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God ’s coming overwhelming majority is not as vigorous as people think, even the focal point of ten thousands. In fact, the principle that any God pursues when leaving Divine Kingdom will be low-key, low-key, and low-key, losing Divine Kingdom. A magnificent castle that is both a cage and a barrier, God ’s battle strength can hardly gain an advantage in any frontal battle of Legend Class Holder of the same level, so when a God comes, he must even be “hunted” ready.

“Smile” is undoubtedly a member of the God community, and God’s weaknesses are also inevitable. So, in this deserted and flat altar canyon, arrive slowly “Red Sand God” as it should be by rights Came in a way that was as unobtrusive as possible.

The “Smile” not at all that came on the body is dressed like an elegant and poised God or Lady Queen. Her dress is more like a relatively open female adventurer, exposing 2 snow-white thigh mini leather pants, tight and elastic, The leather coat that only covers the chest position is covered with crimson patterns, and the pair of pink double ponytails dancing in the wind make the girl, who looks energetic, have a taste of valiant and formidable looking.

Due to the lack of a sufficiently powerful means of breath concealment, the advent of “New Red Sand God” is still not too low-key. At least the moment she appeared in the center of the altar, it is estimated that the remaining believers of the entire Red Stone Plane will feel that kind Oppression force from God.

However, “Smile”, which cooperates with two powerful Legend Class Holders, does not need to worry too much. After all, this is just an unremarkable little Plane.

Moreover, although in this squad of supreme interests, a cold Legendary Wizard will definitely kill any so-called “companion” as long as there is a chance, there is still a mysterious and mysterious between “Smile” and Kane. The secretive agreement serves as a guarantee.

Even if the two of them calculate each other in private and have their own dark abacus, at least on the surface, “Instant Kill Gun” and “New Red Sand God” are indeed very firm “allys.”

That ’s right, it ’s the kind of “firm ally” who struggles not to fight but finds a chance to give either way to the other ’s fight 2 sentence …

“My Your Majesty the Queen, your speed of arrival is really” fast and amazing “, may I ask if your carriage is overwhelmed by excessive weight?”

I deliberately behaved a courtier to greet King’s nobility etiquette. The movement, appearance, and language are full of sarcasm. Kane seems to be an impatient want to quarrel with “Smile”.

The most important thing is that his exaggerated look is also very consistent with the personality of crazy Knight. If Punk clearly knows that this guy is actually trying to divert “Smile” attention to the surrounding environment, it is not good to even Spellcaster’s cautiousness will really think that an untuned Knight is only provoking because of the impatient waiting.

But even so, the mocking effect of this time Kane is still not as good as expected …

Maybe it ’s because of the temporary “divine Kingdom” and Divine Portfolio ’s influence on consciousness is somewhat reduced, so the current “Your Majesty the Queen” looks more sensible than the arrogant in the Golden Palace. Even though Kane’s sarcasm skills are still able to provoke people’s anger, as soon as the provocative words of mad Knight just spoke out, the “Smile”, which never shows weakness, did not immediately enter into a mode of satire.

brows tightly knit “Smile” chose to temporarily ignore the sarcastic language of the poisonous tongue Knight. I saw that she carefully observed the excessively empty environment around her, and finally asked Knight keenly:

“Kane Bezadas! Can you explain to the gentleman why you used battle energy to block the perception of this mistress 3 minutes before this mistress came.”

Squinting at Kane golden-yellow’s pupils, the tone of the smile carries a complete distrust.

Facing the serious question of “Your Majesty the Queen”, the calm and mad Knight did not show any strangeness.

Kane, a guy with a mask at any time, has a performance comparable to the highest Bard. For example, now, his movements are as calm and calm, and his eyes are more innocent and innocent, smiling. When barely fell, Kane immediately screamed like he was really wronged:

“Heaven and Earth, conscience, smile, how can you doubt the Old Friend you have known for many years? This Lord swears in credibility, this Lord is absolutely purely because it feels that the dead ants are too frustrated to help them. However, as for shielding perception, Aiya, you do n’t know, this Lord ’s Battle Skill has always been huge and straight. The major is to “repel” Rule. Is n’t it normal to interfere with perception? “

“Is this really the case?”

“Of course, this Lord swears … it’s okay to swear in the name of the ancestors of the Bezadas family, tsk tsk tsk, some God perception ability is too weak, and even a thin layer of battle energy fluctuations can’t be penetrated. The way ~~ “

It is very natural to spread his hand. Kane ’s ghost words are said to be the truth of Devout Believer ’s prayers. As for the verbal oath, this kind of thing that is equivalent to nonsense for Chaotic Alignment Class Holder is not to slap. One after another, the ancestors and so on directly and completely do not exist.

Anyway, it ’s just bullshit. It seems that Kane is really sure, no matter whether “Smile” is in “normal state” or “Queen state”, whether or not “new Red Sand God” sees some clues, she is absolutely easy. Turn your face!

Of course, the Punk standing next to the theater also has reason to believe that the fundamental reason why “Smile” will not turn her face is because she still does not know how ruthless she is being pitted, and her strength is really not able to beat Kane of 2 Level 14 … ………

Anyway, Crazy Knight expects not to have any accidents in the behavior of “Smile”. Although it is not difficult to see, the girl God, who is already 100% vigilant, has actually noticed something wrong.

But … maybe I don’t think Kane can really lay out any sufficiently vicious means, maybe out of some helpless worries, the pupil’s reddish smile can only choose to temporarily ignore this abnormal atmosphere.

Rather than picking up Kane’s unreasonable words, she slowly turned her head to Punk’s direction.

In the end, the girl who had a little hope for the “Truth” newspaper stared at the silent Punk quietly for more than ten seconds.

It ’s just that, unfortunately, the clever Legendary Wizard is very clear that he is far from Kane ’s “lively and false” acting, so … facing the fierce eyes of “Your Majesty the Queen”, he chose to maintain the expressionless silence as always .

After all, “Whisper of Destruction” has always been an indifferent Spellcaster in an “expressionless” state 90% of the time, so even if the smile is staring at the face of Legend spell where most of the face is covered by the hood shadow, she Do n’t even want to see anything that is not “normal” …

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