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Ganatika embarked on a road of endless revenge. According to the saying of the “braver” who had nothing, he would first turn around the small kingdom around Scott, first look at those Kurt Empire’s “hypocrisy” country that endured famine but did not contribute to food relief disturbed Heaven and Earth turning upside down, while hone its Battle Skill in battles and slaveters and continued to grow stronger.

Punk naturally has no opinions on the plan made by Ganatika himself. In fact, the current “brave” … No, it should be a bit of an “Avenger”. He is a Level 17 Warrior. The Master Level itself has certain self-protection capabilities, and Ganatika also has an excellent life-saving trump card, which is the gem left by Pandora.

The gem that was forcibly embedded in his right eye frame by the “Avenger” still has the effect of shielding the Master Level Divination spell, so as long as Ganatika does not die, he seriously surrounds each and everyone without Legendary Powerhouse oversee The kingdom of China has been patiently “guerrilla” for several years, and Punk feels that the five kingdoms north of Scott are likely to be destroyed by Ganatika alone.

Of course, no matter whether Ganatika does it or not, and whether he will let the 5 kingdoms of loss of life have nothing to do with Punk, in fact, it is more in Punk ’s interest to do things everywhere. Because, as a result, the Spellcaster who monitors Ganatika at any time will have the opportunity to spy on the traces of “fate” …………

As for when Ganatika reaches Level 19 and intends to advance to Legend, he still holds 2 copies of “Divinity” in his hand, should he hold the hired thug mentality to help him … Punk has not yet made a decision .

On the one hand, it is because there is still a certain distance between the current Ganatika and Level 19. In theory, it is hard to say if the Ganatika, who has lost its “River of Destiny pawn” status, will live.

On the other hand … Considering that helping a potential Master Level Class Holder to advance to Legend might attract the attention of the River of Destiny, the cautious Punk still intends to first find an opportunity to purchase some intelligence from Alliance of the Silencers and then analyze the value of doing so not worth it…………

In any case, with the departure of Ganatika, the matter about the “fate piece” has come to an end temporarily. It is expected that in the next few 1000 years, Punk will not need to worry about this “extreme avenger” situation.

It’s just that the impact of the “interference mechanism return” will obviously not leave with the “interference mechanism” “fuse”. Although Punk has helplessly cleaned up a battlefield, but now … even if I can’t return, I have a headache “Whisper of Destruction” can also think of what a mess in his “farm”.

Oh my god, if you think about it, a bunch of scary Rule Fragment smashed into Empire in Hatak, and a death of 100000000 million people is an inevitable thing.

You know, this is equivalent to the sudden death of the population of one third of the total number of Hartke Empire! Even if it is placed in Faerun Plane, where people’s psychological acceptance is strong, such a sudden and large-scale death and injury disaster seriously exceeds the acceptance range of ordinary people.

And not only that, the disaster faced by Hatak Empire at this time will be coupled with the sudden rise in temperature, large-scale plants and crops withered, some ambitions and foolish nobility turmoil, a large number of poor people were alarmed, and even guessed Intimate Class Holder’s fear of Legend level battle …

Punk suddenly remembered that his Empire did not have even an army! These nobles and even the Imperial Family do not have the right to mobilize the border defense Golem without Punk ’s consent. In this case, the guards who will do nothing but bully the poor will definitely not be able to suppress the riots involving the Class Holder in Empire. The entire The unrest in Hatak will inevitably increase!

“Interference mechanism is too effective! Even with the” interference mechanism transfer mode “, but it still allows Hatak bad luck to” once before returning to liberation “? Now even if he rushed back to stabilize the situation, it is estimated that the national strength of Hatak Empire It must also fall to the state when it just became Empire. “

Looking at Hatak’s direction from afar on the clouds, Punk couldn’t help frowns rubbing the rubbed the temple.

An Empire is extremely tenacious, because in theory, as long as the Legendary Powerhouse is still alive, the sheltered Empire is truly destroyed.

However, an Empire is also extremely fragile. Because of the Oversee of the Legend Class Holder, the huge Empire does not need an army, will not face war, and no one has the courage to civil strife. The number of Class Holders can also soar in a rigorous order environment.

In such an extremely suppressed “false peace”, once a certain day, the Legendary Powerhouse, like the invincible pillar, has any possible accidents, a huge Empire may fall apart in just a few days, especially in economic development. In a prosperous country with excellent and unimpeded Magic communication, it will be fueled and vinegared, and then quickly notify the “disaster” of all Lords in the country will further increase people’s panic!

In the end, before the return of Legend Class Holder and the suppression with absolute power, the riots of the Peace-Empire Empire were fundamentally suppressed. It would only intensify like a big fire like a prairie fire until the Legendary Powerhouse had been working hard for thousands of years. “Farm” burned into a white field …………

“If Hatak’s situation is too serious … just give it up, it seems really whimsical to want to develop farming in front of the” disturbance mechanism “…

While continuing to fly in the direction of the increasingly heavy Hatak Empire of Elemental Energy, Punk murmured silently in his heart.

He knows too well what his “Hatak Empire” is a virtuous thing. None of the common diseases of Empire, sheltered by Legendary Spellcaster, has fallen. In the face of such a natural disaster, if the entire Hatak has begun to collapse in a riot within half a day Punk is no surprise.

So, although I have n’t seen the chaotic appearance of Empire, Punk has decided that if he returns to his “home” after just experiencing a fruitless battle, and then finds that his courtyard has been messed up … Anyway, the “Whisper of Destruction”, who is currently in a bad mood, certainly has no patience to spend a few hundred years rebuilding the “farm”. He will directly burn down the dilapidated yard, and then silently give up the so-called “farm economy”.

“Sure enough, Class Holder’s path is to take risks, plunder, explore, collect!” Farm “and so on are still too much trouble!”

Punk thought rather unpleasantly.

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