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Kane and “Smile” are ready to deal with any sudden battle, then of course Punk will also start to crack the Magic fan lock.

Although he did not know that the conversation between “Smile” and Aztlán a few minutes ago revealed some information about this deciphering fan lock, the cautious Wizard knew very well that he should start his work as soon as possible and avoid long night dreams whenever Are a wise choice.

As a result, the Legendary Wizard, whose eyes became calmer and calmer, finally scanned the defensive spell around him, and then took a deep breath while extending the hand carefully and slowly.

With a flicker of afterimages, Punk’s fingertips that began to flash light purple gloss were connected to the “cheat code input port” of Magic fan lock accurately.

In the next moment, the magic power of the large amount of information of the carrier will slowly follow the orderly and complex fluctuations and slowly flow into the energy circuit of the rune matrix.

Such as purple ink dripping into the clear blue water, such as flying catkins ripples gently in the pond, the magic power information that began to spread along with the energy fluctuations quickly brewed in the smooth rune energy surface, and the light purple not only Instead of dissipating in the radiant blue radiance, it also became more and more concentrated as Rule fluctuated violently.

In the Microscopic Vision of Legendary Wizard, these simple information codes seem to become a group of viruses that continue to split and spread when they touch the rune of Magic fan lock, and the nano-energy structure formed by the superposition of hundreds of runes is accepted. After reaching Punk’s magic power, the energy’s running path was quickly changed. The energy that should have been supplied to Magic fans through these basic runes was all transferred into a replica of foreign information, so in these “information replicas” “While being accepted by the surrounding rune, the original effect of a nano rune matrix was also announced at the same time.

Up to this point, Punk was basically able to determine what the so-called “key” activated.

It is clearly activated by the highest authority command hidden in each complete rune array of Magic fans. It will command all the arrays that should perform defense, energy transmission or attack, etc., to stop working immediately, and at the same time , Perhaps to take into account the efficiency of quickly cracking the magic fan lock, those arrays that look very normal are actually set up with a simple “copy information dissemination” capability, which is combined with the “strike order” to shape A targeted virus with a simple effect and a terrible power, a piece of “key” entry will soon be distributed to a geometric multiple of the number of “copy” and “spread” to every corner of the magic fan lock.

The most terrifying thing is that as long as the key is correct, these artificially buried “viruses” will not attract any counterattack from Magic fans, because strictly speaking this “key” is not a virus, but the highest authority system command It ’s just that its spreading mode imitates the spreading spread of viruses. The entire Magic Fan Lock will not fight back against the commands from “absolute authority”. Instead, it will frantically mobilize energy to assist the propagation of “viruses”.

So, in this way, a super Magic creation that was left with a backdoor program let the “command” that represents destruction destroy every rune matrix of its “within the body”, and let the huge energy from the core of the lock become all The cruel accomplice of the “virus” took less than a second, and the “key” injected by Punk had formed countless silk threads that spread out along with the main energy loop of the fan lock.

From a macro perspective, the Magic Fan Lock, which can still barely support for a little while at this time, seems to have grown out of countless light purple parasitic vines that spread on his body. Thin wires are supplying energy from the Fan Lock itself. Under the rapid rise and split, they began to spread at a faster and faster speed to the corner position farther away from the central input port.

With the spread of “collapse”, the deafening roaring and shattering sound also touched the air and the clouds. A large amount of Energy of Rule spillover caused the space in the entire enveloping area to start shaking violently. For a time, this one was shrouded Small World in the cage began to feel the moan and pain of their “Guardian”. Rule’s chaos seemed to be swept by wave after wave of waves that were tortured by Sharp Pain.

There is no doubt that when the magic lock, which is the cage and the cornerstone, collapses, the destruction of this World will come at the same moment!

“So now, even if the fellow of Aztlane is so dull, he should have discovered the abnormality of this cage, there is no way, the movement to break the fan lock is too big after all ……… Kane,” Smile “, Get ready to fight. “

Staring at the magic fan who had begun to crack, Lock squinted his eyes, and Punk’s gaze suddenly flashed a sharp cold.

The structure of this “mass production type” Magic fan lock is a “3-layer independent rune linkage system”. Although this kind of onion armor-like defense system will combine with each other to output energy when entering the battle, it is in the normal state. It is independent of each other and does not interfere with each other, so even if a two-layer Magic matrix is ​​damaged, Magic fans will not crash and break directly.

This set of popular defense system was very effective most of the time. Even if you have a “cheat key” Spellcaster to input commands, you must enter them layer by layer independently.

For example, the current Punk has just entered the key to the 1st floor rune matrix in one second, and then he needs at least 2 seconds to ensure that the key fully penetrates into the 3rd and 4th floor matrices.

However, in the perception of the three Legend Class Holders, a huge and amazing Energy of Rule source has already sprinted here at a speed of 3 times the speed of light!

“Stop him Kane, if we can’t stop it, we’ll be ready to be caged for a lifetime.”

The words were cold and calm, and Punk’s expression remained serene as before as he faced Aztlán who was about to reach himself.

Even at this time, “Whisper of Destruction”, who continued to enter the key, did not look at him behind him.

To be honest, Punk does n’t worry about the danger behind him. After all, with the strength of Kane and “Smile”, if they ca n’t stop Aztan trifling for 2 3 seconds, then these 2 guys As early as entering the ruins, immediately after being hit by the “Othus Magic Ball”, there was no slag left.

As a Legendary Powerhouse, Punk can not only accurately determine his own strength, but also accurately determine the strength of the enemy and teammates.

A guy like Aztlán who has a huge advantage and still dare not to do something is basically certain that there is no terrible trump card, and a guy like Kane who is eager to have a try in the face of a strong enemy …

Punk has reason to believe that Kane’s method is not something that Aztlán can handle easily!

Of course, the selfish Spellcaster has actually blessed himself with a relatively obscure Legend Level Conjuration Spell-“Legend Swift”. If the situation is abnormal, he will run faster than the top crazy Knight and Girl God is much faster …

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