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Legend’s battle is so dangerous, just a mistake in decision-making, Aztan immediately fell into a dangerous situation of cocooning!

Although he doesn’t have to worry about being hurt for a while now, Punk, Kane and “Smile” have surrounded him. A total of three Legend moves are waiting for the White Robe Wizard. As soon as he comes out, the space will die. Rule’s broken attack will be heard throughout the battlefield.

As for the time when the “power suspension” continues to take effect … The 4 Legend Class Holder can only wait patiently …

“Um … to be honest, this Lord feels like this guy is scolding us.”

With knight spear ready, Kane stared deadly at the white robe inside the energy shield Wizard said in deadly earnest.

Now Aztan is completely isolated from the world, he can not only deliver any sound, but also cannot release any Mental Power, so Kane guesses whether he is being scolded or not ………

Of course, Punk will only give a more impatient answer to this kind of boring question and nothing to find trouble:

“Be prepared at any time, Mr. Bezadas! The curse will not make you lose a piece of meat, but the distraction in the battle is enough to kill even the most powerful Legend Class Holder!”

“Okay, okay, understood, Sir of this Lord’s truth, you are always the most reasonable, right? But when this Lord was just trembling with those ghosts just now, he didn’t see anyone to come with the poor.” Mr. Bezadas “To make a point, to be honest, Punk, you are an abominable guy intentionally”!

Shrugged, Kane complained to Punk while showing an indifferent attitude.

And Punk, who is also clinging to “Singularity Collapse”, expressionlessly listened to Kane’s “reason”.

Now Aztlán is almost sitting still, but the troubles for the three adventurers are just beginning.

For example, now that crazy Knight said these words, it is probably to pave the way for the allocation of spoils of war.

Sure enough, after a bunch of bad 7 8 bad things talked nonsense, Kane immediately turned the topic abruptly to the spoils of war, regardless of whether there is any reason, but in the mouth of crazy Knight, his reason is always endless.

“As the so-called bright people do n’t talk secretly, the good person does n’t talk badly, the who does n’t say anything … Anyway, before the battle is over, let ’s hurry up and complete the allocation of spoils of war, save a while It hurts to get up. “

Keeping the shape of knight spear aiming at Aztan’s eyebrows, boast shamelessly said that crazy knight’s brows are not wrinkled.

“This Lord is undoubtedly the biggest hero in this battle, you see, this Lord has suffered the most damage so far, but only this Lord has caused knight spear to kill Aztan, so follow the” The principle of distribution of “more people earn more”, this Lord believes that he has a reason to get the preference of spoils of war, and … “

“Note,” Power Suspension “is almost over.”


Facts have proved that it is not wise to pay attention while negotiating while fighting. Although this kind of “negotiation on the battlefield” can effectively avoid the outbreak of infighting, but after being interrupted by the enemy’s action, the person with the most words will always inevitably fall into the biggest. Embarrassing state.

For example, now, with the sudden release of energy from the “power shield”, Kane also had to immediately interrupt all his rhetoric and played a 100% spirit, until the energy shield surrounding the white robe Wizard was completely broken , Legend knight of complexion is gloomy are all dumbfounded …………


“You Demon from Abyss, you killed so many innocent people, don’t you have any guilt? Can’t you hear their resentment screaming …”

“Conjuration Legend spell-Singularity Collapse”!

“Legend Battle Skill-Flash of Thorns”

“Legend divine spell-Divine Power shock”.

Hong long long !

Aztan ’s Mental Power not at all had enough time to pass. Although the hate and unwilling curses did indeed show the tragic heart of the White Robe Wizard, anger and grief could not prevent the outbreak of Legend ’s killing.

and so……

After three consecutive Legend spells were smashed head-on, Aztlán could only activate the “Power Pause” on the “Pale Scepter” without the slightest hesitation for the second time.

As a result, a series of three Legend’s killings broke out again and declared no success.

The shock waves that overflowed into the Astral Plane space in a circular ring created a circle of 9-color aperture. The raging Rule torrent was like a wave hitting the reef.

But … Even Punk has to admit that the defensive power of Radiant Moon Level spell “Power Suspension” is indeed very impressive, although all the natural rules within the scope of the terrorist energy are all broken up, the gravity created by Singularity Collapse The ball was clinging to the “power suspension” shroud to create a harsh rubbing sound, but Aztlán was still intact in the brand-new shroud.

Perhaps this “unscathed” is only a temporary life-saving, but at least Aztan used the Radiant Moon Level staff in his hand to fight for more than ten minutes of thinking time.

Of course, for Punk and the others, they also got more than ten minutes of negotiation time …

“Damn, the damn mad Wizard, his damn staff can still be used a few times! This mistress, the precious and extraordinary Divine Power is not for fireworks.”

Seeing that Aztlán once again hid in the protection of “Power Suspension”, the first “Smile” issued a vicious curse in anger. Among the three Legend Class Holders surrounding the White Robe Wizard, only The use of Legend divine spell by the goddess God has a limited number of times, and the “superior Divine Power” thing is very precious for a weak God.

Seeing the extraordinary Divine Power waste brought by repeated failures, “Smile” is really “seeing in the eyes, hurting in my heart”.

But her distress was obviously unable to get any comfort. Seeing “Smile” flustered and exasperated, Kane just took a pleasure in other people’s misfortune’s smile, and the only new emotion in his eyes was to Az The staves in Tran’s hand were unabashedly greedy.

And Punk’s reaction is even more concise. In the face of “Smile” distressed his extraordinary Divine Power’s reaction, he just sternly explained to the girl God coldly:

“Generally speaking, in the attached array structure used by Legendary Equipment,” Chris secret magic mark structure “is the most complete, stable and popular Enchantment structure, if the staff in Aztlán’s hand is also Enchantment using this structure Then, his “Power Pause” can be used 3 times when full of energy, so … “

Indifferently staring at the dishevelled hair in the energy shield, the extremely embarrassed “Pale Nether Soul”, Punk’s expression only looked at the cold and serious eerie of the dead.

“……… Ready to attack again with all your strength, leaving us time for” Kind Sir Wizard “… Not much!”

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