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In the world of the little child, those toys that seem not worth mentioning are rare treasures, such as a candy, a doll, even a broken newspaper may become a little brat ’s favorite treasure, many people may I didn’t realize that when these treasures were taken away, the anger and pain that the little child could feel would not be much worse than that of Sir who was robbed plainly.

Therefore, at this time, the little girl who had been taken away from the magic wand burst into tears until… a pale palm squeezed another childish little hand in front of herself, and the girl ’s repressive cry was barely forced stop.

Because in the young palm, a shining Magic stick is shining brightly in the sunlight.

The tears lifted the head dimly, the little girl’s eyes looked very surprised.

She was surprised that the “baby” recovered in front of her eyes returned to her hands, and that a tall silhouette wearing a white robe appeared in front of her. At the same time, she was even more surprised to see a head with red cheeks. The little boy was reluctantly handing him a magic wand.

“Robbing is never the right way to get finance. When you take out an item that is not yours out of greed and selfishness, you will not only lose an honest and kind heart, but you will also lose your friends. The most sincere friendship “.

Pushing the little boy who was trying to avoid the girl’s surprised gaze gently in front of him, the white robed youth with a smiling but serious tone leaned down and said seriously to the little boy with tight lips:

“Hurry up and apologize now, to see if you are crying with your friends … but it doesn’t matter, everyone’s nature is kind. Although you have done something wrong, you can be forgiven if you regret it sincerely.

Gently pats the back of the little boy, and encourages the child’s “white clothed Big Brother” to take a step back silently. After finishing the advice, he has given the space to the little girl and the head. Little boy about to steam.

Then, after more than ten seconds of silence and twists and turns, the suffocating male child finally lowered his head in a voice the size of a mosquito buzzing:

“That … sorry, I shouldn’t take your things …”

“… no … no no no no, it’s okay, I, I … I forgive you …”

At the same time as the little boy’s words were spoken, the girl’s complexion immediately turned red.

I have to admit that overwhelming majority Baishicheng children’s hearts are still very kind, and the education they receive is very in line with popular standards of goodness. Therefore, even if some children have some incorrect behaviors, they are just “a bit naughty.” “Only.

In this case, when I saw a Little Brat who was a little shorter than myself, apologizing to myself, the girl who was crying like a little cat just embarrassed and didn’t know what to say.

“pa pa pa !”

Fortunately, the silence of the two children not at all continued because a series of applause sounded right on one side. It sounded like the crisp beat of the spring water hitting the rock easily broke the embarrassing atmosphere that filled the air.

“Okay, this way our Little Princess and Prince will be reconciled again. You can go to play with toys together, but remember, you ca n’t snatch other people ’s things in the future, and do n’t forget Say a sincere thank you to the person who gave you the gift. “

Seeing that the two little children were blushing and lowering their heads, they didn’t know what to say. The white robe “intimate Big Brother” only smiled and stepped forward to play a round.

The attention of the little child is very good. As long as someone reminds 2 sentences a little, the embarrassment that people ca n’t say a word will soon disappear in the child ’s heart, and the shame that lasted for a while Thinking again, the correct concept is deeply imprinted in the mind of the little child and will not be forgotten soon …

In any case, being able to properly grasp the balance is an important and indispensable part of education, and there is no doubt that there are many youngsters who can educate a child in a fair and peaceful way between 3 words and 2 languages. Teaching the “student” experience.

Sure enough, after being reminded by “Big Brother”, the shy boy and girl quickly forgot their previous unpleasantness, and then turned their attention to the magic stick in front of them and the big rabbit doll next to them.

Little children don’t have revenge. When the beautiful Magic stick is recovered, even the crying beauty little girl who just cried just now doesn’t care that the “little partner” around him is the “killer” who snatched his baby.

“That … thank you Mr. Rabbit, thank you Big Brother”!

The smiling girl took the lead in expressing gratitude to the “Big Brother” and “rabbit doll” who gave her help. The smile of sun shone brightly was like a flower blooming on the green field like a flower on that young and white face. The laughter of can be said to be the cleanest and flawless smile of children.

At the same time, the little boy who secretly held the little hand by the girl barely whispered “Thank you”.

Only in his gratitude, there were a lot of stubbornness and complaints that were unique to the naughty little ghost. Even when he lifts the head, he made a funny grimace very quickly.

Of course, the youngster wearing a white robe will definitely not care about the naughty mischief of the little child. He just kindly rubbed the girl ’s soft hair and then gently replied:

“Little angels, don’t worry, you can go play, remember to pay attention to the carriage when crossing the road.”

The sunlight shone on the two short and one tall silhouettes, and the hazy morning glow showed a little golden marks on the white robe. When the other two young silhouettes ran away together, the man was dressed in white clothed and was The youngster that outlined Phnom Penh looked more holy and kind.

In particular, he watched the eyes of the two children … that kind of look was like a smiling old man comforted and nodded when he looked at the scene of the children and grandchildren, and his invincible eyes were always full of With peace, tranquility, happiness, and beauty.

Although this old look is now appearing in the double pupils of a youngster who seems to be in his 20s, the combination of these two is completely natural. There is no feeling of violation in the white robe youngster. appear.

Moreover, after the Golem doll has distributed the magic wand in his hand, and the children who have just been noisy have dispersed, the white robe youngster still stands not far from the rabbit doll and does not continue to take steps. Through the mist of the morning, the target he looked at was not another who, but the colorful plush rabbit with a grinning smile and dancing.


In the concept of Spellcaster, there is never the concept of “toy” for anything that touches Magic. Therefore, this rabbit doll may undoubtedly be a funny mascot that attracts little children in the eyes of many people, but in To any Wizard, it is an Alchemy Golem without compromise!

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