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Golanya is dancing lightly and gracefully in the midst of the blood-reeking qi breath. The beautiful dance pose has infused many instructors and even a small number of Kingdom soldiers involuntarily, and Golanya herself has fallen into that. The world of faith cannot extricate itself.

Tap your feet on the slippery ground soaked with blood and breathe the “scent” of blood in the air. The beautiful girl seems to feel that her soul is breaking away from the meaningless body, and her spirit has stepped into the divine Divine Kingdom, God ’s incomparably majestic and incomparably beautiful face is a little clearer in front of him. As the dance continues, Golanja feels for the first time that she is so close to the inexplicable God. Among believers in the most extreme sacredness, even more than a dozen arrows with battle energy flying to their heads could not cause Golanya to have any thought other than piety.

“Great Red Sand God, please feel my piety, will my soul be your nourishment? Can my ceremonies please you? If you can, let me sacrifice myself to the fullest!”

Golanya is a soul aptitude Apprentice Level priest anyway, when the dance is over, she has already felt the attack mystery of all the speed and power have reached the Formal Level all directions flying to herself, if not If something unexpected happens, the silhouette of the flame flower on the altar will usher in the inevitable fragrant fragrance.

But even when faced with the name Terror of Death, does the beautiful “Saintess” produce any emotions about fear?

The only thing that can scare the fanatics is the loss of Oracle, and death is even a shortcut to God for Golanja.

Even in the face of the violent battle energy that trembles even the space, the girl immersed in happiness still poses the last action of the dance of joy in a perfect pose. At this moment, there is It is just the calm of expectation and the excitement of calm. In the mortal situation, there are always many people who are willing to give up the opportunity to scream in the end, just to enjoy the last minute beauty.

For Golanya, every second of prayer, feeling one’s own strength, spirit, soul, and even life, are continuously delivered to the Red Sand God that he believes in … This is the ultimate beauty.

In this way, in Golanya’s “last” prayer of prayer, more than a dozen ways were exhausted by Formal Level Class Holder, lethality was terrifying, so that Fisk, who had just escaped from imprisonment, had to step back a little. The energy bombing also arrived in an instant!

Because all the Class Holders of the Kingdom Army were ordered by Fiske to kill the “Chisha Evil Cult” Saintess at all costs before starting this operation, when the few mad believers Priest who ignited their souls to fight, they were unable to be killed. After that, the first thing the Warrior did with their hands was without the slightest hesitation and flew a battle energy blade towards the center of the altar.

I saw that these battle energy with different colors and different attributes almost continuously reached the petite body of Goranya. In the face of such horror and continuous fire attack range, even a Master Level Class Holder will Goranya, who chooses to avoid, and is bombed and attacked continuously is just a Priest little girl of Apprentice Level. Her ending seems to have been doomed …

Sure enough, in less than a second, accompanied by a deafening roar through the canyon, the violent energy with no difficulty teared the space at the center of the altar out of one hole after another, and the actual shock wave instantly smashed the canyon. The central platform!

The natural light was covered by the bright battle energy, and the rolling smoke formed a mushroom cloud slowly spreading in the sky. No one could see the high platform that was set on fire by the formal army of the Kingdom Army. What, in such a violent tide of energy, the Class Holder present can’t even use basic perception.

But even if nothing can be seen, from the perspective of everyone in the Altar Canyon, the end of the talented “Saintess” does not need to be doubted.

Faced with such a horrible, such close-range attack, even the Master Level Class Holder cannot protect a little girl who has just reached the Apprentice Level in the raging battle energy rush. I am afraid that one of the first battle energy blades will erupt In an instant, the dancing lithe and graceful, sweet-looking girl had turned into fly ash and completely dissipated.

“It’s a pity that such a beautiful person died like this. Evil Cult really hurt people.”

This is the idea of ​​some Good Alignment Class Holder.

“Damn Chisha Evil Cult believer death cannot wipe out the crimes, so easy to die is cheaper for her”

This is the idea of ​​some soldiers who hate the Chisha gods.

“No, no no no! The old sacrifice is dead, and the Lord Saintess has not escaped. Is the Red Sand Plane of Redstone Plane about to be destroyed?”

This is the idea of ​​a desperate church.

In the face of Saintess’s “death”, many people present had a variety of complex and deep emotions. Looking at the huge mushroom cloud composed of dust, many people were immersed in their emotions and could not extricate themselves.

speaking from a certain perspective, if “Saintess” is really dead, then this matter is a subversive major event for all life in Redstone Plane, after all, this is an “Evil Cult” that has raged for more than 1000 years. The “destruction” of “”, even if it is only a partial destruction, deserves the pride of many “mortals” who have worked hard.


Does the naive idea of ​​”justice wins” really have a market?

“Hong long”!

When the soldiers taught the crowd into joy or confusion for less than a second, with a sudden loud noise, the mushroom cloud that covered the view in the middle of the canyon was blown away by a strong wind without warning. The dust of the whole people in the canyon became covered in dirt. The sudden loud noise even forcibly wakes up all the people who are immersed in their emotions.

This is a situation that no one knows. As an emergency, nothing is more shocking than a mushroom cloud that suddenly exploded from the inside. Even many warriors that have released attacks are unbelievably stared wide-eyed. Those ignorant The soldiers and the unidentified members of the church even stunned their mouths filled with dust.

In this way, in the attention of a total of 10000 mortals wiped with dust, under the stunned gaze of Fisker and a group of Warrior, a very sudden and damaging atmosphere of golden rays of light appeared in the just been At the center of the altar that blows away the dust, the dazzling image that is even dim for the sun is extremely arrogantly displayed in front of everyone without any bedding or rendering!

“Dang ~ dang ~ dang ~ dang ~, hello everyone, is this Lord’s” shining debut “super ~ cool!”

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