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“… Why don’t we set off quickly? In fact, neither your” Instant Kill Gun “or my” Whisper of Destruction “need to do too much unnecessary preparation.”

The idea has changed, and the words that have just been spoken will change accordingly. After learning that the mysterious ruin is likely to be the property of a Great Arcanist at the end of Netheril, Punk hardly needs to consider more. Immediately decided to participate in this adventure.

The possible wealth of the Netheril ruins is enough to make up for the risks it may bring. Punk is a Chaotic Neutral Alignment Spellcaster. As long as the benefits are sufficient, he also dares to dabble in the danger of a survival rate of less than 80%.

Not to mention this time he is not alone to explore-Kane as a mysterious and secretive 2 Level 14 Legend Knight, his battle strength is probably not much weaker than his Legendary Wizard. And smile … Anyway, this “Your Majesty the Queen” is also a Legend-level powerhouse, if she is willing to come up with a little extraordinary Divine Power … Maybe it seems that the god-like girl God can release unexpectedly. Explosive power, this line-up of “Legend Adventure Squad” has the capital to set foot in a lost Magic Tower of Great Arcanist.

Of course, if it wasn’t because Kane and “Smile” clearly reached a private “offensive and defensive alliance” agreement in private, Punk still hoped to kick a God who was not strong enough.

If there is one more person, there will be one more “split”. The greedy Spellcaster will never be willing to share wealth with others, especially this wealth comes from the ancient “Netheril” era.

In fact, the current Punk is actually thinking about whether he has the opportunity to kill the two guys Kane and “Smile”. The opportunity for everyone to work together is rare. Finding the opportunity to stabb the opponent with a knife is only right. They have come in 2 miles. A trip!

Based on the above considerations, Punk not at all refused again.

The smile and Kane also looked sighed in relief.

Spellcaster knew what great wealth the Netheril Era’s ruins represented, and the “new Red Sand God” who discovered the ruins and the Knight who invited Punk to participate certainly knew what this wealth meant.

But it is a pity that even the Legend adventure team can’t do without Spellcaster. If Punk does not will to join, Kane and Smile can only stare at “Golden Mountain”.

So in order to attract Punk to participate in the operation, the insidious Knight who had originally tried to hide some information had to say everything he could see. Now when the four words “Netheril” were exported, the cautious Wizard finally did not continue to give up Even he proposed to be ready to go immediately, and Kane naturally enjoyed it.

So, after Punk agreed, he quickly clapped and said:

“Very cool ~, this Lord also thinks that Saian is right, then if there is no problem, we might as well start now. After 5 minutes, our ontology will go to this coordinate position set together, which can also prevent someone from owning. Go to the ruins first. “

While talking, Kane sent an already prepared coordinate to Punk. It seems that even if Spellcaster does not propose “start action immediately”, Kane also said this proposal.

There is no way, as Knight “beware”-he and Smile cannot search the ruins first, but the Punk Spellcaster has the ability to enter the ruins alone, only after deciding to cooperate and announce the location of the ruins Starting to act, Kane can effectively prevent the insidious Spellcaster from eating single food first.

I have to say that both Smile and Kane seem to know that the most indispensable Wizard “Whisper of Destruction” around me is always the most difficult “comrade”.

Just like Punk thought about how to pit a wave of bad luck Knight and girl God before doing anything, whether it is Kane who is not in tone or a smile that is in a wrong state, he has to consider anti-Spellcaster’s first hand before making any decision. trick.

After all … In their eyes, Punk, as a 2 Level 15 Legendary Spellcaster with unknown secrets and trump cards, his strength is undoubtedly the strongest presence in this 3-person squad, plus the secrets to be explored this time The location is still a “Legendary Wizard relic” that can make a knowledgeable Wizard like a fish back in water ………… “Smile” and Kane are inevitably feeling pressured even in a “recessive joint” state.

Speaking from a certain perspective, Punk’s “deep and unmeasurable, cold and ruthless” Legendary Wizard may be more worthy of attention than the ruins!

Beware of each other, dig each other’s pits, and help each other when necessary…. This is an essential element for the cooperation of the people with the highest interests.

Punk doesn’t have any feelings about the precautions in Kane’s eyes and the “Smile” unabashed distrust. Just as Knight and God are guarding themselves, why doesn’t Punk need to guard against them?

After all … In the opinion of the cautious Spellcaster, even if there is no reason, who would say that the chance of quasi-Kane this time is not a huge pit that attracts you into the trap?

For his own strength, how many catties and how many taels, he knows!

Not to mention anything else, if the smile and Kane really broke through “impossible”, and then sincerely cooperated to fight against themselves, it seems that “with confidence and confidence” Spellcaster had to consider turning around and running away.

Therefore, Punk also guarded against any possible traps as soon as possible. When Kane said “Go immediately”, his eyes were cold “Whisper of Destruction” not at all. Immediately dissipating the projection and preparing to embark on the journey, he had not forgotten expressionless Kane gave a solemn warning to Kane who smiled:

“Don’t play tricks, Mr. Instant Kill Gun! Because I have already decided to join the” new executive group “, so this adventure I have reported to the” President “through the Magic crystal card … although I did not say it Specific details, but the “President” already knows the fact that I cooperate with you! So … don’t forget the basic rules of “silent ones”! You and I are now members of “Alliance of the Silencers”!

After finishing talking, Legendary Wizard’s projection disappeared instantly in the Golden Palace.

What he said was actually a lie.

Punk doesn’t trust the “President” yet. How can he tell other Legend Class Holder his actions?

But … “Whisper of Destruction” believes that such a false statement can definitely make Kane and “Smile” converge. After all, Spellcaster’s character has always been so cautious, and it is characterized by the “one-line connection” of Alliance of the Silencers. , Kane also has no way to verify Punk’s claim true or false …………

“Did you see! Seen not! What did this Lord say? What is the wicked first complaint? This is the wicked first complaint! Nothing is more annoying than working with this kind of thing.”

Looking at the light spot left after the Punk projection dissipated, Kane turned his head to make a very exaggerated helpless expression on “Smile”.

He is now simply idle and complaining.

But … smile not at all ignore the self-talking Knight.

After the spell projection canceled by Spellcaster, the divine spell projection of “Girl God” also began to become transparent and hazy. Finally, her words left in the air also left only a weird warning:

“Kane, don’t forget our agreement, you still need this mistress to help you a lot. If you dare to mess up again, this mistress will break up with you 2 times!”

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