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This is the last question of Ganatika, and the last point in his grief that seems to tear the soul. He has been giving everything for Pandora ’s “goodness” in his life. In escaping sentence, he wants to make everyone happy …

But now … Ganatika has only gotten a relentless betrayal from his companion. He can’t understand the problem, he is not willing …

“Why my” goodness “will usher in betrayal! Why do you live up to my kindness! Akto! Answer me, I know you are on the city wall!”

Although the feeling of weakness still haunts the soul of Ganatika, as the Warrior of Master Level, the roar of the youth is still enough to spread throughout the pearl city that is in celebration, and the nobles who are “appreciating the scenery” on the city wall of course I also heard the mournful cry.

Finally, under the staring gaze of Ganatika, the smiling Akto appeared at the head of the city, and beside him were a group of “new nobility” who were naturally the original “new nobility” by Ghana. The “comrades” that Tika recognized were originally big and small leaders of the “mutual aid army”, but now they are all members of nobility.

“Ganatika? Hahaha, see what you look like, you’re just an idiot wild dog that’s all”!

Looking at the loosing and loosing Ganatika, Akto standing at the head of the city could n’t help but laughed heartily, he was always jealous of what the “brave” had, because in his view, all kinds of actions Ganatika, who is completely an idiot, is not worthy of the powerful power, the eyes of people who are praised, nor the woman of Pandora’s beauty.

Today, Ganatika has lost everything, and soon a digital Master Level powerhouse will imprison this seemingly weak Warrior. The power of Ganatika no longer exists, and his ” “Companions” have already become their own followers, and no one will praise the good boy as “the savior”, and the beautiful Pandora is already fragrant, although Akto has no chance to kiss The beauty of Fang Ze, but seeing Ganatika losing his most cherished lover, the psychologically murky “adjutant” will have an unspeakable taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune.

So, ignorant of the imminent disaster, Akto, still happily dancing, continued to stimulate Ganatica with words:

“Let’s take a look at this idiot, what did he think he was? The savior? Or the so-called great man? I just laughed to death! So many low-income people follow you just for free bread, we treat you as After a while, the younger brother is looking for today’s glory and wealth! Kindness? There are still idiots who believe in that kind of thing, and you deserve to fall into today’s situation ah ~ Na ~ Ti ~ card! “

Akto’s language, ruthless, penetrated into the soul of Ganatika, and beside him, a group of “new nobility” still nodded to express their approval, and some of them accepted the Gamma The gold coins of Natica only depend on the businessman who survived the debt. Some of them have a little warrior who has been carefully taught by Ganatika. Others are farmers who have received mutual aid when they are about to starve to death. But now … they all have With the status of “nobility”, they all laughed at the unrealistic kindness of Ganatika unscrupulously.

They want to draw a line with this former “benefactor”, and then enjoy their glory and wealth with peace of mind!

“Isn’t that what it is, it turns out … the so-called kindness is such a thing! The betrayal of all the people that my kindness exchanges, the kindness of Pandora is the secret calculation of the mean villain … Kindness? The kindness I insist on … … From the very beginning Is it a joke that does not exist? ”

In the laughter of worms that penetrated into the soul like a worm, Ganatika slowly lowered her head without saying a word. The breath of death replaced the violent soul emotion of the “Brave” It looks like a body that has lost its soul. The collapsed and broken darkness fills its heart and soul with a fast terrifying speed …

“Where is Ganatika”!

In addition to watching the lively crowd of nobility, there are several Master Level powerhouses and 5 great nobility who rushed over to the city wall. Compared with the crowd of nobility celebrated at the first city at the first time, their arrival time A little slower, especially when Moraka Master flew over, he only felt that the emotion wave that was just like the flames of the wave had turned into almost invisible death.

“Report Sir, the peasant is there.”

Seeing the “great figure” coming, Akto quickly put on a flattering smile to guide a group of great nobility, followed his finger, and everyone quickly saw their heads kneeling on the city gate. Wanna and so on Ganatika.

However, something unexpected was that immediately after seeing Ganatika, it was not the tense Moraka Master who screamed out loudly, nor the drunken Prince Muranda, but the old noble Voss whose hair fell out overnight!

“Yes, it’s Ganatika! It’s this damn bastard, I will recognize him ashes”!

Hate, pain, despair, and other complex emotions of light broke out in the pupil. This old man who had always maintained the “nobility manner” finally lost his peace when he saw Ganatika.

The old desperate old noble was quietly waiting to die in his home, but now, he has learned the amazing news that Ganatika appeared in the city gate, but he has n’t waited until his inner surprise burst out, sane The old noble immediately thought that Emmoda Flameclaw would be back today. Even if they caught Ganatika, they would have no time to find the gray crystal …

From despair to hope, and from hope to despair again, the rapid rise and fall of emotions made the oldest noble, the fastest responder, hysterical.

I saw this looks weak, but in fact an old man of Novice Level Warrior jumped directly off the city wall, he did not care about any danger or manners, under the unbelievable gaze of nobility on the city wall, he was furious Voss just ran to Ganatika quickly, and then he grabbed the collar of the dead boy and shouted loudly:

“Where did that gray crystal go?”

Old noble’s voice was like a hungry wolf who had robbed the cub, and his arms were shaking violently with hatred and anger.

But Ganatika still just stared at the old man in silence …

“Where did that gray crystal go Ahhhh!”

Shaking Ganatika’s body vigorously, the old noble’s voice was broken and hoarse. Now he looks like a poor beggar praying for alms.

But … even in a loud voice, it was impossible, which attracted the attention of the dead Ganatica ………


Old noble asked a total of 2 times, and he only came and asked 2 times. When Vos continued to ask the third sentence, a more deafening, more violent and violent question came suddenly and quickly!

It’s just that this sound quality doesn’t come from the nobility of the city’s head, nor from the Master Level Class Holder, who is pale, but … from the high-altitude clouds that burst like fire!

“That gray crystal … where did it go?”

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