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Punk feels surprised that Kane has 20 4 Warrior levels. Although he has always known that Kane has some unknown secrets, how can Kane have secrets is also impossible. Like he owns a Great Arcanist directly All promotion experience?

What’s more, upgrading the level is not just about having enough Legend resources. Talent, effort, inspiration, will, luck … None of the above are indispensable, and Kane is actually able to serve customers with difficulties and Punk The Class Level is not much different. In some respects, Kane can really be regarded as a genius of the entire Multiverse cream of the crop level.

This is indeed beyond Spellcaster’s expectations, and it is inevitable that he looked towards Kane’s eyes with a surprised expression.

Punk expressed surprise at Kane’s Class Level, and after Kane sensed Punk’s arcane magic level … the rest of the expression could only be described in horror.

In fact, when Punk just kicked open the door and walked in, Kane was still casually enjoying the succubus’s nephrite Wenxiang and listening to the mermaid girl’s beautiful screams. Knight’s expression at that time was very deep, that kind of like It’s just showing off his achievements to the old rivals, while constantly saying, “It’s all trivial, nothing,” the sense of complacentness hardly hides.

However, when he also secretly used Mental Power to probe a Punk project with a certain arcane magic ability, the smile of his high-spirited and vigorous “Instant Kill Gun” in the last second was instantly stiff. Living.


After almost instinctively summoning the armor in the storage ring to his body and slap the succubus girl to the side, Kane almost jumped straight.

If Punk ’s emotions at this time are a bit surprised, then Kane ’s inner emotions can only be described in horror. His appearance is like seeing a ghost. Looking at Punk ’s eyes is like looking at it. What is unreasonable, indescribable … monster.

“Lying trough”!

In the face of Punk’s sarcasm, Kane’s first sentence was a word of exclamation that was not adulterated. Then, Knight, who was still contented with himself, immediately asked Punk aloud in a flustered and exasperated tone:

“It’s like seeing Undead, Punk is in -Saian! Where did you get the monster from? 2 Level 15? How did you do it? Why is this guy always higher than me?”

Watching the projection of the Spellcaster without worries, Kane directly carried the knight spear that he had just picked up and walked off his throne. As you can see, Punk ’s Class Level of up to 2 Level 15 seems to have caused serious problems for Knight who did n’t care for how long. The psychological discomfort, now Kane is angry and even swears out.

Do n’t blame Kane to make a fuss about nothing. It ’s really that Punk is a bit ridiculous. Kane always thinks that he can hit 10000 Level 2 in 14 years. At least in the history that has been recorded so far, he has advanced. The fast speed of Knight has broken the record of Legend Warrior called the “Crusher”, and now he has become the fastest upgrade Warrior in the history of the entire Multiverse.

This is the news that Kane learned through his own secret channels, and it is also a key source of confidence.

Because of this, before seeing Punk, Kane once thought that this time he must be able to walk in front of that nasty Spellcaster.

Even if you are in the same realm, the specific strength is not easy to say, but at least one or two levels higher than the level can be regarded as a limelight and revenge for the bad luck of the previous loss.

So, when Punk kicked the door open and entered the hall, Knight, who was still enjoying the succubus’ service, even thought of a bunch of euphemistic and highly ironic lines to entertain his “Old Friend”, Perhaps a level 2 gap is just a “little thing”, but it is important to be able to take the hidden dominance in adventure.

But … Mr. Wo-ziji Shuo De said something:

You think that opponents who are just “a little bit” stronger than you generally have an “inherent attribute”-that is, “No matter how you grow, people will always be stronger than you.”

Kane has fully felt how correct this “great man” is saying … Because now, the fact that in the wider world there are people more talented than oneself is very appropriate. The benefits are shown in high-spirited and vigorous In front of “Instant Kill Gun” … Before waiting for Kane to say what he wanted, even a word, he was immediately fiercely bruised by the brutal reality …

2 Level 14 is gone? 2 Level 15 Get to know!

For Kane’s surprised performance, Punk’s feeling is actually only remain unmoved.

Maybe Kane, a guy who does n’t want to be in the limelight all the time, cares about these, but Punk really does n’t care about the current level upgrade.

The Legend Class Holder before reaching 3 Level 10 is counted in the category of “new Legend”. The 2 Class Levels from 10 Level 3 to 10 Level XNUMX are easy to break through, even if they do n’t do anything purely to spend time A few million years can also survive.

Therefore, in Punk’s view, everyone is a new Legend. Both 2 Level 10 and 2 Level 19 are nothing to be proud of, and the level can not represent the absolute battle strength. Not to mention anything else, the Warlock level of the Emmoda Flameclaw pinnacle state is completely virtual High Punk Level 4, in the end, wasn’t there even a few pieces of minced meat left?

What ’s more, Punk also knows that the reason why he upgraded so smoothly is because the promotion experience of Great Arcanist Vedrasia is being used as a support. He will not really treat himself as a genius. The experience of Great Arcanist will lose its effect in the Morningstar stage. Can it continue to be upgraded smoothly?

Therefore, Punk did n’t even care about the difference in the ranks of the same realm. No matter whether Kane ’s rank was lower than himself or higher than himself, Punk ’s attitude would never change. Should he kick or kick, Whether to expose the short or expose the short face, and so on from the very beginning is not in Spellcaster’s plan.

It’s just … Since Kane from the very beginning wanted to take a bit of ridicule that wasn’t counted and so on the level gap, and also put on such a provocative and ridiculous attitude, Punk was never bad temper, of course, neither Will be exposed on this.

When it comes to ridicule, the Spellcaster with refined language is not afraid of anyone.

So, just waiting for the surprised Knight flustered and exasperated to finish, Punk immediately followed Kane’s words indifferently said as if nothing happened:

“Long time no see… Say Kane, you can achieve 2 Level 14 in such a short time? But it is not unexpected, after all, even the wizard like me doing nothing has reached 2 Level 15, isn’t it?”

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