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“Kane … you ………”

His eyes widened sharply, and the pupil of “Smile” crimson burned like a campfire in the dark.

The girl God, who was waiting for Punk and Kane to fight each other, and then the fisherman catches both, did not expect that his “ally” who was still fighting with the enemy for a second suddenly ignited the fire on himself.

Although on another level, Kane’s distribution is somewhat reasonable, Punk did indeed pay the most labor in this adventure, and the crazy Knight himself was in the front line and carried a lot of damage, only ” “Smile” is because most of the time there is no sense of existence because it is kept hidden. The allocation ratio of spoils of war of 4: 4: 2 is still in line with the phrase “more workers get more”.

But for “Smile” who is also eager for benefits, as long as his own interests are damaged, all “fairness” becomes fart.

The girl God took such a big risk, paid a lot of the price necessary for God’s real body to come, and followed two “monsters” to explore the unknown Netheril Wizard’s remains for a while before her wings were far from fullness? Isn’t it to get enough Legend resources?

But now Kane’s distribution method directly reduces her share of resources to the appearance. How could “Smile” not be very angry?

I’ve been busy in 1000 miles, and I almost lost my life 2 or 3 times. The final result was only 20%! The Legend Class Holder with a good temper may be unacceptable, not to mention the bad temper of the “New Red Sand God”.

So after the Kane tone barely fell, even the two ponytails, which became redder because of the angry Divine Power fluctuations, immediately yelled aloud:

“This mistress disagrees with this kind of distribution! Kane Bezadas, don’t forget who discovered the relics, and who took the huge risk to lift some people’s deadly crisis when they attacked in Aztlán just now” !

Glaring at the perfunctory knight who was perfunctory, “Smile” pupils even gleamed with fiery flames.

Now in the Astral Plane space without a little temperature, the girl God has some regrets to find Punk and Kane and two greedy evil wolf to explore the ruins together, because as the current situation continues to develop, she is lucky to get ten opportunities Eight-nine is about to become the wedding gown of two “teammates” who eat no bones. How can God, the girl who is in urgent need of Magic materials, not worry?

But regardless of whether she is in a hurry, angry or not, the crazy Knight who never has the spirit of a gentleman will definitely not at this time “have tender, protective feelings for the fairer sex” or take into account the “allied justice”.

It ’s Kane ’s creed to pick a soft persimmon. Now that I encounter the typical soft persimmon of “Smile”, how can Legend Knight not take advantage of it?

So in the face of the “ally” question, the casual Kane just replied while keeping his knight spear slightly raised while shaking his head:

“That …” Smile “Yeah, it would be boring if you said that. Although you did find the ruins, but you found a” Legend ruins “, what we are exploring now is a” Morningstar ruins “, You are at most providing a “false intelligence”, when can providing false information be credited? “

Quite unreasonably speaking about his “reason”, Kane’s mouth slowly emerged with a sinister smile.

“As for the relief from the battle with Aztran just now … it would be nothing more, this Lord did not beg you to” beautify the hero “, your so-called” rescue “is just some narcissism Mad wishful thinking, anyway, this Lord will not admit it. “

Having said that, it doesn’t matter how shrugged, Legend Knight looks like a rogue with a smile at this time.

10000000 Do n’t think that a Legend Class Holder who has lived for over 10,000 years is a shame for “Old Lai”. A guy like Kane who has been full of perverts and heresies has already made the key research of “playing rogues” clear. Rascal) means the success rate of the means, the crazy Knight after a long period of gibberish hasn’t forgotten to add the words with the most hammered finalization effect.

I saw this guy suddenly turned his head and asked Punk:

“Saian, you come to judge, this Lord’s distribution method is clearly fair, right? The 20% spoils of war for” Your Majesty the Queen “who can eat white rice has been justified enough, if you consider the existence of the contract, Not to mention the matter of war, this Lord has long asked the guys who “lie to the military” to compensate for the mental loss. “


“Well, it’s fair, I agree with this proposal”!

After listening to the description of Crazy Knight, I have used magic power filament to carry the “Pale Scepter” to the back of the Punk and chose expressionless nodded.

Although he still can’t understand why the crazy “Allies” of Knight and the girl God have to “sincerely cooperate” while trying to harm each other, but these insignificant things do not affect his access to the spoils of war.

For example, now, Kane ’s way of exploiting Magic ’s share of resources from the girl God is indeed shameless, and even Crazy Knight has pulled the Spellcaster to the same alignment to put pressure on “Smile”, but as long as he can get benefits that are consistent with his expectations, Punk is I don’t mind helping Kane to “Smile” together.

After all, no matter how it seems, in “Adventure 3”, the girl God is indeed the best to bully ………

In this way, the bad luck of “New Red Sand God” is undoubtedly doomed.

Maybe for “Smile”, Kane ’s rogue attitude is actually nothing. After all, there is the Eye of the Judgement contract. Crazy Knight is impossible and really turns his face, at worst when the time comes to give up the negotiation directly, and then everyone With the ability to snatch resources, you can use the “Smile” of divine spell. I don’t think Kane, as a Warrior, can collect supplies more easily than himself.

But now … After Punk intervened in the dispute of interest without evasion, the unrecognized grudge girl God finally appeared to have nothing to say.

Crazy Knight ca n’t shoot himself, but Punk is not subject to any restrictions. If this distribution agreement in the interest of Spellcaster cannot be executed because anyone is messing up, “Smile” can be sure that Punk will definitely get the Legend without the slightest hesitation. Spell smashed at herself, and then directly grabbed Magic resources, when the time comes, her ending can only get nothing.

In the impression of the girl God, Chaotic Neutral Alignment’s “Whisper of Destruction” to do this kind of robbery that ignores the rules is simply “basic operation”, not to mention if Punk really launches an attack suddenly, “Smile” can’t even determine Kane Is it too late to save herself ……… She is not crazy enough to take such things to gamble.


After noticing that Spellcaster’s gaze and crazy Knight’s gunpoint were secretly aimed at himself, the “new Red Sand God”, whose flaming pink hair was dancing, could only open his lips, and then took a deep breath said solemnly:

“… It’s good, it’s fair, it’s fair, it can’t be fair anymore, such a fair thing … this mistress will be remembered!”

After finishing speaking, “Smile” closed his mouth and said nothing.

She compromised.

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