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In Aztelan’s imagination and plan, the weight he finally threw out should be necessarily successful, on the one hand, of course, because of the sincerity and sincerity he embraces.

Speak frankly, as a Good Alignment Spellcaster who has no ambition and just wants to take care of his piece of land, Aztlán is indeed far more suitable as a friend than a “crazy” like Punk and Kane.

On the other hand, even if the “Smile” God, the Evil Alignment’s God, doesn’t pay any attention to his good intentions, Aztlán thinks that the benefits he throws out should be enough to impress the God who is in a “mortal situation”.

You know, in this unbreakable Magic fan lock, the 3 Level 15 white robe Wizard is undoubtedly the Legendary Spellcaster with the highest arcane magic level that “Smile” can find, and it is not the same as Punk, a Wizard that is not good at Enchantment Spell. The spell that Baipao Wizard is best at is all kinds of Enchantment Spell.

At the very least … what he said to “Smile” “can build an effective array to assist Divine Power recovery, and then delay the punishment brought by Divine Portfolio for a long time” is not nothing serious, Aztan really has that capable.

Even in order to get credit for “Smile”, the preparatory White Robe Wizard has already built a simplified version of the “Legend recovery array” model, and now he only waits for the inquiry of the “new Red Sand God” impatient sitting in front of him. Will take out this array model as the most favorable evidence.

In terms of “negotiation,” Az Trance, who is also a Legendary Powerhouse, is not at all naively expecting to use a cannon or an empty vernacular to impress a person with a distinctly different perspective and his own interests. On the contrary, he is very pragmatic and very Reasonably chose to use “interest” to speak, he is seriously trying to use the “can greatly increase the survival time” which theoretically allows the dying people to refuse the benefit of pulling the girl God into his alliance.

If you consider the difficulty of obtaining the information of the White Robe Wizard and the blockade of Punk and the others for their important information, Aztan can now respond well.

And there is no problem with the breakthrough he catches-compared to Kane or Punk, “Smile” is indeed the weakest and most inexperienced in the “3-player adventure team”.

Even if Punk did not solemnly vowed the crazy Knight and the girl God to guarantee that they had the ability to crack the magic fan lock, “Smile” would really be very moved in the face of the “life extension” benefit proposed by Aztelan.

Although Aztlán ’s proposal will undoubtedly completely hold the lifeline of the recipient, in the end, considering the “great terror” between life and death, it is not unacceptable to lose any autonomy.

But … It’s a pity that the result obtained by Aztlán at this time is still 2 failed, after all … After all, the serious strategy is still better than the unscrupulous “plug-in”.

You know, Punk promised to crack the magic fan lock within ten years, so at least until this short ten-year period passes, “new Red Sand God” and even “instant kill gun” will definitely be “Whisper of Destruction” The most determined and powerful ally.

Although the white robe Wizard has put out all the chips he can put out, but … Now Azteran is facing an inexplicable situation, he thinks that the conditions for the finals are right “Smile” is not attractive at all.

“Unfortunately, Mr. Hebron, although the apple pie you gave is indeed as delicious as you said, but … this mistress does not want to be friends with you, of course, we are not enemies at present, maybe The “acquaintance” relationship is enough for you and me. “

Standing quietly, “Smile” politely made a more perfunctory nobility-style etiquette.

At the same time, she put the apple pie that was cut several times but didn’t move back into the corner of the table.

As the girl God’s white fingers tilted slightly, the jam overflowing from the porcelain bowl dripped silently on the light brown hardwood dining table, and the verdant and green 2 points of sauce were like sprouts dotted on the trunk, but now they All of them reflected the faint color under the light of the pendant chandelier.

For a time, the empty hall fell into a silent silence again.

“……… Can you tell me about the source of your confidence,” Smile “Miss”.

The magic power slowly surged in his eyes, and Aztlán, who gradually lost his smile, began to suppress his voice.

When the last chip was thrown, there were many situations in the white robe Wizard’s expectation. He thought that “Smile” would question his “help” in anger, and thought that the girl God would hesitate and meditate. , I also thought that the benefit-oriented “new Red Sand God” will receive the whole choice without the slightest hesitation …………

but! Aztan had never thought of it alone, “Smile” would actually reject herself without the slightest hesitation, and even her entire rejection process was plain and as it should be by rights, which felt like a punch Hitting cotton like steel made Aztllan extremely uncomfortable and surprised.

Therefore, the doubt of Baipao Wizard came out naturally.

He is really incomprehensible, why is it that the “Smile”, who has obviously lost his way, refuses such a sincere “invitation” so confidently? Why did the 3 adventurers, including the girl God you, even keep thinking about being locked in the magic fan lock?

“What the hell are you planning. What makes you so confident? Isn’t the Magic rune in the sky that we can’t understand in our life enough to make you realize the reality? Are you still trying to escape from here?”


Beating the table heavily, Aztlán also stood up facing “Smile”.

As a very self-centered person, Baipao Wizard has begun to feel a kind of anger like being teased.

At this time, he suddenly discovered that he may have missed too much information, such as intelligence about the Wizard, Punk, which is clearly the core of the “Intruder Squad”, Aztlán is almost in a utter nothing. The state of knowledge, but the critical level of these intelligences may even exceed their imagination!

However, no matter what the result of missing this information, it is obviously not a time to recuperate, so after taking a deep breath, Aztan of browse tightly frowns still tries to suppress the anxiety in his heart, and then use a kind of anxiety to maintain as much as possible. In a gentle tone, the girl God who had walked to the door said:

“God … or” Red Sand God “, you are not a child anymore, willfulness and impulse will never be the main factors that dominate your behavior, so for your performance at this time, I can understand … Are you confident to leave this Magic fan lock before the penalty of Divine Portfolio comes? “

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