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Seeing that the two guys who are still angry are scolding and scolding again, they have a fight again, secretly thought bad “Smile” and quickly moved forward to further block the eyes of the confronting parties.

There is no way to fight it anymore, and the gates of the ruins that have just opened will have to be repaired by Legend Level array.

And … “Smile” just landed on the battlefield just now, although Punk and Kane both chose to close in time and didn’t continue their offensive, Legendary Spellcaster’s spell still had several strong shots on the girl God.

Until now, “Smile” still felt a pain in her internal organs, and she did not want to come back again after the same persuasion experience.

So, while the atmosphere didn’t get any further nervous, “Smile” standing in the middle of the 2 powerhouses quickly said loudly:

“Shut up, do you still want to continue fighting? If you fight again, this mistress will not continue to help you protect that ruin with a divine spell that shields the aftermath of the battle!”

Well, in fact, the phrase smile is the most suitable for persuasion. Without her help, “Legend Wizard” and Legend Knight are really impossible, and then fight, unscrupulous on the edge of a dangerous and mysterious ruin. A big shot? Is this an efficient means of perish together?

Therefore, after the exit of the God God’s “last pass”, neither Punk nor Kane continued to provoke each other.

Still that sentence, precisely because these two people are in a sense “chaotic” of Chaotic Alignment, so there will be some scruples between each other, anxious that a powerful madman is no matter when It’s a very dangerous thing, and it’s not worth it for a bit of verbal confrontation.

“The opening of the ruins can last for about 3 minutes, but because of some idiot’s behavior, we have wasted a lot of time, and now we have at most one minute to enter the ruins.”

Without mind to continue to whisper with the crazy Knight at the door of the “treasure”, Punk has set his eyes on the entrance of the ruin that is slowly repairing itself.

The self-healing ability of Legend Level array is rapid. Although this kind of repair is not to make up the broken “gap” to be in good condition, but to put a “patch” with only the most basic warning function at the hole, but it is also positive Because of this, a Magic Array has the capital of “fast closing”.

For example, the array that guards the gates of the ruins is now like this. After more than a minute, the “robber hole” that was originally large enough to pass several side-by-side carriages has now been reduced to only one person walking alone. Go in. If thirty-forty seconds have passed, this hole may not be enough for normal-sized humanoids to enter.

Therefore, after seeing Magic Array’s self-healing ability so powerful, Punk simply gave up the opportunity to continue to anger Kane and flew to the Red Shadow Mountain.

He had already planned to enter the ruins quickly. To be honest, Punk did n’t expect that the array at the entrance of the ruins could make up for himself so quickly. He just procrastinated for a while, trying to find a way to let “Smile” or crazy Knight take the lead. There is no more time to “find the way”, and now that the not-so-large hole is still accelerating, Punk is a little worried that he will be locked out.

If after the relics are opened, because of staying at the door, the time is too late to enter, then this adventure is funny. Spellcaster does not think that he has the opportunity to create another explosion to open the channel. , 80% of the warning system will not continue the dull silence.

“This entrance will be completely closed within 20 seconds, we must hurry up, smile, you go first, I will follow, as for … Kane can stay until the end if you are not afraid of being locked out!”

Although I was worried that I would not be able to catch up with the closing of the entrance to the ruins in the future, Punk still sent messages to the goddess God and the crazy Knight with mental power without emotional fluctuation during the high-speed flight.

If you have the opportunity to let others take the lead … Then it is necessary to try this point of speech. After all, Punk has reason to believe that the entrance to the ruins is now so fast, Kane and “Smile” are estimated to be very anxious!

Especially “Smile”!

Squinting and glancing behind him, Punk’s mouth outlined a plain smile.

It was in order to make God, a girl with pink double ponytails, anxious, that he deliberately reduced the duration of the entrance to the ruins by ten seconds.

Up to now, Spellcaster can finally be determined that this time the most inevitable resource for the internal resources of the ruins may be this “new Red Sand God”, her erosion by Divine Portfolio may be more serious than what she showed. And as the “Lady Queen” of God, she could not join the “Alliance of the Silencers”, she did not have the back path provided by the “President” to obtain materials.

Therefore, if anyone is most concerned about being left behind by the ruins, this person must be “Smile”, not to mention that she is still the slowest flying speed among the 3 people, if according to Punk’s “only 20 seconds left” “Clock” to calculate, “Smile” if it is the last to enter the ruins, it may really be directly shut down. After all, no one can be sure, Punk will deliberately spend some time in the entrance if he arrives in front of the ruins first. Seconds, and then successfully kicked the other 2 “comrades” out of the team …

Do n’t forget, the knowledgeable Spellcaster has the ability to independently explore the remains!

When I think of this, not only is the smile a little unsteady, but even Kane, who is still in the “hair stands up in anger” state, is a little uneasy.

There is no way. The girls God and Crazy Knight, who have no knowledge of Enchantment and Magic Array, do not know that Punk ’s “only 20 seconds left” is true or false, but the dark hole at the mountainside of the red shadow magic stone mountain is at Accelerating and shrinking is real. When I think of the possibility of being hidden by the insidious Wizard design “outside the door” … Kane also had to start accelerating and rushing towards the entrance.

At this time, the “blinking kill gun” that was swearing in my heart even doubted whether Punk was at first and planned to use the rapid closing of the entrance to calculate himself.

“Damn, this guy wasn’t really using the battle to delay time? Wouldn’t this Lord be pitted again and again (why do I say so many” again “), but if I take the lead If you enter the ruins, you will be in danger again. In this case … “

Continue to maintain high-speed movement immediately behind Punk, Kane’s Legend-level thinking ability completed a series of thinking activities such as abuse, vomiting, doubts, thinking, etc. in a flash, and finally, black-belly Legend Knight really wanted A more complete method has been proposed.

I saw that he rushed to the front of Punk during the flight. At the same time, a message of Mental Power, which didn’t sound tuned but had serious content, was also transmitted by crazy Knight at the fastest speed.

“Smile, your flight speed is the slowest. If 10000 can’t keep up with the entrance of the ruins, how bad is it to close? This gentleman’s Lord will give you the first position, and Saian … you will be safe. Let ’s count down to the 1st place!

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