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“The two guys are still fighting …”

Gently jump back to the top of the stone mountain peak of the Red Shadow Demon, listen to the roar echoed in the ear, watching the collision of the gray black silk thread and the golden rays of light ……… the light reflected by the crystal wall fragments falling in the sky In the middle, “Smile” shook his head silently and said to himself:

“Although it has been thought for a long time, the two guys are striking the action completely or sooner or later, but … this momentum is really terrifying. If the two monsters really let go of everything and only take one minute … … No, you can destroy this little Plane in 2 seconds. ”

Not without emotion, I felt the more surging Rule’s Power in the space. I smiled and found a rock and sat down.

After the impact of the torrent of energy passed, the girl God had realized that a blown-out Knight must not be able to hold back. After all, Kane ’s character is still relatively easy to figure out, so she used protection immediately. divine spell enveloped this mountain of red shadow magic stone.

Although this divine spell that blocks Rule’s fluctuations is certainly unable to withstand any Legend Level attacks, it can ensure that Rule’s concussive aftermath will not trigger the alarm system of the ruins. The reason why Spellcaster and Crazy Knight are now Red Shadow Magic Stone The reason why the mountain is so close to war is because they are very clear, “Smile” will consciously help shield the aftermath of the battle, as long as you do n’t let the attack directly hit the red shadow demon stone mountain body, the alarm of the ruins will basically not Is triggered.

You know, “Smile” is also very concerned about the adventure of this time. She even needs more resources than Punk herself Kane to resist the erosion of Divine Portfolio, so whether it is for a temporary partnership or for herself In consideration of the interests, “Smile” has to assume the responsibility of “watching the nursing home” without knowing that it is being used.

After all … she didn’t have the capital to participate in the battle of 2 “monsters”.

“Even if the trump card is not used, or even if it is only a tentative attack so far, is the battle strength erupting still so powerful? It’s really jealous” …

After watching quietly for a while, the girl God suddenly felt some helplessness and irritability in her heart.

After becoming a deity, “Smile” possessed the power of her previous year for something even in dreams, got rid of her weak mortal identity, received the worship and praise of the believers, and got a wonderful power and status ………

However, unlike Legendary Wizard and Legend Warrior, “Smile” has not experienced Class Level stages such as Formal Level, Master Level, etc. She directly became God by a Novice Level Stalker ascending to the skies with a single leap, even her The Stalker grades were all accumulated by relying on various heavenly materials earthly treasures provided by Kane.

The immense power gained in an instant is always the most test of one’s self-control, not to mention Divine Portfolio’s tampering of will will take advantage of it.

Even though “Smile” often reminds himself that he can’t be arrogant, his inflated self-confidence is still accompanied by the fanaticism of believers to the girl’s in the depth of one’s soul. After 10000 years passed, “Smile” was finally decided by that The cautiously “a nobody” has become quite proud of “Lady Queen”, has never seen Legend-level battles, and even the girls who have not experienced a few Life and Death Battle battles in the real sense are sincerely I am pleased with the power I have now.

Until … now …

I saw two downright “monsters” tearing up in front of myself with my own eyes. “Smile” originally contained a little self-doubt in the heart and could no longer keep calm.

What she is seeing now is not the playful combat training of several Formal Level believers, but a real dangerous and dangerous Legend Level battle. Even if the fighters are only tentative attacks, both sides of the combatants contain terrifying The destructive trick, a random aftermath of an explosion is enough to destroy a city ’s spell like raindrops, which are endless and dumping down. The indestructible flash of gold rays of light is chopped through the heavy rain written by the destruction, and the solid earth is overwhelmed. Moaned, the clear sky shattered like thin glass ………

The most important thing is that such a war is no longer a “legend” that is far away from you, but a “disaster” that you may need to rely on yourself to deal with at any time and any place. The two silhouettes that are constantly flashing and violently confronting are not Then there is the undetermined “story”, but the “companion” who is engaged in precise cooperation with himself … It is always thinking of the villain who kills himself through strength or strategy!

Especially the spooky Spellcaster-Punk Saian, wearing a purple pattern blue robe.

Although on the surface, “Your Majesty the Queen” with pink double ponytails always looks like nothing in Heaven or Earth, but in fact, in deep in one’s heart, in this world there is no who than the Wizard with cold eyes. It made her feel even more afraid.

Innumerable trump cards, impenetrable thoughts, powerful strength, flexible means … “The horrible guy like” Whisper of Destruction “will actually become the hidden leader of this adventure! Thinking of this, the girl God even wondered if she had chosen the right choice for this adventure.

Especially now, I feel that a large number of Rule are mourning and shattering in the trembling, watching the magic light illuminating the sky, the aftermath of battle energy sweeping through the wilderness, “Smile” has a touch in his heart … Inexplicable feeling of fear.

What is more terrifying is that the birth of this feeling of fear is actually very natural.

Maybe you want to be with two downright lunatics and monsters, but it’s just a manifestation of your will to produce a little of this kind of hazy fear.

“I’m too weak, so weak … I don’t have a qualification to set foot on the real stage yet.”

Blinking deeply, squeezing his lips tightly, the pupil of the girl God became redder and hotter.

The feeling of fear is not a manifestation of cowardice. On the contrary, for “Smile”, this kind of fear helps a soul polluted by “Divine Portfolio” recognize itself!

“Smile” is “Smile” after all, she is a God with endless ambitions.

took a deep breath, “Your Majesty the Queen”, who dissipated all the negative moods, soon lifts the head again, only to see that she said to herself in a tiny voice that only she could hear:

“Perhaps right now, persuasion is the only role this mistress can play, but one day … the battlefield for the interests will also have a silhouette of this mistress, when the time comes, even if you two monsters do n’t even think about it Reuse this mistress! “

Firmly clenching his fists, controlling Divine Power to wrap his body, the “Smile” who had recovered her confident expression did not continue to stay on the top of the mountain. She flew out of the Red Shadow Magic Stone Mountain without the slightest hesitation.

Absurd battles always need someone to stop, and now “Smile” is necessary to act as this “middleman”.

The wise girl God is very smart. She knows that it ’s no good for anyone to continue this boring battle. It ’s really troublesome for an alarm that has n’t paid attention to the ruins. In 2 Chaotic Alignment ’s lunatics Before playing True Fire, even if it was a little dangerous, the girl God had to intervene in the battlefield for her own benefit.

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