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“Pa 叽”!

Another piece of crimson meat with high temperature was thrown into a magical energy chassis suspended on the lava waves. Counting this “newly added” piece of flesh, this piece is equivalent to an energy disc of the size of a living room. Several hundred large and small pieces of “minced meat” have been placed, and a few pieces of flesh can still vaguely see skeleton debris and the residue of dragon scales.

Obviously, these pieces of meat were the spoils of war that Punk “salvaged” from the lava sea. It is also the only substantial spoils of war available to Punk so far.

In order to find Emmoda Flameclaw’s flesh wrapped in the lava and drifting along with the waves, Punk had to fly over this hot lava wave, and then use Legend Level Divination spell to “seabed” every time he reached an area. “Explore thoroughly, and finally use Mage Hand one by one to pick out the bits and pieces of meat.

Legend Red Dragon is dead, its soul has already been scattered ashes and dispersed smoke, the overwhelming majority body has also become fly ash under the horror power of Legend spell, most of the remaining flesh and blood are the most tenacious and energy in Dragon body Powerful, the most adaptable body tissue part of Rule, they are undoubtedly valuable Legend materials.

However, no matter what time, the Legend material is not so easy to find, especially the battlefield at this time is still full of violent Energy of Rule, even if Punk has been releasing Legend Level Divination spell. , But it took him several hours to search the entire lava sea completely.

“It seems … there are so many.”

Throwing the last small piece of “fouling” the size of a fingernail onto the translucent energy disc, and looked at the pile of flesh that never weighed more than 100 pounds. Punk couldn’t help but slightly frowned.

After a detailed “carpet-style” search, Punk had reason to believe that he had collected all the flesh and blood fragments left by the Legendary Giant Dragon, but the amount of flesh and blood of these Red Dragons was very unsatisfactory for Spellcaster. Most of the meat pieces are almost more fragmented than the minced meat, and the largest piece is just the size of Punk’s slap.

And what is not unexpected from Punk is that all of these “surviving” flesh and blood come from the mutation part of Emmoda Flameclaw …

“The material is very high quality, the flesh and tissue of Legendary Giant Dragon, the unknown special mutation … This is already a very precious Golem material, but it is a pity that this number is too small.”

Picking up a small piece of blood that was still continuously exuding a high temperature of 1000 degrees, Punk felt the soft texture of the piece of meat between his fingers, silently lamenting in the heart silently.

According to Spellcaster’s original idea, his plan was to leave at least half of Emoda’s body, and then try to transform that part of flesh into a Legend level flying mount, so that Punk can have a battle that can be at the Legend level. The useful mounts and “shields” of the Chinese school are now available, and the “Hatak Empire” usually staying at their own base can also play a role as some “home care home”.

Only now …

Helplessly shook the head, Punk silently packed every piece of flesh into a specially emptied storage ring.

as the saying goes well, the plan will never catch up with the changes, and now Spellcaster has deeply realized the meaning of this sentence.

His “Singularity Collapse” exploded half of Emoda’s body into pieces, and Emmoda’s own “melt and flame” succeeded in turning the remaining half of his body into a trace of unburnt fly ash … speaking from a certain perspective, the Legendary Giant Dragon on the road to failure is considered to have left a lot of trouble for its enemies at the last moment-at least for now, the Legend Red Dragon that used to cover the mountains with shadows of wings Only a little bit of useful “minced meat” remains, and Emoda Flameclaw, as a pure Warlock Class Holder, does not expect to leave any magic materials in the nest.

So … the “mount” that Punk had been expecting had no hope.

“Then the problem is coming …”

Flying high again, watching the burning lava waves, feeling the fire that can be ignited by the sun in the broken space Element Rule, Punk rubbed his temple while helplessly said to himself:

“In the” disturbance mechanism transfer mode “at this time … Am I making a profit … Or is it a loss?”

This question is really difficult to answer.

Losing money and making money still depend on whether the harvest, pay and loss match. In this “interference mechanism transfer plan” that lasted for more than 60 years, the “material cost” paid by Punk is strictly a poor quality Golem — -Pandora only, but he takes the risk of a life and death battle with a powerful Legend Class Holder.

Facts have proved that this risk is perfectly fulfilled.

But now that the battle is over, and Punk has also won, let ’s not worry about whether the “risk” and the gain are directly proportional, let ’s first look at the loss and gain of Punk when everything is over .

First look at the loss.

Punk actually suffered a lot of material losses, because during the battle, Spellcaster once saw a lot of Rule Fragment blown up in the Legend Level spell crossfire and flew to Hatak Empire at the speed of light … … Now Punk is reluctant to go back and see how miserable his “farm” has become.

A bunch of Rule Fragment cooperates with the continuous earthquake … Punk estimates that at least one third of Hatak’s area may have become a dead place full of rifts and flames. Now Punk can only hope that the fragment’s landing point is a little more remote, don’t kill Hatak Empire Too many people …

apart from this, a Legendary Spellcaster played so much in Faerun Plane. It must have attracted the attention of many people. Considering the River of Destiny’s characteristic of finding trouble for the high-profile Legendary Powerhouse, Punk thinks that even if it is in Legendary Powerhouse has “unspoken rules” that do not easily touch each other, and attracting attention may not be a good thing.

After analyzing the loss, the analysis and the harvest are left.

Punk’s harvest has only 3 items in total. First of all, it is naturally Emmod’s pile of minced meat. It is certainly not possible to make these few pounds of “meat residue” into a mount, but maybe you may consider building a small Golem.

Then there is the experience of fighting. After a first Legend battle in life, Punk found many deficiencies of himself and learned how to make up for his weaknesses and understand himself in actual combat. It should be a huge gain.

And the final takeaway … is about the “interference mechanism transfer mode”.

Well, through this time, Punk came to a conclusion that may be very useful-“Interference mechanism transfer mode” is indeed useful! But … this thing is also very unstable and unreliable. If you use it later, you must be mentally prepared to mess things up.

“Then I should be considered a loss or a profit.”

Gently sighed, Punk decided not to struggle with the problem.

He also has to clean the sea of ​​lava, go back and repair his own “farm”, and then he needs to take the time to study Magic, and take the time to make plans for the future … For a Legendary Spellcaster with a fast-growing idea, Time is precious.

“Just don’t make money or lose money”!

Punk said to himself silently again.

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