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“It’s over, let’s move on.”

Seeing that both Kane and “Smile” had put the fragments in their hands into the storage ring, the little-eyed Punk was not at all as stalking as the girl God.

On the one hand, because he knows that the other two people are as impossible as himself, and then spit out the fat that has been swallowed, and on the other hand, because he is quite satisfied with his harvest.

In fact, as long as the core of the Osho Magic ball is in hand, it has met Punk’s expected harvest. Although this is just a broken core, but how to say this is also the most important essence of the Morningstar level Golem. At least in the Spellcaster, This single rune core is more valuable than other fragments combined.

“Whisper of Destruction” ignores “Smile” ‘s threatless anger, not to mention the “instant killing gun” who is arrogant, and naturally the same reaction.

In fact, the crazy Knight at this time was already standing in front of the only one-day passage in Alchemy Square. He was carrying knight spear and gently knocked against a corridor connecting the “door eaves” of Alchemy Square.


knight spear knocked lightly against the wall and made a crisp sound, but the attacked “door eaves” was not at all broken and twisted. Obviously, the walls that make up the Alchemy corridor are as strong as the walls of this square Thick.

“Okay, this new trouble is coming. This corridor looks too narrow. Do we really want to go deeper into the ruins through this thing? It would n’t take some time to pierce the wall, would it be safer, this Lord always I feel that there are absolutely countless traps waiting for us in this corridor. “

Helplessly sighed, Kane seems to be scratching his head on the status quo. Even in order to avoid passing through the Alchemy corridor like a vertical pupil that devours all the light, Legend Knight, who has always been anxious, also proposed a way of “spending time to dig a tunnel slowly”. .

But … this time, the concern of “Blink Kill” is not difficult to understand, after all, the Alchemy corridor in front of me looks really dangerous.

At the end of the huge Alchemy Square, there is only such a dark and extremely deep corridor, and the width of its passage can only barely accommodate one person, even if it is not Kane ’s tall armor has been broken, wearing golden armor All of Knight may be stuck in this corridor.

It is because of such smallness. So this “Alchemy Corridor” is more of a gap than a corridor. It seems that the person who designed this passage never thought of letting people enter the Magic Tower side by side with themselves.

Of course, if there are several Wizards that are good at Evocation spell, they may be able to shrink their bodies and walk into this corridor together, but Punk does n’t think this is a trick. The builder of this ruin is a Morningstar The Spellcaster of the level, he will definitely put some means in the channel so that all enemies who are clever can’t eat it.

In the same way, Spellcaster also doesn’t think that Kane’s “digging a channel” is a good way. Let’s not talk about how strong and powerful the Morningstar Magic Tower, which has only been scratched off the wall after the horrific battle just now, As long as it takes at least 1000 meters thick to dig through the walls of Magic Tower, from a basic “common sense” point of view, any Spellcaster is impossible and does not put some powerful traps in the walls of Magic Tower.

For example, Punk himself has left a series of arrangements such as “mass conversion array”, “Rule burst trap”, “micro-distortion ray”, etc. in his Magic Tower wall to prevent others from drilling holes. These Magic Arrays can be compared. A not recognizing one’s family, the basic setting is “If there is no 2 words, it will explode in the light”!

In contrast, at least there are many trap arrays at the main entrance of Magic Tower, but they still leave a certain back door for the Legendary Wizard to enter and exit by themselves.

In the memory of Great Arcanist Vedrasia, Punk was able to know that most Spellcasters would leave a crackable hidden “backdoor” in the core of the array in order to prevent the traps at their own door from blasting. The real most effective defense at the front door is actually always It is Golem in droves, not a powerful array of not recognizing one’s family. Most of the Magic Trap that can’t distinguish between the enemy and the enemy and has great lethality only exists in the walls of the Magic Tower. Like Kane, he wants to rely on his ordinary Legend’s strength The idea of ​​digging a passage in the wall of Morningstar Magic Tower can be said to be both ignorant and immature!

If only Kane and “Smile” were the only people exploring the ruins, then Punk would definitely be happy to watch the two “illiterate people” blow up in the tunnel they dug.

But now … Everyone is locked up in this small Alchemy square, and letting the crazy Knight fool will only let the cold-eyed self also bad luck, so even if it is very reluctant to send some information out, Punk has to. Cold tone reminded Kane:

“Do n’t think about seize every opportunity, Legendary Wizard ’s principle of guarding Magic Tower has always been“ Golem guarding the front door, array corners ”, there is no place in the entire Magic Tower that can be called“ safe ”, now we Fortunately, because Golem inside the Magic Tower does not know why it failed, the main entrance is at least in an open state where half of the defense has been lost. In this case, it is the safest to walk through the main entrance to enter the Magic Tower ……… Trust me If you go to dig a tunnel, one by one Alchemy bombs that do not know where they are buried in a wall of several thousand meters deep will definitely regret you! “

Spellcaster’s explanation was clear and clear. At the same time, he was already standing next to the narrow crack. There is no doubt that “Whisper of Destruction” has decided to go directly to the main entrance and enter the Magic Tower.

Kane and “Smile” are obviously impossible not to listen to “professionals”, not to mention that Punk said very well.

So, crazy Knight shrugged and stood behind Punk—for Kane, it was okay to walk through the main entrance or dig a hole. The only problem was ……… He would never come forward to take the lead!

Well, every time this happens, whoever takes the lead will become a troublesome thing. I do n’t see the Legendary Wizard expressionless standing at the door, and Kane stands still behind the Spellcaster like a queue and whistles. , “Smile” has not risen again because the spoils of war distribution is extremely uneven.

She still remembered the last time she was nearly hit by a Magic ball when she was exploring the way. How could she be the wrong girl this time with the shadow of “Girl God”? Seeing the insidious Wizard and the black-belly Knight put on a look to let them walk first, the angry “Smile” finally became unable to bear and scolded:

“You two big men want to let this mistress a weak woman to explore the way? Do you really know how to write the two common languages ​​of honesty? Are you really a man?”

“……… Please be sure to treat this Lord as a weak woman. If Your Majesty the Queen is willing to take the lead in bravery, this Lord does not mind taking off this half-broken armor for you, and then put on a serious 800 Maid costumes follow behind “!

Well, for Kane, the morality and so on are nothing but the clouds of the sky. Throwing clean things just happened to save them ….

—————————-Dividing line

(Relax, do n’t know how to water, noisy one time is enough, the next chapter is guaranteed to enter the door, and what else … give the vote chant _ (: з 」∠) _)

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