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“Did you know, Kane, River of Destiny is a very interesting thing, it is sometimes subtle and harsh, sometimes it is monotonous and rigid.”

Standing in the shadow of an empty house, Punk at a moderate pace said to the mad Knight who was doing nothing:

“In the judgment of the River of Destiny, when the Legend Class Holder is placed in a strong cage and has no friendly relationship with the owner of the cage, then this Legendary Powerhouse belongs to the” captured state “, in this case “River of Destiny” will not activate additional “disturbance mechanism”, so in this Magic fan lock Aztan can personally make a lot of materials and food for others, this “continuous production for a long time A large number of items giving others “behavior” will surely usher in one after another interference mechanism, but when locked in by Magic fans, he can use his Legend level power to “open” his own people unscrupulously. No worries. “

The tone of voice was quietly talking about the judgment mechanism of River of Destiny. The chandeliers of the wide room, rays of light, were all dimmed in the dark atmosphere.

Now the three adventurers have settled down in the uppermost area of ​​the White Rock City, but Legend Knight and the girl God may have been idle for a while, but the busyness of Legendary Spellcaster has just begun.

For example, now, a lot of “Magic item” just made with magic power is stacked in front of Punk.

Compared with the Legendary Wizard, which has been busy for a long time, “Instant Kill Gun” is much more idle, ignoring Punk’s emotions about the unreasonable and unclear judgment mechanism of “River of Destiny”, and Kane just sipped. As Aztlán just sent Apprentice to deliver the wine, he was lying on the soft and gorgeous seat with his 2 legs up and “enjoying life”.

Now the crazy Knight is indeed quite comfortable. The courteous white robe Wizard not at all casually arranges a house for his 3 “guests”. It ’s finished. He also gave Punk, Kane, and smiles a lot. Gorgeous furniture and hard-working and capable maids, although those maids were “pleased” out of the villa by Punk under Kane’s reluctant eyes, but after knowing that the female students in this Academy are so high in value and so good temperament, Kane His displeasure clearly eased to a great extent.

For example, now this guy has started to tease hehe haha ​​which little maid is the most sexy and beautiful.

Of course, apart from Kane himself, the busy Punk and the mind-boggling “Smile” are not interested in listening to the crazy Knight nonsense.

In fact, this guy didn’t carelessly ask a word until Kane finally started noticing a bunch of unfathomable mystery stuff made by Punk in a few minutes.

Because these bells and whistles of gadgets made by Spellcaster are obviously not Legend-level Magic creations, the spells attached to those things are just some of the formal level tricks.

“What are these …”?

“You ask this? This is a toy, suitable for all ages.”

Taking a small colored stick out of a “toy pile” like a hill, Punk pointed it at a teacup on the side table and tapped it.

I saw the gorgeous little magic wands all over the gorgeous color patterns, all decorated with glittering dyes, when they touched the tea cup, they made a funny sound of “pu 叽”. At the same time, with the effective of Magic, a soft and fragrant The sweet colored smoke was also sprayed from the top of the magic wand. When Punk expressionless waved the magic wand to disperse the mist, the “tea cup” touched by Magic was displayed in front of the 3 Legendary Powerhouse.

I saw that the exquisite teacup that I had just put on the table had turned into a fluffy white duck under the “click” of the magic wand. The duck even wore a blue sockpuppet and grinned out his mouth. A bit mean smile.

If there is a transmigrator on the scene at this time, then he will be able to recognize it at a glance-the duck that Punk transformed with a magic wand is simply the image of “Donald Duck” on Earth. Even because of Magic ’s rendering and embellishment, this ” Donald Duck also appeared more vivid and lively.

“It’s such a toy.”

Throwing away the magic wand, Punk grabbed the “Donald Duck” on the table. He directly tossed the stupid duck to Kane, who was about to see it, and explained in a flat tone:

“I attached a Formal Level Evocation spell on these magic wands-secondary deformity, and fixed the shape of the deformation into this duck image. After some simplifications, deletions and weakenings of the spell model , Now this “Second Transfiguration” will dissipate automatically after being used 3 times, and it can only take effect on inanimate objects no more than one cubic decimeter. The deformation effect will automatically disappear after 500 minutes, as for the sound And smoke is pure decoration. “

“……… Saian, you are really a genius …”

After catching the fluffy duck flying over, Kane looked at the cheesy duck face of “Donald Duck” with a stunned face, and had to admit that Donald Duck’s expression was really interesting, no matter who At first glance, there will be a feeling of wanting to laugh, even Legend Knight can’t skimp on the anthropomorphic duck.

“I can’t see it, Saian, you can actually design such an interesting thing. To be honest, even if you are creative, you guys are definitely more powerful than Bard who only carves little people with wood ……… “

Playing with the fluffy “Donald Duck” and shaking the soft duck neck, Kane couldn’t help but clicking one’s tongue in wonder.

You should know that in Faerun Plane, a world that shouts and kills all day long, it is difficult to develop any decent art. Even some rare artists will only design those delicate and cumbersome paintings to serve the gorgeous nobility group. In the bottom Bard group, the more popular carvings are those “shocking” realistic styles.

Therefore, funny, cute, and anthropomorphic works of art like “Donald Duck” have hardly appeared in this World, or even if they appear, it is difficult to spread. At least Legend Knight Kane has over 10,000 years of life It is certainly unheard-of unprecedented. In this case, he was first surprised to see the famous work “Donald Duck” even in Punk’s previous life.

However, Punk took time to make a flashy “toy wand”, and it turned out that a Donald Duck was definitely not intended to spread the funny culture of his hometown, so when the focus of crazy Knight’s attention was completely out of focus, Punk canceled directly. The effect of “Donald Duck Deformation”, then asked frankly and impatiently:

“Don’t worry about the duck, don’t you ask me what I made 10000 toys for?”

“Oh, so … what are you doing with 10000 toys?”

Looking at the “Donald Duck” curl one’s lip that had returned to the teacup, Kane tilted his head slightly, and then perfunctoryly asked Punk’s words in a low voice.

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