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“Hu, fortunately Fang was a bit greedy at Mosenkai Manor and took a piece of crystal. Now Emoda has not succeeded in assembling the Legendary Equipment, otherwise this battle will be really impossible to fight.”

After being smashed with 2 layers of protective spells again, Punk continued to release Legend Level spell to counterattack, and also glanced at the neck of Legend Red Dragon with a little luck.

I saw that on the neck of Emoda, the large gray crystal carried as a necklace showed a variety of colorful lights and shadows in the glint of spell, except that the gray black color carried by the crystal itself dipped these gorgeous colors. There was a lingering haze.

An excellent piece of equipment can’t be ignored for the strength bonus of a professional letter. For this fact, the Spellcaster that often uses magic equipment to gain advantages in the Master Level and Formal Level stages is deeply touched, and what Emoda has That “gray crystal” Legendary Equipment does n’t look like a bad quality playing the yú to make up the numbers. If the gray crystal in the hands of Legend Red Dragon is intact, then Punk must start running now. .

However … Even if Legendary Equipment is not available, Emoda’s strength is still steadily gained the upper hand. After more than an hour of unconsciously fighting, I feel that the recovery speed of magic power has been seriously unable to keep up with the consumption of Punk, and I can even hear the footsteps of defeat. The sound lingered in his ears.

“No! You have to find a way to weaken this crazy dragon, otherwise you won’t even have a chance to overturn after a few hours of injury.”

Gently biting his teeth secretly, Punk’s sullen expression began to narrow his eyes and thought.

If you encounter an enemy that is not easy to deal with, then there are only two kinds of coping as a combatant, one is to make yourself more difficult to deal with, and the other is to make the enemy better to deal with.

So what kind of enemy is the best enemy in the world?

The answer is-fall into crazy enemies!

Enemies caught in madness are the best ones to deal with. Punk has always regarded this sentence as the truth of battle.

However, as the level increases, as the enemy’s level continues to increase, especially after reaching the Legend Realm, Punk has had a hard time encountering crazy enemies with abnormal brains, even if he hits the weak points of the harsh words can still be simple Arouse anyone’s anger, but which Class Holder that can be promoted to Legend will not control his emotions and go crazy in battle?

But now, just when Spellcaster already not in has much expectation for the power of the convenient method of “sneering”, Red Dragon Emoda, who has obviously been greatly affected by his spirit, appears in front of Punk.

Emoda Flameclaw is by no means a sane guy. After a series of investigations, Punk is not difficult to know that this chaotic Evil Alignment Dragon is a Legend Warlock with “Bloodline assimilation” in the direction of “breaking shackles”!

The so-called “Bloodline assimilation direction breaking shackles” is a kind of Warlock road that is completely opposite to “sensible overwhelming direction breaking shackles”. Selecting the “sensible overwhelming” direction of Warlock will strive to maintain its own instinct and destroy Bloodline’s instinct. “Good Black Dragon” Owakin is a typical example.

However, Warlock who chooses “Bloodline assimilation” will in most cases indulge the impact of his own Bloodline, and then keep his will and desire consistent with Bloodline’s instincts!

This kind of Warlock road, rather than “breaking shackles”, is the best way to mass-produce “Chaotic Evil” Alignment lunatics, and Emoda was originally a “evil instinct, chaos instinct” The “Red Fewer” Red Dragon, in the past he can still tell when he can indulge his desires and when he needs to keep his reason.

But … When it was mysterious disappearance for a while, and then changed itself into the appearance of this half-dragon and half-monster, the rational level of the already tyrannical Red Dragon began to move closer and closer to the Demons in Abyss!

After realizing the semi-crazy state of Emoda Flameclaw, all Punk has to do now is to find a way to further anger it and let it fall into a more complete madness as soon as possible.

So, is there any way to maximize the anger of Dragon?

Looking at the large crystal necklace on Emoda’s neck meaningfully again, Punk quickly thought of a way worth trying.

As of now, a large piece of gray crystal hanging on the neck of Legend Red Dragon is purely an ornament. The Enchantment structure of this Legendary Equipment is not at all Enchantment on separate components, but the entire crystal is engraved as a whole Legend Level array. Today, the lack of a component of the Grey Crystal Legendary Equipment directly leads to the incompleteness of the core array. The powerful functions that it should have cannot be used.

However, even if it is only used as a “decoration”, Emoda still carefully hangs the ineffective crystal on its vital parts for personal protection. From this, it can be seen that the Legendary Giant Dragon attaches great importance to this strange Legendary Equipment. After discovering that Emmod would rather use his head to block the attack of Legend Level spell than to let the “necklace” on his neck approach any danger, Punk, who was evading the Dragon tentacle from the left, quickly thought of breaking. Deadlock ideas.

“Emoda Flameclaw, you are already a mad dragon, but you are not crazy enough. Real lunatics should not be able to evade, nor should they count enemy movements. Now, you still become more a bit like the image of” crazy ” “”

While coldly talking to himself, Punk avoided the Red Dragon one after another and smashed several Fireballs, and in the hands of Spellcaster, a colorful brilliance and a fragmented space blossomed quietly.

In the next moment, in the battlefield where Rule Fragment was flying around and the physical constants collapsed one after another, a piece of gray crystal with many people dare appeared silently beside Punk, but the gray crystal was surrounded by layers after layer. The Legend Level Seal Magic Array like a cocoon is wrapped in layers. Although it appears beside Punk, the connection between the gray crystal and the outside world is almost completely cut off.

“Emoda Flameclaw, is the gray crystal you mean this thing?”

Carrying a series of crystals “Blink” back a few steps back, again avoiding dozens of incandescent Fireball Punk with cold eyes watching Legend Red Dragon loudly said flying in the sky.

Among the other palms of Spellcaster, a Legend Level spell, which was constructed almost at the same time as the gray crystal was taken out, has been quietly brewing.

“Legend Level Alchemy spell-collapse and decomposition”!

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