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Approaching the critical moment, Akto’s acting did not drop the chain like his trembling calf. Even if he was scared, he was dizzy, but Akto, who engraved the “performance” in the bones, still showed a “no fear of blade” The perfect expression of “, and then righteously said the line prepared for him by” black clothed person “:

“Evil? If you continue to indulge Ganatika, that is true evil! Now that continues, all people and all innocent poor people will die. Do you want to deny the fact, Lord Tauno? Even if our tragedy is not because of The conspiracy of that stupid leader, but it must also be caused by his wrong decision! We surrendered to nobles to make up for the dead, and then let the idiot leader go to the guillotine to make up for the sins, and finally everyone can survive. This is … named ” “Goodness” of “goodness”!

Facts have proved that although this thing sounds like blood, it is still very powerful in many cases, especially for Tauno, who is not so broad-minded, reasonable, and principled. For Holder, the big fist is nothing, and the one who can convince him is the real boss.

While Akto has served as a lieutenant in the mutual aid club for several years, he has no other gains. When he joined the mutual aid club, he was Level 7 Warrior, and now he is still Level 7 Warrior, only in eloquence … or “fooling”. Going forward, after waiting for a calm voice and a perfect “nonsense” in which the tone changes, Akto himself felt that what he said made sense.

“Yes, sacrifice one person to save a lot of people, and the sacrificed person is still a guilty sinner. Well, this is” Great Righteousness “. Only” Great Righteousness “is truly” good “!

While repetitively hypnotizing himself, Akto looked at the sharp-eyed Tauno with a “sincere eye” without a weak spot. Before organizing this conversation, Akto deeply investigated the character of the 3 Formal Level powerhouse This Tauno is the kind of guy who especially likes to pay attention to “Da Yi”. As long as he uses “Da Yi” to suppress him, this guy will definitely apologize to the victim while ruthless.

Sure enough, after listening to Akto’s explanation, Tauno frowns back into his seat in silence. It is true that Ganatika has a favor for him, but … hundreds of thousands The poor are wandering on the verge of death. Indisputable facts, if it is for the sake of “righteousness” …

The silent knight squeezed the long knife in his hand.

Solved the most difficult guy, the next 2 Formal Level Warrior would be better to persuade, such as the big man who is still stuffing oneself with food, when Akto looked at the big man who was drinking wine laughed heartily replied:

“Ganatika? What kind of leader is he? He is just a cowardly head of injustice. Laozi hasn’t been used to that pretty boy for a long time. He just turned it around. I and a bunch of brothers are too lazy to be nobility. Fighting at home and robbing, eating meat and drinking is better than nothing? “

The big-faced big man is very free and easy. This former bandit leader was promoted to Formal Level after joining the mutual aid society. Now he has the power and the bandits who have made various vows to reform the evil have long wanted to go far away.

Seeing a series of 2 “big shots” all expressing their attitudes, all the small bosses, including Akto who pinched a cold sweat, looked back towards the last powerhouse sitting in the corner, unconsciously The original hustle and bustle of the camp has been silent and everyone is quietly waiting for the last person to speak …

The unremarkable middle age person sitting in the corner is one of the three remaining Formal Level powerhouses in the mutual aid society. At the same time, he is also a city-state owner.

If most people join the mutual aid society for “goodness” or “refuge”, then this nobility middle age person may be purely for rights.

Of course, precisely because of this, this middle age person’s loss is arguably the largest of all races present. Originally, he just wanted to use mutual aid to expand the influence of the Great Family, and by the way gain a good reputation for “good nobility”, but right now…………

Needless to say, the middle age person’s family has been delisted by Scott’s nobility group, and the most hated Ganatika is probably the middle age person with this face looks sinister

As it should be by rights, his decision was more definite and determined than that of the bandit big man ’s answer:

“I have no objection to Akto’s idea! The encirclement and suppression that Ganatika suddenly attracted has hurt my family. If he can recover a little loss from his death, it would be better to let him die.” !

The eyes of middle age person were covered with bloodshot eyes, and the baleful qi he released made many leaders around him shiver coldly.

“Very good, very good, then everyone’s opinions should be unified, but I think you should know that the sinner Ganatika has advanced to become a Master Level Warrior, although I heard that he was seriously injured, but … we are after all I do n’t know how bad he was, so for the sake of insurance, and to show the “nominations” to Scott Empire ’s nobles, I came up with a 10000 full plan ”.

After wiping the sweat from his forehead, Akto was almost unable to suppress his inner joy.

Up to now, the progress of everything is exactly similar to the “plan” of the black clothed person nobility who contacted him. Akto, who is full of confidence, has boundless conviction that as long as he continues to carry out the plan, his glory and wealth will be in sight. Now!

“My plan is this …”

Akto continued to shine with both eyes:

“Mr. Tenny (middle-aged nobility) can send an urgent message to Ganatika as soon as possible, saying that your” army “has been surrounded by” Pearl City “and he is also seriously injured and asks Ganatika Go to rescue quickly!

Next, Mr. Tauno, you also have to send a message to Ganatika, tell him that your elite team is fully confident that you can tear the crack from the flanks of the Knight Regiment, and only needs Ganatika ’s response and With the high-end power of his Master Level Warrior, Mr. Turner and everyone can be saved!

Finally, axe big brother (big man), please also send a letter to Ganatika, please tell him that you have led the main force of the Scott Knight group to the “Maple Woodland” away from the Pearl City, and then Tell Ganatika that you can rescue without worrying about being surrounded by enemies!

While everyone acts, nobles will also make false actions in accordance with your actions. In this way, Ganatika, a “sinner” who likes to go around and can block the Divination Spell, will definitely be led to Pearl City , Where, naturally there are several Master Level powerhouse who will pick him up! “

Insidious and vicious arrangements were told in Akto’s mouth, but everyone in the camp still heard with keen interest pleasure, when the conspiracy was put on the coat of “goodness”, when the trick had the “big right” Fame, a mean trap is no longer in sight, because now, it is already a “just sanction”!

Of course, after thinking that Ganatika had advanced to the Master Level, Turner, who was a bit heavier, also had a cautious question:

“What if something is revealed before it succeeds?”

And what he got … was a fierce reply from a robust man called an axe:

“If you are exposed, you will be exposed. Everyone will fight with that Ganatika, and if you die, you will have to cut the pretty boy 2 knife!”

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