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“Lord Saintess, be careful”

“Golanja, hurry away”!

The battle energy released by Fisk was greatly slowed down by the impact of strange aura, which has begun to form a semi-materialized cage. In this way, the old vigils who are always vigilant and the communication Priest staying next to Saintess have only reacted opportunity.

Without any hesitation, the soul-burning old ritual immediately fell on the edge of battle energy, letting the battle energy of Sharp Edge tear apart most of his body, and the communication Priest also refused to stand in front of Ge Lanya beside him. , Facing directly at the death blade of his own head.


Along with an inexplicable whisper, the blade of battle energy almost touched the hair of Golanja and brushed gently.

After penetrating the strange aura, the old priest who burned the burning soul, and the communication Priest that also penetrated the full potential, the battle energy blade released by Fisker’s anger was finally changed a little bit, and it did not cut off. Saintess’s neck, but carrying blood and broken souls, dangerously passed by Golanya …

The beautiful Saintess survived for the time being!

However, the price paid to save lives under the angry blow of Master Level Class Holder is … the older priests with stronger strength are dying, and the weaker communication Priest is killed on the spot.

Of course, the arrangement and desperation of the old sacrifice finally worked.

Fisker slowed down a little bit in order to attack, and this was a little pause. The strange aura released from the scroll had formed a cage and surrounded him. I saw countless, resentful souls formed 1000 silks and 10000 strands of silk. They flew in the air, weaved, and wedged a Master Level Class Holder while weeping.

When Fisk tried to attack again, Sharp Edge’s battle energy blade could no longer leave the area covered by the prison.

“This is … one-time divine spell equipment? Damn it!”


Once again slashed on the cage formed by Wraith, the violent battle energy raged wildly in the small cage, but the tenacious cage was not affected at all, and the wraiths who were screaming were still slowly surrounding the center. The Class Holder is spinning.

“He he he he, Fisk Great General, this is the only Master Level trump card in our Red Sands, this treasure between divine spell reels and divine spell equipment needs to be collected in the last 1000 years It can only be used after a large number of soul sacrifices, and it is a one-time consumable … But as long as it is trapped by it, even the general you do n’t want to escape easily! “

Seeing Fisker trapped, half of his head was torn up by battle energy, the old sacrifice was on the ground, and he laughed wildly. He was a Formal Level priest and he was able to pit into the Great General, which is always incomparable. A powerful Master Level divine spell, but even so I am proud of it.

The most important thing is that during this time when Fisker was trapped, the old Oracle obsessive “Oracle” can finally continue to perform-the festival … finally can begin.

Fisker not at all tried to tear the cage in vain again. The prison formed by this one-time divine spell equipment has the ability to absorb attack power and strengthen itself, so if you do not have the means to crack the divine spell array after being trapped, obediently and honestly wait for it It is the best choice to use up energy to dissipate.

Therefore, the calm general did not hack and scream in vain, because that made dignified Master Level Warrior appear to be meaningless like a monkey. After discovering the characteristics of this divine spell array, he simply formed in Wraith. Sat cross-legged in his cage, then stared at the old sacrifice who was about to die:

“This General admits that this is a very good trump card, if it is used in Master Level battles … Class Holder, accidentally trapped by array, may have to wait for death with peace of mind.

but! Do n’t forget, the current Chisha Evil Cult does n’t have a Master Level powerhouse. Even if you are imprisoned, can you still hurt me, Master Level Warrior, with your Formal Level Priest? After waiting 4 to 5 minutes, I will go out and kill you all. Your Saintess is just Little Brat of Apprentice Level. She definitely don’t want to escape in the siege of the Red Army. “

After talking, Fisk stared at the broken priest and stopped talking.

Since the old priest and the communication Priest have both lost their battle strength, the general who was still anxious just now is not too worried.

What Fisk was worried about was that the old priest took Saintess to flee. If there is no old ritual with strong battle strength to escort, Gorania Saintess is just a special Apprentice Level “Little Brat”. Want to break through the encirclement of Formal Level Class Holder!

But … until this point, Fisk still didn’t expect that Goranya had never thought of running away.

I just walked from the edge of life and death, and saw the death of two “partners” who accompanied me. The little girl who believed in fanaticism had no fear or sorrow in her heart. She had only a touch of crazy flame.

It is an honor to be able to give life to God. Now that the old sacrifice and communication Priest have received this glory, how can Golanja be sad for them?

Now, as the “Saintess” of the Red Sands, Goranya is not going to escape from the altar as expected by Fiske. She still has to complete the final task-let the God Formal release Oracle formal formal open, and Keep going …

It’s a while if we can do it for a while!

“God’s will must be carried out. There can be no hesitation about what can be done, what can’t be done … just do it desperately!”

This is the belief of Golanja and the perseverance of all fanatics.

So, Fisk watched in surprise, among the countless wails and screams in the chaotic battlefield, above the altar stained with blood by Priest ……… It was just a little girl who was calm. Follow the steps of the ritual at first to perform a complex and religious prayer.

Then, facing the fierce battlefield with blade light and sword shadows densely covered with blood and minced meat, the girl who was as beautiful as a butterfly fluttering to the fire began to calmly dance lightly and gracefully ………

It was the dancing posture like an elf born in flames, it was the beauty of beauty and purity, the petite body showed various ancient and exquisite movements, the bright yellow and crimson dresses bloomed in the flames, naked The snow-white feet and the bright red blood on the ground are against each other, and the rhythmic dress is as light as the fragile fallen leaves in late autumn, and it seems that the flames in the campfire have freed the gleam of the burning ash …

“God Sir may be watching me”?

Thinking of this, Golania seems to have completely forgotten that she could break through at any time, killing his Fisker, forgetting several Formal Level breaths that have locked herself, and forgetting the destruction of the Red Sand God church on this redstone Plane … …

She just fulfilled her “Saintess” obligations with great joy, very pleasingly pleasing the “Red Sand God” she had never met before, very serious … showing the elegant and poised beautiful dance between her hands and feet.

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