature is the flesh. , All aspects of the soul, even Pandora ’s body, which is made entirely of Magic materials and has a strong resistance to energy, ca n’t be energized within a week, let alone Ghanati, who has not yet advanced to the Master Level at the time. stuck.

According to “Brave” ‘s own estimate, for at least 3 months, his body may remain in such a “severe injury” state. If he does not have a large amount of bitter Magic medicine ingredients every day, his recovery will be even worse. Slowed down.

“If I can recover faster, maybe these nobles will not be as arrogant as they are now. Fortunately, I am now a Master Level Warrior. They will take care of some of them ……… and … those who are willing to follow me Can also get some hope “

With a powerless fist, Ganatika tried to sit up hard. Due to his poor health, his promotion to Master Level has not yet been widely disclosed in the “army”. The optimistic brave always thinks If the desperate and numb poor people know that their leader has advanced to the Master Level, they may have a little more fighting spirit and expectations.

But when Ganatika had just sat up, Pandora, who was quick-witted, was gentle. The boy pressed it back into bed.

A girl with more theoretical knowledge and a clearer view of the “heart of man” is certainly not as optimistic as a too brave “brave”, after all, even a Master Level Class Holder leader is impossible to change food out of thin air, Ghanati The news of Ka ’s promotion may not be enough to awaken the fighting spirit of the poor people, nor is it enough to lead a group of old and sick to defeat the orthodox Knight group.

But Pandora, who was distressed by Ganatika, was unwilling to undermine his confidence, so she just pressed her lips to the ear of the teenager, and then said seriously and gently:

“It’s okay, you saved everyone in times of crisis. Everyone won’t abandon their leader because of your temporary weakness. Believe in your prestige, and believe in the goodness of the people. We can persevere, and everyone can persevere. Go on …

Even though her inner guilt is tormenting her own soul, Pandora will still use the gentlest and most beautiful language to comfort Ganatika, even if she knows that her words may be purely talk nonsense, but … My task, or for, to prevent Ganatika from falling into grief, Pandora must do his best to continue to “deceive” the teenagers on the bed …

“If only this was the last deception …”

Every time Pandora talks to herself in guilt in deep in one’s heart, although she has no idea how many times she has said such deceitful words.

But … at this time, when the girl ’s words just fell, the pale pale Ganatika did not fall silent into silence as before. On the contrary, the firm-eyed teenager suddenly gave solemnly Pandora responded:

“I believe you, Pandora, no matter what happens, you are my most beloved love … No one!”

The young man ’s words were so clanging and powerful, a simple narration instantly made Pandora ’s inner sadness and guilt completely covered up by another excited emotion, even Pandora knew the meaning of the words “love”, she I also understand more … What does this word mean?

Because of this, after just a second of daze, not knowing what to do Pandora could not immediately maintain the expression of “3 no”:


“Wait a minute … wait a minute, this … this is not a confession … a confession?”

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